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RE: Bitcoin is on fire did you expect 40000$ at the end of 2018 ?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Bitcoin is going to the moon, the virtual moon! Flat earth! Jesus is the Son of God! Follow Him at the Catholic Church!


I like the people of the Catholic faith, most of my family and friends are affiliated with it, however, since 1978 I do no agree with their leaders and the child sexual abuse going on. Christ is the head of his spiritual church, those who walk lead by the Holy Spirit only.

The only person capable of being perfect is Christ Himself. No one not even the pope can be perfect. Even the first pope (St Peter) rejected Christ 3 times but was still handed the keys for the kingdom of heaven. I will always be a sinner on earth with my flesh. The abuse is a horrible thing and it angers me. I pray for the victims everyday. Another way to look at the situation is by putting ourselves in the shoes of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. She witnessed her Son being abused, tortured, and killed. Jesus was innocent just like the children who were abused. Earth is broken and so are we, that's why I'm always aiming for heaven with God, my only hope. I love you and peace be with you.

I agree, only Christ is perfect, thereby, only him can be our savior. I always pray the following: Heavenly Father, I come to you this day, pleading the blood of your precious son, Yeshua, your anointed one, for our redemption out the hands of Satan, for our justification, sanctification, for the life you meant for us to have and for access to your Holy Throne, to adore you, to thank you and to tell you that there is no one who can compare to you, or claim the works of your Holy Hands. According to the Holy Scriptures we overcome the enemy of our soul through the blood of Christ. Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb(Christ) and by the word of their testimony, and they did no love their lives to the death." May his Holy Peace be with you and yours.

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