
come on dude. after that growth... CORRECTION!

It's finishing the first wave (A) of the correction.


P.S. only my opinion

Of course.
Time it gets on with it - or it will take forever

Bitcoin will retest 20 k before 30 March 2018

Why bother what it's doing in March. If I want to know something I want to know it NOW. What is BTC doing NOW. Cause that's where the money is.........or is been taking out of your pocket.
I also disagree with having 10 -15% cash. That should be much more in this bearish market. And why take the risk of following 15 different coins? I just stick to 4 or 5 with ETH and BTC.
If interested I posted the same chart under First Blood so you can see my lines already were correct. Ever hour a candle finishes relay your line. I keep telling you: "This is easy, Bitcoin is telling you his story EVERY HOUR.
BTC Hours Chart.jpg
Why bother.jpg

I really enjoy your comments and analysis. You bring a great counterpoint to Haejin's already-excellent TA.

is this your chart?

The only thing EOS needs is time and affordable financing. EOS coin is a little wavy, so I can not imagine what its price will be in the near future. While writing this article, there is an EOS price of $ 10, a market value of almost $ 6 billion, and a $ 24 million hourly volume of $ 600 million. @liondani

Not enough volume, that's why. Lots of the little chickens have gotten scared these last two weeks and are now warily watching from afar, while everybody tells them it will soon go straight up (not just EOS), but the volume is lacking, so it clearly doesn't. That scares them some more, and so the circle closes and the market remains choppy.
Not a time to buy yet, even the chickens know that.
Even experienced traders know and are now sitting on their hands in fiat.
Becoz, what Haejin says means :
IF 11.600 gets hit once again, BTC might finally REALLY go down to 9500 or 8000, and that may either mean alts will bloom or that the scare will infect them, at least for a day or two...
Everything's down at the moment except Bitcoin Gold and ETH Classic, and a few small pumps. I'm waiting for a general uptrend to begin, and that means it must begin with Bitcoin. Most altcoin breakouts these last days got interrupted and didn't play out, no follow-up. Why would I bother. Yawn.
February maybe, but lets keep posting a lot about this and that, maybe we can talk it up ;)

@jojof, I chicken out and am the upmost afraid person you'll ever meet. But at least when I chicken out and jump back in chicken gives me some GOLDEN EGGS. Please remember to reposition you lines every single hour. BTC and ETH are telling you their story every hour. I don't want to know what's doing in March - April or December. I want to know what it's doing RIGHT NOW!
I chicken out.jpg

Yes-yes, this is okay for day trading, but most people here want to buy a coin and then see it shoot up and triplicate their funds.
And then, the next.
But they also want to lower their risk and therefore spread money over several coins, as if that made any logical sense - oh I guess it's either obvious, or hard to explain.

So they want high risk coins that don't ever tank, ideally, either that or nothing, and so Haejin is spending his energy telling them which coins will likely do their bidding sooner rather than later.

He tends to be optimistic, but then he thinks in long time intervals...
it's therapy, keeping the spirits high, an that;s okay as it actually DOES stabilize the market. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
We have a guy on these threads who always writes about "Massive Prophets," no idea if he's being sarcastic - but we sure have them here ;)

If you just day-trade, you can forget about all that and simply do your thang every day... I'm inclined to agree.
Once we have some stability, I'll get into that again, I wish BTC would tank real hard and be done with it NOW instead of doing these gay ups and downs...
Basically, when day trading it doesn't matter, you win two out of three and that means you constantly profit.

I just like it better when there's a general upward trend, so I don't have to place lots of stops or go into fiat overnight. I'm paranoid ;)

Thanks for the summary. What is your approach to these market cycles? Is the only reason these cryptos go up every year in their "market cycles" that the entire space is going up in marketcap right?

Compared to stock market, this is a new emerging asset class and every year it seems since 14' it's been gaining more and more speculative traders. So these charts behaving the way they do make sense, every year getting more and more extreme.

Any thoughts on the space and why these charts play out so high every year?

Yes, in essence the market cap dpes it, but theres also a certain amount of crystallized hystery going in, the FOMO of the masses - or in other words, market cap + speed = enhanced value. The enhancement being subject to inflation, rates eventually start to fall once the momentum wears off.
This is why the Dimons of this world are having serious doubts, as there are no producers behind crypto the way the see it - like there's (metal) miners actively destroying the environment, using up as much energy as Ireland, to extract the ore and steel workers turning it into the stuff others make useless gadgets from that eventually end up in a landfill.

They lack the flexibility of mind to ask themselves why Disney is a successful enterprise by creating dreams, only because that question never arose since they were born.
Disney was already there, it worked, like the FED and Allah, and so these things as well as Disney were legit. Sigh.
However they do understand landfills and appreciate the intrinsic value of landfills... so do I, as they well illustrate the human economic circle and how it really works.

Please explain what you mean by "space" - in my thoughts, the real issue seems to be time, or call it psychotime ;)

EOS has very big potential to grow ! So since today its 15% down i would even buy some :)

But you could say that for almost any coin at this time.
Literally any.

Not all coins have potential. Many are just clones!

No-no - I mean the top ones, not the junk. The ones with potential should all go up, but people are scared and weary at the moment, morale needs to come back.

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