Bitcoin gold vs Bitcore

in #bitcoin7 years ago


With the recent and sharp death of all alts it made me take a look at what was doing it. It wasn't b2x but it was in fact another coin called Bitcoin Gold.

While this token sounded good I noticed asides from the monumental premine that occured (65 million if it reached $325 each). The issue that very few exchanges are endorsing it due to this controversy.

While I'm all well with free money, I looked more at the code and realized its very much the same as Bitcore (BTX) a little known coin thats been out since April. Its a GPU mined coin and is asic resistant, it has faster block speeds and an increased size. It decentralizes the asic mining in such a manner as well as tackles the scalability issues that usually arise.

So the question came to me - why is it bitcoin gold is more popular than bitcore - a coin that did it first?

I think its possibly because it wasn't advertised as a fork but more an evolution of bitcoin. It also requires claiming your free bitcore at (having had btc during the april snapshot).
Or at least now with the upcoming snapshot this October at the same time the bitcoin gold snapshot occurs you can begin claiming then.
.4 BTX per BTC though
It's unfortunate, however.. BTX does weekly airdrops of all unclaimed BTX to all BTX holders above 10.
3% of your balance a week currently.
25% of your balance on October 30th.

So get in on the fun


Get lost with these shitforks, nobody cares!

Bitcore wasn't a fork. 🤔
Reading comprehension is required.

Bitcore isnt a fork the blockchain is only 400mb not 140gb. You need less than 1btx to get in on the airdrop, the 3% has now ended and the next 4 weeks its 4%. Then 5% for the 4 weeks after that and so it goes untill the unclaimed btx has been distributed. Btx is a great coin with great potential, with an active dev team and great community, go look them up on telegram.

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