What is Bitcoin Cash (BHC)?
Bitcoin Cash is an electronic currency created for the Internet. It does not require the presence of a bank.
On August 1, 2017, when Bitcoin Cash was created, users with Bitcoin had the same amount of Bitcoin Cash.
All transactions after 1 August are separate, ie they are different from each other in both.
Why was Bitcoin Cash Produced?
Capacity "hit a wall" in 2017. Prices were rising rapidly and confidence in Bitcoin was reduced, the users' trading days found days.
Bitcoin then entered the pause phase. Many users have decided not to own the business owner and investor Bitcoin, attention has been paid to the market share of other virtual money has dropped from 95% to 40%. At the same time, Bitcoin Cash has been produced to open up the front of Bitcoin. Both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash quickly surged after this transaction.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) How Much?
Bitcoin Cash, which entered the market on August 1, 2017 from 175 American dollar levels, is a currency that has grown rapidly in the first few days and has overtaken its value.
Raised to $ 465.45, those currencies were withdrawn at the expense of the users to profit, and fell down to $ 300.
Bitcoin Cash has been trading at $ 2,512,04 on US Dollar since 10/01/2018.
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