📉 📉 Market Analysis Report 05 February 2018 📉 📉

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Market Update:

At the time of writing, the Bitcoin price is sitting at $7,832 representing a loss of 14% in the last 24 hours. More than $1.6B worth of BTC were exchanged in the BTC/USD market representing a 30% share of daily volume. The BTC/JPY pair that represents a 48% share.

The Ethereum price has dropped by 14.4% over the past 24 hours and is currently sitting at $798, with over $700M worth of Ether exchanged in the past 24 hours on the ETH/USD pair which has a 40% market share of the daily trading volume.

See live charts https://www.cryptocompare.com/coins/btc/overview/USD and https://www.cryptocompare.com/coins/eth/overview/USD

Bank of America, JP Morgan Ban Credit Crypto Purchases:

Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase will reportedly no longer enable customers to purchase Bitcoin with credit cards starting in February, reports say. Revealed in the 2nd of February, in a Bloomberg report, JPMorgan is expected to start this ban due to concerns about the credit risk of those who make purchases through their cards. The Bank of America ban is limited to credit cards, and will not impact customers who wish to purchase cryptocurrencies using debit or ATM cards, according to the news source.

Bloomberg further reported that the Bank of America cited anti-money laundering regulations for the move, as well as the potential for thieves to convert stolen credit cards into cryptocurrency stashes. Like JPMorgan, Bank of America is also concerned with the idea customers can purchase more cryptocurrency than they can afford. Other banks have purportedly moved to increase charges for crypto transactions in recent weeks.

Vitalik Buterin Donates $2.4 Million In Ether To Anti-Aging Research:

The SENS Research Foundation, a charity funding research for treating-age related diseases, has received a $2.4 million Ether donation from Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, according to a press release on the charity’s website Friday, Feb. 1. The foundation was co-founded in 2009 by Aubrey de Grey, a gerontologist who is researching rejuvenation therapies to extend people’s biological ages, hoping to permit humans to live much longer than ever before. Buterin, who is quoted in the press release as a “fan of Aubrey’s work since [he] first read Ending Aging [Grey’s book] as a teenager”. Buterin stated:

“I am happy to have been blessed with the opportunity to personally support SENS's efforts. Their focus on creating solutions to the diseases of ageing, one of the greatest problems facing humanity, is very much in line with my goal to positively impact the lives of millions of people around the world.”

UNICEF Asks Gamers to Mine Cryptocurrency for Syrian Children:

On February 2nd, The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) launched a new fundraising program meant to help finance the needs of protecting Syrian kids. Called Gamer Chaingers, it uses cryptocurrency mining as a method to raise funds without asking for monitory donations. People who wish to participate in the innovative UNICEF program can visit its website, download the mining software and receive simple instructions on how to operate it. The website explains:

“Today, humanitarian collections often solicit the same people with the same methods, but cryptocurrencies and their revolutionary approach are an opportunity to raise funds differently. Have you heard of Bitcoin? Ethereum is the same, except that you can more easily ‘mine’ the Ethereum coins via your computer and that money will go directly into the UNICEF wallet.”

State of the Crypto:

Bitcoin is down 14.% at $7,832.930 with a volume of Ƀ192.2k - $1603.9M on the USD pairs.

Ether is down 0.49% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.1024 per Ether and down 14.4% against the dollar to $798.68 with average volume Ƀ47.7k on the ETH/BTC pair.

Bitcoin Cash is down 2.68% to Ƀ0.1344 with volumes of Ƀ22.4k and down 16.52% against the dollar at $1051.43.

Ripple is down 4.37% to Ƀ0.00009831 with volumes of Ƀ10.7k and down 18.11% against the dollar at $0.767.

Zcash is down 2.55% for the day to Ƀ0.04135 per ZEC and down 15.91% against the dollar to $326.7 with an average volume of Ƀ2.3k for the 24 hour period.

Litecoin is down 14.21% against the dollar for the day at $140.72 and down 0.06% to Ƀ0.01802 on volumes of Ƀ19.3k.

Dash is down 4.16% at Ƀ0.06566 with Ƀ4.0k volume and down 17.43% against the dollar at $517.42.

Iota is down 8.83% to Ƀ0.0002024 on Ƀ1.9k volume.

Ether Classic is down 4.48% to Ƀ0.002515 with volumes of Ƀ4.6k and down 17.81% against the dollar at $19.7.

Monero is down 16.88% against the dollar at $206.72 and down 3.59% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.02634 on volumes of Ƀ3.3k.

Neo is down 2.27% for the day to Ƀ0.01289 per NEO and down 15.51% against the dollar to $101.39 with an average volume of Ƀ4.8k for the 24 hour period.

Waves is down 4.09% to Ƀ0.0006939 on Ƀ2.8k volume.

Stratis is down 9.8% to Ƀ0.0009381 on Ƀ1.1k volume.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.26
JST 0.040
BTC 101296.09
ETH 3673.80
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.15