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RE: Cryptocurrency Price Predictions for September 2017!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Im going to have to go on record to say these prediction will mostly not come true for SEPT..... Steem wont do much, Ive already heard the analyst prediction of bitcoin to 5k then to 2k.... Monero? That is already at 92 ish..... We will see if China lets NEO fall too far below 30.... Ripple is already on another pump up.... I dont know @jerrybanfield== I think you are way off on these....


I might be which is okay because even if I am totally wrong the post is likely to bring in a lot of traffic from Google and the video on YouTube has also. So far I have been about 70% accurate on predictions and at the time I made the video for this Monero had not pumped yet :)

Ignore the doomsday folks. Your posts are great entertainment value and they generate traffic

Totally agree. I thought this article is a joke at the beginning. Good luck with the traffic though...

That's the beauty of not being an actual scientist, reporter, or anything serious for that matter.

As an entertainer, he is free to make any ridiculous predictions that he wants, because as he said in his previous article slash video, his previous predictions post got the most attention on Google.

Jerry is a content whore, wherever the most attention and money is to be made... he'll be there ready and willing with a smile on his face the whole time! 💰

That is how he comes across to me, he puts everything down too much and then bigs up another, it just looks fixed thats why i am very skeptical of himself and all these other crypto gurus,

first off he is the first 1 to say steemit will take off oh and i have over a $100,000 but there is no reason why i would pump it i genuinly think it will go up.... yea OK bud all well and good but putting down NEO,? why yea NEO will take a drop every crypto has but its not going to be monumental, you just want people to sell to drop the price because you know its just going to keep on climbing!!!

Jerry is not very good at crypto. It all started with his decision to sell Dash at a low.

He is already way off with monero and it has only been 2 days since he wrote this post.
Eos has it's testnet going live in Sept
Omisego is having it's airdrop in Sept.
Dash is blowing up. Up over 400% from where Jerry sold his masternode.
Eth is going to activate metropolis

I am not even going to bother with the rest because... Jerry is just wrong when it comes to crypto

Yes. I agree he is way off. NEO will keep going up for sure. I think it will double in price. Way better technology and it generates GAS. Please market cap for NEO it is small.

I want to learn the field of digital currency trading What should I do?

I would advice you to learn about what digital currencies are first. I like the videos of Andreas M. Antonopoulos a lot. Watch his ones first, since he is not trying to sell you anything as far as I have seen.

Then find out what exchange would work best for your situation. You need to be able to deposit and withdraw your fiat currency, as well as to trade the coins you want to trade.
See if you like the interface, speed of trading etc.

Then take a small amount of cash and buy your first coins. Take only money you do not need, and are happy to loose. Like $100 or so.

Use that to try out a transfer to your own wallet and trade a bit.

You will learn that it is not so easy and that there are costs in trading and transfers.

Once you have fiddled around a few days or weeks you could start to put in some more money to try again, or start investing for real. Once more, dont use any money you borrowed or need. Chances are that when you realy need your money, it will probably be the worst time to sell....

I advice to diversify your investments. Crypto currencies being only a small percentage, and consider it the most risky one.
The more risk, the bigger your loss or return.
Sometimes having some boaring investment that is giving you a small but steady return is also nice to have.

Try to make a plan on when to invest and when to cash out.

Start small and keep on learning for ever.

All the best.

youtube it, read up on it, but DO NOT follow just one person like Jerry the majority of these crypto gurus are in it for themselves they are reputable con artists when i say reputable, they have many followers who think they are trying to help them with there info, just be cautious and open minded.

I do agree with EOS though

Monero is mostly advertised as (one of ) the most anonymous crypto.
But this 'use case' isn't very important to the average btc user.

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