Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 三 / My Mining Journal - 3

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

有好,一定有壞。呢一篇就講情況極差嘅三星期。It was 3 weeks of bad time after good time, extremely bad. (English in the middle)




首先8月頭嘅Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork清除左市場嘅不安,令外界係知道Bitcoin係唔怕呢一個類形嘅爭拗。了解到Bitcoin作為儲存價值媒體嘅事實唔會改變之後,市場當然會積極買入啦。其中華爾街有好多公司都高調唱好及唱壞,比先前更加積極。

另一方面,Bitcoin社群最期待出現嘅Soft Fork SegWit完美地啟動之後,令Bitcoin網絡首次實現交易容量提升,令人憧憬將來應用會更廣範更普及。呢一個係對加密幣嘅好消息黎,以前都講過,加密幣有佢嘅價值係因為有人用佢黎計價,只要越黎越多人用加密幣黎計價,加密幣嘅價值就會更加顯現出黎。







響9月5日中國話要禁止所有嘅 Initial Coin Offering (ICO),個市場即時嚇死左。2017年之前,其實中國對Bitcoin 市場影響好大,睇得明漢字嘅你實會明白點解。市場嘅反應出現左跌浪,仲要係由$4500開始計起,跌到落$4250左右已經令人失左信心。之後仲要有所有中國交易所被封殺嘅消息,只係消息就已經令Bitcoin最低跌破$3000,有30分鐘係響$2900。交易所怕未來法律有追索力或者係有人暗中出左通告,真係要關門,呢個影響真係好攞命,足足跌左10日。之後仲要一個一個阻力位咁升下跌下,真係唔擔心就假。



每日所掘出黎嘅Bitcoin數量 < 成本每日需要扣除嘅Bitcoin數量


收益急跌,價格又不停下跌令到成本急升,有乜會差得過呢兩樣野一齊發生?而且係天堂去到地獄,呢一種痛,比起一般股災嘅時間更加難受 - 快上快落嘛.....



  • 掘礦難度急升對掘礦而言係死敵。唔好天真到諗住價錢升可以彌補呢個損失。
  • 價錢上升完必定會回吐調整。調整得少係好事,但調整再加上壞消息會令掘礦收益暴跌。



### English Version

The situation of my mining progress deteriorated drastically since the previous 3 weeks in Journal 2.

Price Surge brings Back Fire

Price surges are 2 blade sword for Bitcoin Mining. It is best for describing the the 1st 3 weeks in August 2017.

1St, the completion of Bitcoin Cash hard fork cleared the annoyance to the Bitcoin community and the market. Bitcoin’s survival after the hard fork re-assumed Bitcoin as a store of value unchanged, leading to more purchases, including the purchases from the Wall Street.

At the same time, the activation of soft fork SegWit had long been awaited by the whole Bitcoin community, making the first Bitcoin network processing capacity scaling succeeded. Higher capacity for the existing Bitcoin network increased the possibility of higher adoptions of the cryptocurrency. Just as what I have said in my previous stories, the higher adoptions could mean more people is likely to price their asset in Bitcoin, helping the market to seek the optimum values Bitcoin could represent.

When you do not want to buy it directly, you will seek ways to obtain it – mining. There is always a time lag between price surged and increase in hashrates. To get new miners ready for mining, the initially shortage miner production line had to make them, test them and ship them to the buyers. When these miners arrived the buyers' farm, they had to be set up, and for most of the time they had to wait for the power adapters to arrive as well. These hashrates went live to the network in the last week of August.

To me, figures below were are more important than the hashrate plot:

DateMiningMaintenanceNet InccomePrice

You can tell how much I was shocked simply by looking at the Mining column. This Mining is the output before Maintenance. 33% drop.

Steep Price Drop

As the Demark indicator shown, Bitcoin must fall when it first shot near $5000. Original estimation on the best technical analysis guy in Bitcoin world was a drop for around $1000.

What screwed me up was the ICO Ban by China on 5th Sept. The market died down immediately because China was the most important Bitcoin buying country in the world before 2017. You know, it was about capital flows… This made the adjustment restarted at around $4500, to around $4250. It was still talking about ICO. The next round was crypto exchanges close down, all of them in China. This created a cliff to around $3000. This was killing me because the drop was strong and the time was long, 10 days.

DateMiningMaintenanceNet InccomePrice

Look. It was a drop from the highest Net Income to this point for more than 50% in this short period of time. My projection was still acceptable to me when the Net Income was down 7%. It was is way too much. It looked like I am getting close to mining contract cancellation…

Mined Bitcoin < Maintenance in Bitcoin

Feeling extremely Bad

Net Income dropped significantly + Price dropped continuously. This is the worst case in my projection. From the heaven to the hell is pain like kicking my ass hard, feeling worse than financial crisis.

Key Take Away

My aim for this story is to explain 2 simple facts:

  • Mining difficulties is inversely correlated to Mining Output. Do not think price rise can compensate the loss in Mining Output.
  • Even if price adjustment is inevitable, bad news always make your Net Income further reduced.

The next story will be about expectation management. This is way more meaningful than everything. Stay tuned.

See also:
Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 一 / My Mining Journal - 1
Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 二 / My Mining Journal - 2
Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 四 / My Mining Journal - 4

Copyright © RyoPlasmic 2017. All rights reserved.


Terrific post and I wish steemit had a sticky or pin option because this is one of those Distinctive posts.

Glad that you like my post!~

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