INTENSE COIN : Blockchain Driven – Anonymous Virtual Private Network
SECURITY and PRIVACY of every person, companies or governments, who are using the internet are now at risk to wicked individual who can monitor, hack any private system. Technological advancement is needed for complete anonymity.
Right now, demand for usage of Virtual Private Network(VPN) is growing. An encrypted tunnel, where data are transferred, ENCRYPTED, removing the possibility of anyone, monitoring-data-transfer, from one computer to another computer. Peer-to-peer as they say.
The problem with VPN is that, each individual who avail the network, can easily be traced back to their payments, since mostly used credit cards, money transfers and other means of payments. Other vpn providers, accepts bitcoins as payments, but bitcoin is not totally anonymous. Forensic monitoring can now traced invidivuals who used bitcoin for payment.
Intense coin is launching a Network where it will address these shortcomings on being completely anonymous while using the internet. A blockchain driven network, combining decentralized network, completely anonymous payments, without logging each individual data, while they are using the INTENSE NETWORK.
Intense coin uses RING SIGNATURES on its individual transaction. It is the proof of a transaction has been occurred but not being traced back on who send the coin or who receives the coin.
“Ring signatures are constructed in a way that the ring can only be completed, and therefore verify correctly, if the signer has knowledge of some secret information, most commonly a private key corresponding to one of the public keys in the ring. In the signature generation algorithm, a number is generated at random for each of the other public keys in the ring, and then the signer uses the knowledge of their own private key, or some other ‘trapdoor information’, to close the ring.”
“Ring signatures offer users a type of anonymity by hiding transactions within a set of others’ transactions. If there are many users contributing very similar amounts to the ring, then the ring is said to have good liquidity, meaning the transactions can occur quickly, and also that transactions can be effectively mixed, with a high resistance to attempted mixing analysis attacks.”
Privacy on the Blockchain: Unique Ring Signatures
By: Rebekah Mercer
Intense coin network will function as the decentralized marketplace, where people can access or use virtual private networks that are built in the network.
By using intense coin for payment of using the vpn, the individual who will use the vpn will also be totally anonymous.
You can now use the internet on your computers, laptops, mobile devices without losing your security and privacy. Not revealing who you are? Where you are?
2018 Road Map
you should put the ticker and exchange if you plan on writing another one.
ITNS- most important part
This is some pretty neat stuff with a wallet/mining client combined in simple fashion. Awesome.

It is also best to download a miner tho. Always find best hash rate
This is a coin Just found yesterday... I am doing more digging on the team but I like the idea and am gonna mine some for now.
hurry up then - they release news on 15th of every month !
I couldn't wait so I bought
good luck !!
I'm a user of vpn, that is why I got interested on this intense coin network project. Building a network of vpn provider, driven by blockchain will ultimately make a totally anonymous user.