Bitcoin: Anti-State, Anti-War Answer?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In responding to some comments today, I have been immersed in further reading and research. Bear with my my friends as I stumble my way to learn perhaps what you already clearly understand. Bear with me. I answered one friend in the comments who was a little less than kind to Bitcoin enthusiasts. My response is below, followed by a recent email I sent into the mysterious internet.

Let's not call them Bittards. I will agree some are illogical and my not fully understand it all, just like I do not. However, I sense a bit of altruism when I read through Satoshi Nakamotos writings, emails and white paper. A peer to peer, non-state, non third party currency system, could have a tremendous outcome in fighting the monopoly of currency issuance that statists and regimes have held.

The people, could in theory STRIP, government of the power to "coin" money. Because the governments have rejected their responsibility in preserving sound money, robbed the people through the theft in inflation tax, corrupted and molested the financial system with fiat paper, zero interest rates, corporatism, cronyism and allowed the robber barons to ROB the people, it is only right and just for some anarcho-capitalist method of currency exchange arise and challenge the statist thugs.

Let Bitcoin fight a hidden war against the elite. Let Bitcoin assault the bastions of wall street, of JP Morgan, of the Federal Government, the Federal Reserve banking cartel and the overlords who force their fiat garbage upon us.

I would prefer 21,000,000 units of BTC as the economies currency than the infinite amount of paper federal reserve notes destroying pensions, fixed income families, retirees and the elderly. I cheer BTC on at this point to assault those who wish to control us.

My email to Satoshi recently: (I do not expect a reply)

Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto,

Perhaps I send this email into a lifeless space, a vacuous emptiness, similar to what lies between earth and other galaxies. This is not a probe to discover your identity or whereabouts sir. I have the deepest respect for you and your endeavors, your design of BTC and the premise that it challenges the monopoly of currency issuance by statists and regimes.

For years your creation was something that intrigued me. I cheered on the challenge it posed to governments, while maintaining a critical skepticism of what it actually was.

As a conservative bordering on anarchocapitalism, volunteerism and libertarianism, I believe your creation is superb in that it functions much like Gold.

Sound money, is a path to peace. I have read Professor Ferdinand Lips, Professor Antal E. Fekete, and others, who have nearly proven that without the unending supply of fiat paper, governments would struggle to be able to execute grandiose plans and life snuffing wars.

My hope sir, is that BTC can somehow lead us away from war, stripping governments of the monopoly over currency issuance, their power over money of which they derive power to issue violence.

I have a small, humble youtube channel where I discuss these things and lately have been exploring my way into Bitcoin. My stubbornness to put money into Bitcoin was compounded at first by the complexity of the concept . Supporting Bitcoin from day one was something I should have surely done. Thank you for your time sir.

If you should ever be able to correspond with me, I would greatly appreciate it sir. I am a simple man, living a simple life, striving to be free, free of debt, and free to be.


Very well said. It has been apparent to a lot of people for a long time that money is indeed the root of all evil, selfishness, greed and cruelty.

Let's all be free... to be.


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