Watch How This Internet Entrepreneur Outworks Me and Makes More Money Than Me On Steemit!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I wanted to make this video to show people that it is not always about what you know or how much money you have, but it is more so what you do that matters. Anyone that is hungry for success can always overshadow those that aren't willing to work hard and pay the ultimate price.

steemitpictureofmeand michelle.JPG

See You At The Top and Steemit To The Moon,

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@mrwalt totally agree that @stackin is hustling hard. Btw I love the 3rd image in the video 🤑🤑

I wonder who's video that is @inventor16 😂🤣😎

@stackin yeah man def a mystery 😆😃

@inventor16 yes he is killing it and motivating me to up my game big time.

At the end of the day if you aren't hustling to make your income why should anyone reward you? It's the name of the game! Work hard and take risks and the world will give you back karma for for your troubles. I happen to have a degree, but I quit my cushy government job because absolutely no one worked hard. It was demoralizing! After 8 years I was feeling my soul was crushed each day I went to work. Working my ass off for my own company is so much more rewarding!

@penname I 100% consign everything that you said as that is what this is all about. Congrats on taking matters into your own hands and building your business where you control your income.

@mrwalt thank you so much. I learn something from everyone of your post.

You already got me super motivated and taking all your tips. Putting in the work and powering up.

I just powered up 1100 STEEM.

@sneakgeekz I learn from you as well my friend and seeing you and others powering up motivates me and is an indication that I made the right decision when joining Steemit.

Yeah thats cool, I guess thats why its called community we learn from and motivate each other.

@sneakgeekz yes there are a ton of very talented people on this platform as I could literally spend hours each day just reading people's posts.

So true. I literally do spend hours, haha, looking for good content and good people to interact with.
The amount of talent on Steemit, like most social media sites is mind boggling.

@sneakgeekz yeah I have to pull myself off of Steemit at times as it can be just like Facebook or YouTube.

Agreed, I think it can be even more time-consuming. Specifically for those of us that are financially invested.

However, this time next year I hope that all of the ground work laid this year pays off as then all of this time can be truly justified.

It is true man, this is very insightful.

You said similar about me the other day here when we met....

I am the most Blue Collar guy you might ever meet but I have worked super hard on here doing a lot of these things you talk about!

I hope this encourages some people too, right in line with your post today man, good job!!

@barrydutton I appreciate that as I'm just being real with people as I recognize and respect people that are willing to put in the work. It is easy not to do it, but when you see someone grinding you have got to pay respect to that person.

Spot on! I especially agree with the engagement of your audience. People want a two way street, not just one sided. Even the television networks picked up on this by introducing SMS voting etc for shows. (great way to make money too lol)

Keep on steem'in

@simondocherty yep this is something I learned from Charles, so this has been a game changer for me as well.

I totally agree with you. Hard work pays off. I'm late to the game on marketing and passive income. I just started January 1st, but I've noticed that the time I'm putting in is paying off. I picked this platform because I feel there is a huge opportunity. I'm just trying to write quality posts. The worst part is how fast they get buried. I could see how that would be discouraging for most people, but I'm going to keep chipping away.

@legosnjoysticks I definitely feel you on making content and it getting buried but I just submit it and let whatever happens happen. Just keep submitting and the rest will take care of itself in due time.

That's the attitude I'm taking from now on.

@legosnjoysticks yeah it is almost like you have to just post your content and let the chips fall wherever they may and just pushing forward.

I'm discovering the networking is worth way more in the early stages than the content. I feel like you have to make a quality post each day, but actually networking vs trying to build unknown followers is key.

@legosnjoysticks you can actually do both and build them simultaneously.

I'm starting to figure that out. Thanks for the advice!

Great post highlighting the importance of hard work. Most people look for the easy way out because they're used to that "instant gratification." I believe if you're passionate about something and really give it your all, you will reap the rewards. You come across as a great guy and I look forward to seeing you grow!

@cryptodata thank you as there is no shortcut to success. The long run is not traveled by many.

One of the most important thing I would say successful people all have is imagination. If you can imagine it, you can do it.

@marcusxman that's right and I can imagine the price of Steem being over $10.00 per token one day.

@mrwalt, "one day" is too open ended, lets say by the end of the year!

@marcusxman the end of the year would be very nice but I know in order for this to happen the marketplace as a whole needs to expand first. When the overall marketcap can consistently remain above 100,000,000 I will know that we are well on our way.

Right in a million percent I always say that you have to work hard and not rely on luck !! You have to be human and give all of yourself to the work you do no matter what it is.

@ravivshachar that's right you have to create your own success as no one is going to hand it to you.

I've seen many people who started in the same week as me, growing faster and getting more payouts than me. I'm trying hard. My progress just hasn't been what I want it to. But I figure that there is always room for improvement. But great video man.

@sash-pacino the thing I see that separates a lot people is the consistency and frequncy of their posts. I see some people posting several times a day where some only post every other day. Big difference as if you are out of sight you are out of mind.