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RE: What I Did NOT Do in 2011 - that You Should Consider Doing RIGHT NOW!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Likewise steamrolla - glad to have another New Yorker on board! My choice could have been much better back in 2011 however.

I could have (should have) "sold" some overvalued gold at the time, and "bought" some undervalued bitcoin.

As we speak, the situation is exactly the opposite.

The Bitcoin Crypto-space is "overvalued" and the precious metals space is "undervalued, " hence the entire purpose of this article suggesting that those with huge profits to "take some" and invest the proceeds into that which is currently "undervalued."


Agree. I have a little bitcoin,but with all the talk of the dollar losing value,what do they base the value of crypto on in the future?

Therein lays a good question... First, how long is the relative future? Next year, decade, not in our lifetimes????

Secondly, there are no third-party risks or liabilities when one is in possession of Gold/Silver.

The only risk is that you die and leave it behind to heirs, or it gets stolen from you through carelessness...

Lastly, where Gold & Silver shine - is that they will always have value no matter what they are priced in... if they do not indeed become the basis for all future valuation metrics themselves.

Many argue reasonably that fiat currencies, and all commodities for that matter - including cryptos - should be priced relative to Gold/Silver... a.k.a the classic Gold or Bi-Metallic backed standard. (Kind of EXACTLY how its stated so clearly in "The Constitution.") - anything else falls under one of the several foundational building blocks or planks of Communism, which everybody by now should know - doesn't work.

Not that such a classic standard is perfect - nothing is - but its far better than anything else by several orders of magnitude and for a multitude of valid reasons.

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