Crypto and Calafate: Patagonia, I'll be back.
You may know the popular outdoor gear company Patagonia, but it is not simply a clothing brand. Patagonia is the furthest southern region of South America, encompassing parts of Chile and Argentina and is home to some of the harshest weather on Earth. To put its exclusivity into perspective, there is less than one person per square kilometer living in this region.
Few souls brave this incredibly pristine wilderness due to its historically inclimate weather. Residing in what is known as the "Roaring 40's", Patagonia is the only land mass on the globe at that latitude. This leads to an immense amount of wind energy that builds up on the open ocean and eventually crashes into the westernly faces of the Andes and then gets supercharged by the frigid temperatures surrounding the thousands of glaciers in the region. This is the kind of wind that knocks you to the ground, and it did to me, many times.
I was fortunate enough to spend 75 straight days in Patagonian backcountry, enduring storms with winds up to 110km/h, summitting Cerro Zapata, and paddling through unbelievably beautiful archipelogos. My time in Patagonia did more than change my perspective on foreign landscapes and cultures, it calls to me everyday to return. There is a belief that eating the blueberry-like fruit from the Calafate plant whilst in Patagonia destines one to return. So I did.
My ticket, cryptocurrency.
I'm here to share the majesty of Patagonia and work towards trading my way back to getting my ass kicked by howling wind and jagged peaks. Good looks, and good luck. See you all on the moon.
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