Bitfinex Adds Trading of Bitcoin Forks - BCU and BCC

in #bitcoin8 years ago

There were lately speaks of possible Bitcoin dualing into Bitcoin Core (called BTC for now) and Bitcoin Unlimited (called BTU).

Even thought its not sure if this split will even happen they decided to already add trading of it.

Notice they decided to call those two BCC (BitCoinCore) and BCU (BitCoinUnlimited).

BitFinex is currently #1 BTC Volume Exchange

They own 11% of the market of all coins and currencies exchanged to BTC just on their USD pair. I have made a trading guide for this exchange on Steemit before - so can be a good start.

BCC BCU Markets View

So after some price changes they landed on 300 USD for BTU and 700 for BCC. So looks like the split wouldnt make a big difference for us USD wise.

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Great post! So i have to be prepared for 700 dollars :)

So much drama in the Bitcoin world. I love the volatility!

Interesting times ahead, which coin do you prefer. Please don't say pivx

Heh. This made me chuckle. You think pivx isn't worth it or maybe just too much hype right now? I'm new to the coin, but so far I've been impressed with the community (and obviously the price rise). I'm also looking to branch out into others coins, so I'm curious if the answer as well.

I've been burned so many times by hype, with Litecoin, Aurora, Feathercoin, CNC Coin, Digibyte, Vertcoin, even STEEM, that I should be steering well clear of anything that has electricity. It's tempting to put some fiat behind PIVX but I'm just not sure atm, it's probably a good thing that QTUM wasn't on POLO or I would have bought that too.

I only own a few hundred dollars worth at the moment. Once it hits POLO I think we will see a nice spike. After that it is anyones guess. Bitcoin is the main factor for me. If they right the ship we will see alts get clobbered.

Bitcoin to the moons of Jupiter! Hopefully the Bitcoin ETF rejection gets reversed too

id prefer EXCL than pivx as its 3 years old :))

I see that most coins have PoP Proof of Pump😂

From what I have read, the BCU contact is basically useless. There are possible circumstances where even if Bitcoin forks to 2MB blocks and BU "wins" the token becomes void. It's really surprising because getting the contract correct should not have been difficult. Basing the terms on the client and not the rule change makes no sense.

Sounds a bit insane to me. Then again, we have stock index and futures which I guess is not too different.

Interesting. Is this the first attempt to settle the fork issue?

Man, this is crazy. Talk about taking speculation & hype to a whole new level. Guess it just goes to show that exchanges will do anything in pursuit of profits. Reminds me of how sometimes you see IOU tokens trading for new cryptos even before they've been released. Although it will be interesting to keep an eye on this as a possible leading indicator of price in the event that this split actually happens (assuming there is decent volume).

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