Bitcoin OneTrillion Dollars Max Keiser Predicts?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Max Keiser in this video touts a value of 1 Trillion Dollars for Bitcoin. Maybe he was implying that the dollar will be inflated so its worth will be zero with hyperinflation.

Countries experiencing massive inflation like Venezuela and Argentina are falling in to disarray those people who are using Bitcoin and other cryptos are protecting their purchasing power in fact they are increasing their wealth by the rise in value of Bitcoin and other cryptos.

1 Trillion dollar valuation by Max Keiser could be a reality but if comes about what will society be like?

I wish i had listened more to Max from 2011 when he was recommending Bitcoin at low valuations, but 1 trillion valuation is Max on something !!! Comments please.

Wishing You Good Health, Wealth And Prosperity.


I think you are closer to the mark with the Dollar de-valuing. Coupled with bitcoin rising... well maybe this could be a reality.

Agree, scary world if dollar becomes so worthless.

The world is already a scary place :\ the dollar doesnt mean anything, its a tool after all.

Agree fiat money is just a tool the elites control to enslave the masses.

This was a good find, thanks. I listened to the whole thing and learned about some important geopolitical facts the mainstream has neglected to mention.

The mainstream rarely talks about bitcoin or cryptos and then usually in a negative way. Cryptos challenge their debt based monetary system that they control.

Most news as you are probably aware comes from Reuters news agency that is owned by the Rothschild's who own and control most central banks that print out of thin air most nations "money".

It amazes me that the mainstream media rarely covers the massive price appreciation in bitcoin up over 600% in a year and people cannot see through the fake mainstream news. Max is one who gives out true financial analysis he is well worth following.

Its true, crypto is a threat to traditional economics and even gold traders. People agianst crypto come up with the craziest arguments againt it. "Its going to Hacked" "Its only used by criminals" "Its Fiat" "Programers will creat more out of thin air" thy deserve to be left in the dust. It boggles my mind that people thin gold has intrinsic value. All value is assigned due to demand and market manipulation. My fear is that a central bank will try to accumulate bitcoin and hoard it

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