HILARIOUS! 'Buy Bitcoin' Sign Seen On Live TV During Federal Reserve Hearing (The Cryptoverse #302)
On today's episode of The Cryptoverse some superstar member of the Bitcoin community photo opped the federal reserve on live TV and for that I’ll be sending them a $100 Bitcoin tip live on the air.
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List of US exchanges 1:35
The fed video 2:25
Today's lesson 9:37
How to support me 10:56
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List of US exchanges for Kathy:
Cointelegraph article about the fed photo opp:
The fed photo opp video clip:
A picture of the photo opp hero:
The QR code version of our heros Bitcoin address so you can send him a big tip:
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Would this be funnier? :P

LOL, well played.
Not really because Steem doesn't have a cap on the money supply either :)
Don't have any bitcoin right now. Should tip him too
That was a photo bomb that blew me away!! Hilarious
I had to avoid the word 'bomb' in my YouTube title and also in what I said because YouTube automatically transcribes it using voice recognition. So I had to term it a 'photo opp' :)
Thanks for up voting me earlier today Chris, appreciate it!
Indeed this guy is a genius! I spent all day laughing about what he did, just amazing!