Exscudo Uses Multisignature Technology To Protect User Accounts
The digital space is full of dangers, one of which is hacker attacks. That is why such services as cryptocurrency wallets and exchanges, that exist only in digital space, are particularly vulnerable. Since transactions in blockchain are irreversible it is impossible to get back the stolen funds. Multisignature, technology developed to increase the accounts’ security level, is one of the solutions, which will be implemented in Exscudo ecosystem.
Multisignature is a digital signature scheme allowing a group of accounts to sign one transaction. A user specifies accounts that will confirm his or her transactions in advance. In Exscudo ecosystem there will be several variations of this scheme – for example, a user can indicate that his transactions need two of three specified accounts’ signature to be confirmed, or, in opposite, that transactions should be necessarily protected by all the three accounts.
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