Black Friday - deal on NANO-S hardware wallet

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, crypto lowers.
If you been considering to buy a new hardware wallet ( like I was doing myself ) - today is the day.

Ledgerwallet NANO-S is on sale

with -20% off as Black Friday deal.

I just got ordered two of then myself.
In fact, this was the very first time ever I had purchased something during the Black-Friday madness.
Go and get em ! Don't be late !
The link to this product


Excellent offer, thanks a lot for telling us about this offer, upvoted and resteemed to my follower's too

Thats huge news for crypto lowers. Ledgerwallet NANO will be best crypto wallet. Great news @onealfa.
Upvoted & Resteemed.

Thanks a lot for your resteem @madushanka

Good job @onealfa

Thanks a lot for your resteem @cryptomaker

Excellent information, it's great offer i think every one should avail this offer, upvoted and resteemed too.

Thanks a lot for your resteem @atechforu

You got me to think for a min because I listen to radio this morning which was talking about it to do slight change and not buy anything today at all!! have a nice day @dorotea

Thanks a lot for your resteem @dorotea

it's a good offer! I did not expect to find something like this on steemit)) usually i get everything in my mailing lists

Thanks for sharing this offer @onealfa although I came late. Anyway I just upvoted. @gold84

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that high on my list in the new year cant wait to order mine in the new year.

Happy purchase. @onealfa
What is the advantage of NANO-S hardware wallet????

Mainly - the multi coin support..
I have old NANO - which has only BTC in it

Posting your Bitcoin I got a lot of benefit

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