RE: Bitcoin is quasi-anonymous or how to deanonymize Bitcoin users
A few comments about pseudonymity on Bitcoin, and about Tor protocol and how it works.
Hiding your IP address is NOT going to hide your transactions, they're recorded on the blockchain for all to see. It's unlikely you would be actively monitored and someone would be watching and waiting to catch you moving coins - basic forensics is far easier.
Tor exit nodes cannot de-anonymize a user by themselves. They see the destination only, not the originating IP address. The guard relay (first hop of the 3 in a circuit) knows the IP where the request originated, so a user can be de-anonymized via collusion between the guard relay and the exit node. People can choose their entry point to the network for this reason, and it's common to hide your IP address from the guard relay just in case.
Keeping a wallet "inside the Tor network" (wallet service running on onion server) not sure what to say except you're completely trusting an unknown and un-findable anonymous entity with your money. Good luck. Unless you possess the private key, you've got nothing but an IOU.
Biggest dangers with coin mixers is not that server can log the activity, but that they often just steal the money outright. They're highly susceptible to Sybil attacks and they just really don't work well.
Bonus tip: you can get anonymous Bitcoins by mining them :)
Thank you for a very nice feedback and very quality thesises!