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RE: NEO about to SURGE towards $60+!!!
It’s already going up because of news. Came out this morning. Will likely correct after that though. Wasn’t even off official Neo twitter. Someone who is on Neo counsel. I love it and hate. What I hate is how manipulative this market is. One Twitter and price moves 30%. I mean why would someone tweet it other than intentions to cash out. I truly bet the person tweeted it just made shit load of money or about to. Pretty crazy.
I agree. It seems one tweet from someone with a lot of followers can impact cryptos price both positive and negative by huge amounts.
Well the thing is it travels quick. He posted it and it was on steemit and I bought 25 neos just for the heck of it at 28 to follow the pump. No regrets of not buying more. But it truly is amazing. I think the fair thing to do would be not announce anything until the day of announcement. Look at ripple, their american express parternship they did not announce until it was final. Respect to that. Right now this is fomo, alot of people will buy and big pockets will cash out and some folks lose money and you will read posts over at I bought it for 50 bucks why is it going down! lol.
Yeah the power of fomo is huge. Think that is what we seen with Bitcoin cash. Been reading a lot of people lost out by buying at it's high and now it's gone right back down.
Yes, but in this case I think BCH will go up again. They only have to hodl until it's up again.