A message to struggling millennials! There is more to your future than student loan debt.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Are you between the ages of 25-35 and have everything figured out? Did you wisely choose which college degree to pursue when you were 17-18? Were you mature enough during high school to maintain a GPA or score high enough on the ACT/SAT in order to help you to get a Scholarship that paid for your college tuition? Did you have successful parents who were able to afford your schooling and to bail you out financially when you made silly mistakes that would derail a lot of 19-25 year olds? Did you land your dream job straight out of college? Do you have good health care, a nice place to live, a Netflix account that YOU pay for? If you are reading this and the description fits you then you likely won't relate to the rest of what I am about to say. I have many friends like you, and I don't hate you for the cards you were dealt. I may talk a little shit behind your back when you post your vacation pics from Europe that you easily afforded or your parents paid for, but that's not because you are a bad person, it's moreso just me being a lil jelly.


Now for the rest of you. Those who can't afford health care or don't realize how bad it would suck if you weren't on your parents plan. Those of you who are drowning in student loans, but working for Uber or Buffalo Wild Wings instead of something remotely related to your degree. Those of you who take home 5 plates of left overs every thanksgiving so that you can eat good for a week. Those of you who order one nice $5 beer, but then order $2 coors lights the rest of dinner while your other friends order $8 drinks that have names like Monkey Gland.

For those of you who can relate, listen up.

When you are 40 years old no one is going to feel sorry for you that you made bad decisions in your early 20s. There is no guarantee that if you hold out and apply to 50 jobs every week someone is eventually going to see you as a good candidate. Inflation of the U.S. Dollar isn't going to magically go away if minimum wage is raised to $15 or free healthcare for all actually happens. Business owners are not going to have the same amount of employees if they are forced to pay them double. They will get rid of the slackers and keep the best employees causing unemployment to double. They'll raise the price of your Subway footlong to $12 to make up for labor cost with food cost. Cost of living all around will inflate even more to counteract your higher wages. Not to mention TAXES!

We live in a system where someone who received $500,000 from their father can open up a restaurant franchise, buy the biggest house in the nicest neighborhood, and own 4 vehicles, then pay for it all by paying low wages, shorting customers on food quality, and making their underpaid managers work 55 hours on a 40 hour per week salary. If he needs extra money for his new swimming pool he just forces said manager to cut hours for the other employees and take on extra work because he or she is a salaried employee.

The middle class work long hours and sacrifice their health so that their bosses can live in luxury or pay for the debt they've accumulated by living outside their means. Then those same middle class people bitch about taxes and poor people on welfare, or the single mother who has to get food stamps to feed her children.

You tried to go to college and get a degree, but rather than getting you a good job it got you tons of student loan debt. You'd like to buy a house instead of throwing money away on rent, but you don't want to make another dumb decision that puts you further into debt when you're not even sure if this is the place you want to live for the next 20 years.

Are you depressed yet? Are you realizing that the game is rigged against you? Did you ever really have a chance? Was your only option to make all the right decisions when you were too young to even know what income tax was?

There is another way. I know I am about to lose a lot of you, but before you judge me keep in mind that some of you have turned to things like selling products on Facebook to your friends and family in hopes of getting out of O'charlies. Remember that some of you easily spend $100 a weekend to get drunk and forget about the week, and then work the whole week just to survive until the weekend again where you can hopefully squeeze enough fun out of two days to make it through the next week.

What I am about to tell you about is Blockchain technology. Again, don't judge me before you hear what I have to say. I am not selling you anything. It doesn't benefit me for you to get involved. It's not a pyramid scheme. I literally get nothing for telling you about it.

Blockchain technology is the future whether you believe it or not. Whether you choose to find out what it is or ignore it there are companies all around the world that are already utilizing it. The Etherum Enterprise Alliance is a group of some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the world that have realized Blockchain is the future and they are embracing it. Every year more and more businesses will embrace it, MasterCard has embraced it because unlike banks that will get left behind they are trying to implement it in a way that keeps them relevant. Jamie Dimon (CEO of JP Mogan) called Bitcoin a fraud, all the while his company JP Morgan is a part of the EEA. If it is a fraud they still get to be a big bank making billions, but if it is the future then they are still good because they are embracing it. Start up companies all over the world are now being funded through ICOs rather than VC Funding. Venture Capatalist have realized it's the future so rather than being left behind they are now investing millions into these ICOs and making even more money.


You see, very few rich people will be left behind. Some of them have fought it. Some of them will continue to fight it. However, at the end of the day, they are rich for a reason and the ones who haven't already realized it's the future have plenty of people researching it for them, and when they come to the conclusion that it is the future they will jump on board.

This spring Mark Cuban called Cryptocurrency a bubble. This September Mark Cuban invested in his own ICO and now calls it a good investment.

For a long time you had to be an accredited investor to have a real shot at investing in start up companies that would one day be Billion dollar companies. Now, thanks to ICOs you can be a McDonald's employee with some bitcoin.

I am not telling you to invest. In fact I don't believe you should, yet. I am only just beginning to discover this world of technology. However, I believe you are making a huge mistake if you don't at least give it your due diligence. Research it, there is so much information if you go looking. Google, Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube are filled with loads of information to help you find out what is going on. Just spend a couple days watching YouTube videos about Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Blockchain technology. Look into decentralization. Then venture into ICOs. Look into decentralization some more. Look into what famous people are saying about it, like Bill Gates for instance.

I will help you. I am not getting anything in return. I'm not a salesman. I am just trying to make sure you are aware that this is all going on.

When 2030 rolls around don't be the 40 year old who is paying for something with Litecoin or working a shitty job because automation took most of the good jobs and say, "why did I not look into Cryptocurrency when I has in my 20's."

You trust in a fraudulent government. You pay taxes without even questioning why taxes are a thing. You have tons of student loan debt, but didn't question whether it was a good investment.

Why are you so afraid to look into something that you don't understand? It is not just for nerds. It is not just for people who found out about it years ago. It is still in its early stages. There is still time for you to become a part of it.

There is still time for you to invest and completely change your future.



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