Please Read and Double your Bitcoins Legit!!!...Reply to get further details if interested!!!

in #bitcoin9 years ago

General Questions

  1. What is Bitcoin Multiplier?
    Bitcoin Multiplier is an online investment platform. It has been established by a group of professional traders and skilled analysts with valuable experience in the sphere of crypto-currency.

  2. What is your main advantage?
    Bitcoin Multiplier has turned online investing into a very comfortable, speedy and easy process. One of our strongest advantages over competitors is that we provide insurance in investing funds. We also offer our clients with best management as well as risk control system to ensure that their funds are being handled efficiently and they are getting higher levels of safety.

  3. Who can invest in Bitcoin Multiplier?
    Anyone, from all over the world can become an investor. We provide investment vehicles to investors of all sizes interested in being part of the revolutionary bitcoin and crypto tech world.

  4. Do you charge any fee for providing your investment services?
    No, we do not charge any fee.

  1. Are you protected against DDoS attacks?
    Yes, we are using the strongest DDoS protection in the industry with 100% up-time guarantee. Our worldwide web servers are protected by CloudFlare, the world's largest and most trusted DDoS protection and mitigation provider.

Investment Questions

  1. What investment plans do you offer?
    We offer one high profit investment plan: 100% profit after 100 hours (200% total return).

  2. How is the profit achieved?
    As previously mentioned, we are the group of professional traders and skilled analysts with valuable experience in the sphere of cryptocurrency. All transactions in the cryptocurrency market are carried out according to an elementary principle: buy at a lower price, sell at a higher. And, vice versa, respectively - sell at a higher price, buy a lower. Due to the variability of the exchange rate, we make a great profit on this difference.

  3. Why don’t you accept fiat currency?
    We accept cryptocurrency only, because this is the best way to avoid high transaction costs, allowing small investors to participate.

  4. Which cryptocurrencies do you accept?
    We currently accept only 1 type of cryptocurrency: Bitcoin.

  1. How long does it take for my investment to be added?
    Once your transaction is confirmed (it takes from 10 minutes to 1 hour to get confirmation from the network), your investment will appear. Please be patient. Contact our customer support if your investment is missing after 1 hour.

  2. Can I make additional deposits to the addresses given in the third step?
    Yes, there is no limitation. You can make as many deposits as you want to the addresses given in the third step.

  1. Why is my deposit amount underlined different to payout amount?
    Underlined amount means that you can see the transaction id of the payment by clicking on it. The deposit transaction id is available when you made an investment. The payout transaction id will be available after processing of the payout.

  2. 100 hours have passed, when will you process a payout?
    The payout usually takes around 1 hour. In some cases the payout could be delayed up to 12 hours, because we need to refill the hot wallet of the cryptocurrency.

Contact Questions

  1. How can I contact you?
    If you have any problems or further questions, you are most welcome to contact us using our friendly customer support.
    email us at: [email protected]

Latest Transactions:






2016-07-26 13:14:10 1Dn3UGimXBqyTfRVrMFQzoiYSa4ryccFkc 0.0015 BTC 94:55:47 0.003 BTC
2016-07-26 13:00:47 1JBjW9kmKyG2V6gLi8KYMTPy1mxiXjH4k 0.00627412 BTC 94:42:24 0.01254824 BTC
2016-07-26 12:56:09 1JJ9VYXPaJBFQm6s7wP3GdThW8Ch7R24vY 0.0730184 BTC 94:37:46 0.1460368 BTC
2016-07-26 12:42:14 1CF9MubbSDGCk5LLJkxSWAGCSoJcfRvSXQ 0.039 BTC 94:23:51 0.078 BTC
2016-07-26 12:14:51 1N84NCv4AoKVB19WsixMvD8XpXer1fkbnB 0.003048 BTC 93:56:28 0.006096 BTC
2016-07-26 12:00:15 172pECqCRi47sZd8Gqa1R2HucAKAsG8UNr 0.01527 BTC 93:41:52 0.03054 BTC
2016-07-26 11:42:11 35QnbKAYmh1RQyov9DNaEqSnMougt2Lz8R 204.664 BTC 93:23:48 409.328 BTC
2016-07-26 11:28:05 14bJHHBeZuLkCtBpnBWrGa7ZFiosA5Zyjf 0.3038 BTC 93:09:42 0.6076 BTC
2016-07-26 11:14:30 1PChskZ4WHgcNMqLp4kPFMU6TWqgZoTEwL 0.944438 BTC 92:56:07 1.888876 BTC
2016-07-26 11:00:26 1EoH2ZTCEA7Rbg6FNZfPRq9761wHU5feLg 0.0452926 BTC 92:42:03 0.0905852 BTC
2016-07-26 10:56:15 1JeKHnYnuZ2BYWv9Qij24oAsX1FoXJni8a 0.0249736 BTC 92:37:52 0.0499472 BTC
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2016-07-26 10:14:03 185GoaXvE2PjdhmnrtLTrv23yRJhGRSDk9 0.0198118 BTC 91:55:40 0.0396236 BTC
2016-07-26 10:00:16 3Pfd4r6HipsdFxbBgvKKVTRkEzLYT2K1yQ 0.014 BTC 91:41:53 0.028 BTC
2016-07-26 09:42:28 1988gUrwCEpMR45Uy6tHthAd7KrXgZiHjx 0.031639 BTC 91:24:05 0.063278 BTC
2016-07-26 09:28:39 1FRNW2NBmHiybGEZGk8KibEatVzjnKpniH 0.00913282 BTC 91:10:16 0.01826564 BTC
2016-07-26 09:14:36 3Q4TKHDVD2h51Dw1oxFB3e6TtV7nYoDSem 0.128483 BTC 90:56:13 0.256966 BTC
2016-07-26 09:00:22 1N9G47g1mSTJHq3UHBAexd7EBjVibVRaqQ 2.62211 BTC 90:41:59 5.24422 BTC
2016-07-26 08:28:13 1PX3VagAbjxJamJFn8Fk26f3K3tnKnF34r 0.038 BTC 90:09:50 0.076 BTC
2016-07-26 08:00:32 1Pid2N8UYJ67GCoiEKAk8SoY6jx1cRiKfo 0.0245439 BTC 89:42:09 0.0490878 BTC
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2016-07-26 07:28:24 1J8TaFxwDEWPhkPm7iGtLrzdcBA3CibfpY 0.0109 BTC 89:10:01 0.0218 BTC
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2016-07-26 06:56:08 1Jnn1Bg4aGLXjdrATZeEepSaen7WvrPYRG 0.03871 BTC 88:37:45 0.07742 BTC
2016-07-26 06:42:48 13bFHpNGj4e1rGQ93x8KFpX6dKvbg8HEpq 0.130202 BTC 88:24:25 0.260404 BTC
2016-07-26 06:28:39 12ZJBxbXBV4tNwsa89scv1gEowWgfMiR4W 0.032583 BTC 88:10:16 0.065166 BTC
2016-07-26 06:14:02 1Buz6Hr3Xhrr6SDdiPpMVs5haj1ZXAAMuL 0.0100001 BTC 87:55:39 0.0200002 BTC
2016-07-26 06:00:28 3DVhAjaArKYtGAFsSVc4QhYJ7U3Ax9TUPL 0.00772797 BTC 87:42:05 0.01545594 BTC
2016-07-26 05:56:04 1EYfHJUG4acHa9EM8Mf5CGeVXT3MnAaQZo 0.9979 BTC 87:37:41 1.9958 BTC
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2016-07-26 04:28:36 19mGXc7GQcUo5z7GogzxqAZh4mKPXh3LL7 262.008 BTC 86:10:13 524.016 BTC
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2016-07-26 03:56:37 34NYHJyC77WZ8wSBP58hvdtKr9dZe9rGp9 0.051806 BTC 85:38:14 0.103612 BTC
2016-07-26 03:28:29 3Gei1bREpcC3JSHQpuidmGAqm3Ec6WYLZY 0.0775567 BTC 85:10:06 0.1551134 BTC
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2016-07-26 01:42:08 1NfHiZ1DKjfzuxBc7t5TyKdp37r51kqNK9 0.347433 BTC 83:23:45 0.694866 BTC
2016-07-26 01:28:45 14QMVpKsGnAixUfBdBp2sRv9spHumEV4Hv 0.121335 BTC 83:10:22 0.24267 BTC
2016-07-26 01:14:48 1HkcR1ca4bU5uxyR8MCSzboHh2bvygJENx 0.10184 BTC 82:56:25 0.20368 BTC
2016-07-26 01:00:16 3Et9e2BqCk1JiswUDi38oxYXTjzpTceHW1 0.00115793 BTC 82:41:53 0.00231586 BTC
2016-07-26 00:56:18 17kXevWHmQSKtcsRBeDCCEa3TKmWSHbwMF 0.00140692 BTC 82:37:55 0.00281384 BTC
2016-07-26 00:42:44 1KvNnihzDEKbSnChy4wccEftWpB64PYhWC 0.0267376 BTC 82:24:21 0.0534752 BTC
2016-07-26 00:28:13 1Lb7evTwWLktRGSaHyN9u3HtFrR1yT44Ln 0.0532482 BTC 82:09:50 0.1064964 BTC
2016-07-26 00:14:23 1N2SzTUUCs7B2LYcGeKBCcrspxhedqyMVV 0.0685399 BTC 81:56:00 0.1370798 BTC
2016-07-26 00:00:30 17FHKka1XqjUDu94A8EBUboxUEyXMGdhTC 0.0653582 BTC 81:42:07 0.1307164 BTC
2016-07-25 23:56:23 1NpjD35BtURQpcBzgikNo5s8KefEJpegab 0.00103734 BTC 81:38:00 0.00207468 BTC
2016-07-25 23:42:20 3GCDvhkFowZ3DmuAcXXMTu3aq6UQyX1zaq 0.00495704 BTC 81:23:57 0.00991408 BTC
2016-07-25 23:28:33 18haMwK8a5pb4EzCssHANFMaX93unpD2Tm 0.0292669 BTC 81:10:10 0.0585338 BTC
2016-07-25 23:14:23 1HqbpCYvyWPj8yFcaxJf4JoDdMAqgxjJUt 0.00152448 BTC 80:56:00 0.00304896 BTC
2016-07-25 23:00:09 3Pfd4r6HipsdFxbBgvKKVTRkEzLYT2K1yQ 0.0139 BTC 80:41:46 0.0278 BTC
2016-07-25 22:56:23 12d1rQiSj49LuJQ8zUCewaxHRXce5HUzTu 0.494264 BTC 80:38:00 0.988528 BTC
2016-07-25 22:42:34 1JMLVLb9YCwYhU8sMTjG4Da2qaP3jzyM4a 0.39 BTC 80:24:11 0.78 BTC
2016-07-25 22:28:11 1AiSF6C3Asm8NHjq7ccHsb95PZieZscAKg 0.0100891 BTC 80:09:48 0.0201782 BTC
2016-07-25 22:14:51 15AEap1u9XLajiSGm5d1V2JDuZoUSpxNtR 0.0353048 BTC 79:56:28 0.0706096 BTC
2016-07-25 22:00:09 3N3GfSJtU6Uh6ojtchPHT6ufzf5eJ2rdZU 0.0249328 BTC 79:41:46 0.0498656 BTC
2016-07-25 21:56:22 1FRWmRQ3HeJGZ3aoGYyxirrJcWNtZPFDBE 0.0100022 BTC 79:37:59 0.0200044 BTC
2016-07-25 21:42:18 3KPV1vRtwMXFapVdyCkCtsQs6gc11dgbsP 0.605637 BTC 79:23:55 1.211274 BTC
2016-07-25 21:28:10 1GT9XfXBVBw4ozdTz2hsGFVC3vUZXEUGC3 2.44 BTC 79:09:47 4.88 BTC
2016-07-25 21:14:44 1FsgqkVdWw49ui8F949La8PxhEQyodovpZ 0.154506 BTC 78:56:21 0.309012 BTC
2016-07-25 21:00:50 19NP5ACp6h92BVZVpBsmhb5oVKZnLchLZQ 6.52757 BTC 78:42:27 13.05514 BTC
2016-07-25 20:56:32 1CZ1qK3NsgJvoTgnq3gbtPtcHTd8zPkfCd 0.457223 BTC 78:38:09 0.914446 BTC
2016-07-25 20:28:14 158UUkhHsY1u9m7LPdhqKFkC3YBJnbnnr7 0.0137053 BTC 78:09:51 0.0274106 BTC
2016-07-25 20:00:39 173H95ecA18wt3ccRyHzJZjFCxNHfNmeDe 0.0942172 BTC 77:42:16 0.1884344 BTC
2016-07-25 19:56:43 1D59wZkYtxsrb3N99skPP77JF2uVjZBUQi 0.0999 BTC 77:38:20 0.1998 BTC
2016-07-25 19:42:36 1JXmdZVqFwUjiBXM2NburaLEK7x75Jgxi 0.0100655 BTC 77:24:13 0.020131 BTC
2016-07-25 19:28:37 1KaqzdxvJUH59DorqDsTovP6S62nv3CWKB 0.476183 BTC 77:10:14 0.952366 BTC
2016-07-25 19:14:42 12Lj4XCai7uWhAU39hVdwwh4ggck7AsSvW 0.0197302 BTC 76:56:19 0.0394604 BTC
2016-07-25 19:00:52 1FS1yZLx4s3DbwzogcUVjMkJwRLnBhcEsY 0.09 BTC 76:42:29 0.18 BTC
2016-07-25 18:56:34 1EkkaYEuHrdCckah97MgR2qU4pHEjo2ab5 0.0099 BTC 76:38:11 0.0198 BTC
2016-07-25 18:28:15 1PGBResCdBqe16PVt9yYHYLFRmWyf1tPho 0.3 BTC 76:09:52 0.6 BTC
2016-07-25 18:14:26 1QGDGs4H11HCLPrbWW6nQMP9Hk22HicT6Q 0.00109 BTC 75:56:03 0.00218 BTC
2016-07-25 18:00:49 18WkYg3rv9WWbdoc3Q4XGAhesGdarf2ZDN 1.78123 BTC 75:42:26 3.56246 BTC
2016-07-25 17:56:39 1wuYnRkJFqWJJB8PjUcL8MhUGhyTHEz1e 0.0155581 BTC 75:38:16 0.0311162 BTC
2016-07-25 17:42:06 19w4FuiZShg3V1ucDqFoozs4CzXGD7R68J 0.06947 BTC 75:23:43 0.13894 BTC
2016-07-25 17:28:18 1KTsQdg1pkgLScX6W4aRm5GsLeQWV2Dx6w 0.203037 BTC 75:09:55 0.406074 BTC
2016-07-25 17:14:51 1KNq7UweWJ6CLy9a3r25fCnpMQE8L5RS1K 2.4597 BTC 74:56:28 4.9194 BTC
2016-07-25 17:00:31 1ATVgCfMjiB6t54k513Bps5VpnwG2CGBTd 0.0100728 BTC 74:42:08 0.0201456 BTC
2016-07-25 16:56:40 3PdwTBfMU4NRT2bDV4SnMLVc2QvhkrPM86 59.488 BTC 74:38:17 118.976 BTC
2016-07-25 16:42:44 1BYRUnetnL6dBS87NyYNTcvzGurPj8hAkZ 0.13 BTC 74:24:21 0.26 BTC
2016-07-25 16:28:18 1w3eX9qApkkEGbPqt7QwTLY4z1ANCFa7T 0.333716 BTC 74:09:55 0.667432 BTC
2016-07-25 16:14:33 16u4AMKT2vDkjPxYkMhCDivcDPkiTJPn7k 0.126172 BTC 73:56:10 0.252344 BTC
2016-07-25 16:00:09 1DR11xMdpJpEmx3Pd9ZNpjezwYc6yoC4sy 1.10427 BTC 73:41:46 2.20854 BTC
2016-07-25 15:56:25 1941cuHCaCawofzJyCdsRJg2ByThw8uer 0.0289761 BTC 73:38:02 0.0579522 BTC
2016-07-25 15:42:33 1ANiq1DNkqbyeD8PhTNbiy3QUsTzWhvNR2 0.141276 BTC 73:24:10 0.282552 BTC
2016-07-25 15:28:50 1DcmPpJH9sXsQa3pcYeTsM2PPSU4xHuhHH 0.0285124 BTC 73:10:27 0.0570248 BTC
2016-07-25 15:14:28 1Ep7oYRKAryTYYprv55GMmwKNoNJ4XpZeL 0.0115483 BTC 72:56:05 0.0230966 BTC
2016-07-25 14:42:27 35TW4V6mzfsnEv3tSniL3FYyKe938qGybs 0.199 BTC 72:24:04 0.398 BTC
2016-07-25 14:28:45 1FJmiAgVdNDxuMdf548QKbNmqToSKz8VZU 0.0340501 BTC 72:10:22 0.0681002 BTC

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.12
TRX 0.22
JST 0.030
BTC 81960.88
ETH 1879.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.79