Lauren Southern is Now On Steemit!

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone! I'm a political commentator from Canada who just figured out what steemit is thanks to my friend Jeff Berwick at - figured I'd start my first post with my first video on crypto-currencies. Looking forward to joining the community!



AWE YEAH! Coming for the big bucks eh? :P
Great to see you here Lauren. You'll kick ass and take names on this platform.

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We doing that interview any time soon? ;) lol

I hope you ask her the right questions and get to the point of things. while some things she did are to be respected, other things she says and stands for are downright despicable. but nobody seems to care, ever.

Unfortunately, it's looking like the @laurensouthern account is a fake.

I'll ask her.

Did she get back to you?

Hi Lauren. Welcome to Steemit. Stephen

Hi @laurensouthern glad to have you aboard!

Tagging upvoters to ask they remove their votes.

I've tried to get in contact with Lauren Southern but she is not replying, however after 4 days with no indication that this account is real, I think you should remove your votes.

@roadscape, @fulltimegeek, @ausbitbank, @riverhead, @steemaccess, @acidyo, @adol, @steempty, @jrcornel, @greenman, @jacobcards, @hipster, @inv, @xeroc

Welcome aboard, Lauren!

Hope to see your work in the #fakenews and #informationwar tags

The Ministry of Truth will be defeated

Welcome to Steemit.

I enjoy your work. Followed.

Why are you blockading refugee boats instead of addressing why the boats are fleeing war torn zones with helpless women and children on them? Is it their fault that the West is creating war for natural resources across the Middle East? Why are you not addressing the Zionist Plan for Greater Israel or the PNAC group which is behind the terrorists and have been since 9/11? Why do you not blow the whistle on obvious false flag terror events that are coordinated clearly?

Why are the people working for Zionist operations like the rebel addressing the symptoms of the Zionist wars and funneling people's anger towards the immigration problem the symptom and away from the cause which is the Zionist wars?

How are you "independent" when you still are on The Rebel's website? =>

How can you possibly sleep at night working for the most obvious Zionist fake news outlet ever created the Rebel Media?

Why are you pushing Americans into a fake left right paradigm by getting them to support these completely staged and fake "free speech" fights, that will lead to censorship for everyone?

Why should Americans give a flying shit about what you have to say on any topic when you are a complete fucking moron with no education or degree?

Why are you constantly flashing the 666 hand sign when doing photo ops?

Btw welcome to steemit. Where you have to answer for your bullshit.

P.S. Since you are Berwick fan, what do you think of Jeff's "Super Shemitah" scam that he never apologized for pushing despite it being total bullshit?

that sign is so stupid and cringy.


Why are you blockading refugee boats instead of addressing why the boats are fleeing war torn zones with helpless women and children on them?

I never had the perspective of the fleeing migrants until I watched this Emmanuel TV clip:

They seem to be fleeing in search of a better life which was probably shown to them through propaganda(aka TV programming). It is sad to see how they were duped into fleeing their own nation. They suffered greatly on the failed journey to Europe.

of course they got propagated to come over here, and those boats are part of the plan, to get them here. its all a shitshow in many parts and our governments rather than "islam" is to be blamed, whether its war or human trafficking or misusing or even managing terrorism to make a case for an even bigger security lockdown in europe.

protesting those boats I actually see as a right thing to do, but alt-righters with their ever more exceeding identitarian focus are only partly right in their assertions. southern also claims to be libertarian, but I actually only see her pandering to the choir of the neocrusaders and alt-righters, rather than making a libertarian case relating to this crisis. i'm disgusted by the youtube vlog she started, called rebell media, but sometimes also by southern herself, even though she might say something true sometimes.

I am so down to be a "part-right". Phrase coined @kaeptnkook

Yea, they are just trying to find a better life and fake journalists like Lauren are blockading these poor people, while there are countless other boats heading to countless other areas and ports because the Middle East has been torn apart with Zionist wars and she won't condemn Israel because "Southern" is a Zionist.

In my personal opinion Lauren Southern is a rebel media zionist shill and a moron. Her political analysis is resemblance of a pro Zionist shill with no education and it shows. If she wants anyone legit to take her seriously she needs to go read some books and study political science. Or she can just continue to thrive off brainwashed men who she appeals to with her looks and repeating bogus left / right divide and conquer nonsense.

I can answer your questions here. I could write a book about this and give you oatmeal. Islam promotes Jihadism and Sharia Law.

Love your style @laurensouthern! Glad to see you here on Steemit :)

I told you under that video you should come to Steemit :D, but since my comment is 11 hours old and your post 12 hours, I guess I can't take credit...

Really glad you found your way here! There are some topics I would like to discuss with you, especially immigration. I'm for more solid borders, and less and better planned immigration, but I feel like there is too much hysteria on both sides of the discussion.

Steemit will be so much better to talk about this than youtube, followed you obviously ;).

nice try, its top comment with no likes because its your own. I also posted on ADVChinas youtube and Ron Paul still they are not here (yet).

i never claimed it was a "toop" comment, but i ddid post it early as soon as she posted thatvideo, i was watching t, and commenting, sorry but i really was there early telling her to join steemit

hey dont worry, Im glad you did the good deed of promoting Steem!

Welcome to Steemit, from a fellow Canadian (living in South Africa now).

Not accordiing to flat earth theory youre not! I say youve ALWAYS lived in the southern hemisphere, and Ive got a rocket gopro video of the moon over nevada to prove it! imagine a flat earth YOLO fidget spinner dabbing gang on real hoverboards the ones that are big quadcopters that you can stand on,

lol anyway I feel like i have the perfect about of steempower, about $1200 worth, to be able to go and give everyone at least 1 penny! the smallest increment that actually shows up in the rewards!

Its so rewarding to go down a comment list and give EVERYONE who comments here at least 1 penny! For many its the first money theyve ever gotten from a comment!!!! comments dont usually make you much money on any OTHER websites! they NEVER do! untiill now! steemit is teh FIRST place ive EVEER seen where you can monetize fckin commentsits the bestthing ever

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get it now?

Adding ads is something we could do if we ever run out fo steem to mine or if steem isnt profitable to mine liek ith bitcoin they say in years and years...

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anyway steemit is very cool technology...and the free money comes from the same free money bitcoin miners are cashing in on! get it now? yeah and steempower is just the powwer to give rewards and make money on curations and its alo really great for getting followwers, many new peopel with barely any steempower will post everyday untill they are a dolphin and theyll be upvotng your votes one ay making you alot more than they might be now!

just keep steemit posting and learning about crypto currency AND llearning about and the steepshot app that makes steemit liek INSTSAGRAm for Android phne or tablet its so cool

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so many cool projects with steemit!

Long live pepe,he was a meme of peace!

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