Interesting Bitcoin Cash Apps and Resources

in #bitcoin7 years ago

While we are all aware of fight between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and im not taking any position here.. its worth nothing of things that are built on top of Bitcoin Cash right now which look pretty cool.

This by no means is all the ecosystem has just a few things ive chosen to share.



Decentralized on-chain social network built on Bitcoin Cash. We would say Steemit a like, but its not.. Voting is different than tipping and looks are not as good as here. More like short twitter in bbs form.

Coin Mixing Service

Make your BCH sends anonymous.

Store Secrets Forever


Encrypt some data and keep its copy everywhere. Only person with right password will be able to read and reveal it.

Counterparty Cash


Know XCP coin built on BTC protocol? Now we have also one built on BCH.


JoyStream i wrote about it just before its launch, read here if you have missed -

Bitcoin Cash Markets

Interesting how unlike on other coins Binance is low here in volume. As often our known friend BitFinex does good and HitBtc was always great for this coin. If you dont have those, suggested to register along with Huobi which now allows USA people - no ID needed.

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thanks for info. I think bitcoin cash are extending their boundary syep by stepsmoothly :D

I am not a bitcoin cash fan but I do have to admit some of the stuff they made are cool. Exp, cointext and memocash. Counterparty cash by the looks of it is abandoned. appears to be bitcoin cash version of
But I still like the LN and RSK better. I just don't believe onchain transition are the way to go.

There is also Cash Shuffle service. ( for example) Not sure which mixer is best. In the long run they're probably not your best bet for privacy. But better things are likely coming.

I like LN and RSK too, but I think many limitations and risks are not fully understood by the public yet. BTC and BCH will likely serve as good experiments to run side by side.

Mixer honestly suck. It good enough. Cash shuffle is a little better but not much. Privacy Altcoin or bitcoin sidechain would be better There are also limitations and risks to big blocks. I too want to see big blocks on the bitcoin chain but I want the LN more...

Yep, I prefer Monero style privacy. Big blocks are not as risky as people think, but this will show in time as long as the project stays on path.

The Bitcoin Cash people are practical and building practical solutions to real problems. After all the reason products and services exist is to solve the problems society is faced with today. Bitcoin Cash after the May 15th upgrade could handle several hundred million people. I still don't understand lightening network and how its solving real problems today? If they wanted an off-chain scaling solution that's fine but the focus was always to scale Bitcoin on chain b/c that's the most practical way. Now all these great apps are popping up on Bitcoin Cash b/c of cheap trans fees and allowing smart contracts again on Bitcoin. No need for LN or Root Stock.

Those applications do look pretty cool. Thanks for posting things I would normally miss going on in cryptocurrency.

I am relatively new to the crypto scene but feel like that I know popular coins like BCH pretty well. Turns out that I didn't know it as well as I thought. This is quality information.
Thanks for the update man!

Thanks for sharing! What about This social network that rewards with BCH not seems to run on blockchain but Roger Ver has a profile there: Thanks and good luck again!!

Yours is pretty good. It does suffer a bit from not being fully on chain, but that could change in the future. BlockPress also seems like a good initiative. All of these apps will obviously have to improve over time though.

thanks will check out memo to see if i have a fighting chance there

Better imo would be to check out BlockPress. They both still have a long way to go though. Good luck.

will do thanks a lot

Coin Mixing Service looks quite fun to use.

Cool, stuff. I think it is just as legitimate to build these on bcash as Bitcoin. I don't have a problem with bcash as a technology as much as I do with some of the people promoting it.

Just want to briefly mention to any noobs that might read that "BCash" was a name designated to Bitcoin Cash by it's opposition in a divertion and spam campaign. Not a lot of Bitcoin Cash users would use that name, which is of course not to say that it can't be used without ill intent.

Hope you don't have a problem with me for "promoting it" by writing about it for example. Neither I have much respect for the big "promoters", but even they can be right from time to time.

No, no. No hate for using it and promoting it. My beef is with specific promoters. I use the term "bcash" specifically for how mad it makes Rover Ver. He argues that it is the "real Bitcoin", which I consider an attempt at fraud as Bitcoin is the "real" Bitcoin. (Anyone who doubts this will not doubt it for long if they buy Bitcoin Cash and try to transfer it to a Bitcoin wallet). I don't begrudge anyone the right to argue the benefits of any coin, but when you buy AND the @bitcoin Twitter in an attempt to conflate your currency with Bitcoin then I think that is dishonest.

Thank you for explaining the term "bcash", though. Very confusing concept for some people. Not everyone appreciates a good portmanteau.

He argues that it is the "real Bitcoin", which I consider an attempt at fraud as Bitcoin is the "real" Bitcoin.

I agree with him that it is "the real" Bitcoin, but obviously not ticker BTC. I also have different reasoning for that than him.

when you buy AND the @bitcoin Twitter in an attempt to conflate your currency with Bitcoin then I think that is dishonest.

If this was the case, then I would consider that very aggressive strategy and since he's said that the Twitter account does not belong to him also dishonest. But the domain has been in Rogers belonging since 2014. He has was such a vocal and repetitive speaker in support of Bitcoin that even Bitcoin users found him preachy back when we were mostly just various anarchists and libertarians and nicknamed him to signal that. (This was in fact even earlier. I can't say when exactly, but I it was not super early either)

I'm not really a fan of Roger and people will undoubtedly make the mistake of thinking that I am when I speak up on a sensitive topic like this, but there is so much more to this issue and it pains me to constantly see a mix of real people and fake accounts use Roger (or some much more shady figure) as the excuse for why Bitcoin Cash is bad.

Now, I appreciate that we can't all know and keep track of everything and I don't mean to debate you here either. Just wanted to have my say before everyone moves on to the next hot topic.

All fair points. About the website, I just wanted to point out that this image is on the front page.

They are marketing Bitcoin Cash as an "upgrade" from Bitcoin rather than an alternative. I think it is deceptive and, right now, I don't want to give government regulators any reason to characterize this space as predatory.

Technically it's quite true that it's an "upgrade", in many ways of the word. I still wouldn't consider it to be fraud. But I can agree that's too ambiguous to be good marketing. As I said, I don't always agree with Roger in particular. In this case I'm pretty sure the decision was not his, but he obviously is responsible as he is the site owner.

After my criticism, he did correct a few things in a step by step guide to buying Bitcoin (BTC/BCH), so it's obvious he listens to what people have to say. But not if they troll him. Maybe someone should try to talk with him directly about this in a calm -- non-accusatory -- manner and see if he changes it?

When it comes to regulators, I frankly say "bring it". We can't stay under the radar forever and eventually there will be clashes. I'd rather have the crypto community learn about the importance of privacy now, than when it's too late and no longer practical to address.

-I want to say that I applaud you for not completely lashing out in conversation so far. It may sound degrading or overly dramatic, but this is terribly uncommon when discussing this topic, as I have learned since I started to shift my position towards being more understanding of Bitcoin Cash and where the community is coming from.

And I thank you for being civil as well. People like picking sides in the Bitcoin Cash issue. I am on the side of the user. Finance is full of people trying to take advantage of the less financially aware. I see it all of the time in traditional finance, I would hate it to become normal here.

I'm with you on that.

yes maybe your opinion is true. but we see now almost all games are affected by bitcoin whether that's true.

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