most scientifically accurate personality test out there.
People often share their results from the Myers-Briggs test with other people or use the personality types from the Myers-Briggs test to come to conclusions about other people and themselves. This should ideally stop when there's evidence that points to the fact that the Big Five test is the most scientifically accurate personality test out there.
Read this for more info:
I'd like to state this as an I/O Psychologist:
First reliability Vs Validity. Reliability is it's consistency and validity is if it's measuring what it's supposed to measure. A test can be reliable but not valid, a test cannot be valid but not reliable. Validity is largely based on use, a measure can be valid in one scenario but not another.
The Myers Briggs is fine if you're doing it for fun.surprisingly its rather reliable. It is valid for that purpose, in fact the test company states that the test is only valid for that purpose (like a horoscope). If a job says they want you to take it to see if you fit in with the environment: that is NOT a valid use of it. It does have several other valid social uses though.
Now reliability directly limits validity, like I said before, but something that limits reliability is test length. The big 5 test is 44 items long. Some better personality inventories like the NEO PI-R are 240 items long. The big five shows reliability ratings .54-.69 (.70+ is the minimal standard for reliability) the NEO PI-R ranges from .89 - .93 (VERY GOOD)
There's a reason you won't see professional areas using the MBTI or the Big Five. There are actually several MUCH better options with higher utility.,61063,0,0,dodany,NFL-Streams-Reddit.html
Edit: for personal use I suggest the HEXACO PI. It's free, designed by a reputable university and clearly conveys your results relative to others who have taken the test.
The funniest experience I've had with that was a company that made us do the short M-B and a "colour spectrum test" (don't ask). We assigned each other target personalities and managed to do surprisingly well, given none of us had more than a vague pop culture knowledge of the M-B test.
The boss who brought in the "team improvement conslutant" was not impressed. Which... put him in the same boat as the rest of us. It wasn't even an enjoyable day of not working
The old big 5 is 44 items long.
There are shorter versions of the BFI-2, with 30 items and the BFI-II XS with 15 items. These are readily available with Google.
Personality psychologists often say that the reason that the BFI isn't used widely is that it isn't universally flattering.
On the Myers Briggs, no matter who you are that's great. On the BFI, there are certain traits that are less desirable than others to be high or low on.
Source: social/ personality psychologist
Ps. LOLed at "the Myers Briggs is valid for the purpose of having fun", like someone has gone out and tested whether the people who are taking it are having fun or not, and confirmed that, indeed, they are.
I will say, I never enjoy seeing neuroticism being my highest score. I’d like to think I’m not Anxiety Incarnate, but when my own psychiatrist says “I really just put you under anxiety NOS considering how many you qualify for” I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. At LeAsT I hAvE HiGh OpEnNeSs aNd AgReAbLeNeSs sOb Edit: tldr comorbid adhd and GAD (and its friends) is a funny meme from god on my soul
The NEO-P-R/3 that I named is the usual standard, but it's not one the layperson would take. I recommended The HEXACO inventory in another comment. Sorry! It's free and really well designed.
Also sucks, when something which is purported to be valid has as it's main credit "contemporary Enneagram theories are principally derived from the teachings of the Bolivian psycho-spiritual teacher so and so" you better start asking very pointed questions
You should learn your 5 personality types and the level of facets in each area. E.g. you can be extroverted with a warm outgoing character but unfriendly.
Just like an introvert can be standoffish but extremely friendly. Or you can be helpful to others while doing so because you feel you have to and you gripe and complain (see military) or you can help because you love it and it gives you energy
So those are largely clinical and I don't have a huge amount of experience administering them but I can tell you the following:
The MMPI is one of the most incredible feats of psychometrics I have ever seen. It's a massive set of items and a large portion of the those items are relatively covert (hide what they are measuring) . It has a brilliant level of reliability and as a diagnostic tool to detect anything from psychopathy to OCD it is INCREDIBLY valid. But, I would not give the MMPI if I were simply interested in personality. It would be like hiring a mechanical engineer to assemble a folded cardboard'd get your results but the cost is a bit excessive. If you were in a clinical field it is very useful as in addition to personality it contains subscales for tons of important information.
The Rorschach test though is...well that's a special diagnostic tool haha it's often used as an example of a 100% subjective test. It's INCREDIBLY controversial. There's a lot of debate around it but it's valid for thought disorders like schizophrenia and dementia. It's never to be used outside of a battery. Because of the subjective nature of the test there no good reliability evidence on it.
If you're interested in such things, other clinical personality measures that come to mind are the TAT (make up a story based on an image) and kinetic family drawing tests (a child draws a house a tree and a person) . They're all subjective but they're very interesting!