Virginia Local Government Finds $500 Thousand Support for Bitcoin Mining
The future outcomes of bitcoin mining are now blooming as an important debate . On many platforms, while the end of Bitcoin is being spoken of as the energy consumed in mining, wherever it will go, the mystery remains.
Some countries fundamentally banned Bitcoin mining, while others are supporting it. Here in the United States, the State of Virginia is also bombarded with institutions that support mining. The state government has allocated $ 500,000 to rebuild a Bitcoin mining company in Virginia State. The statement made by the Virginia state's spokesman on Tuesday said that such a resource was left for the lowering of the unemployment rate in the state, and the statements made by Bitcoin mining, which was recently popular, were used by the administration to make use of Virginia's feverish work.
According to local news reports in Virginia, all the necessary procedures and infrastructure support for the establishment of the new mining center, which is owned by Bcause LLC, has been completed and the new center is expected to be in service in about a month.
While the $ 500,000 support of the state administration for the building, which cost about 65 million dollars, seems symbolic, this move has proved to be a positive outlook on the state's Bitcoin mining. This mining organization, which will solve the unemployment rate in the state a bit, and become a new center in the crypto money market, will have struck two birds with one stone in the state government. In addition, for the incentive of these and similar initiatives in the province, electricity fees and various taxes will be collected at a discount from the company.
Warren Harris, the executive director of the economy in the state of Virginia ,noted in his written statement that the following point:
"As the state of Virginia, once again I am delighted to show everyone that we are an important stop for innovation and future technologies. I am very pleased that Bcause LLC will remain here as well. Crypto money market is growing a lot and every passing day is getting bigger. I expect and hope that Bcause LLC, which will operate in our new state, will lead the new systems. "
In the United States, the situation you read in this news is not really new to the ears. In June, Montana provincial government also made a donation worth $ 416,000 during the establishment phase of a mining center . In Montana, the young population to work in Bitcoin mining as one of the solutions of unemployment has an important role.
good read for me here in Australia, shows that not all your government is stupid. More governments need to adopt this attitude towards crypto, it is becoming more and more evident that it no a "bubble" but a complete change in how our world is operating. 100 years from now and we will all look like the early pioneers .