Twitch now accepts Bitcoin! (Twitch is owned by Amazon...)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

On their Twitter Feed, Twitch announced that they are accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment.

Check it out:


Right there, the 3rd one from the left, bitcoin is listed among a whole host of other gift cards etc.

A little about Twitch:

Here is a brief description from Wikipedia:

"Twitch is a live streaming video platform owned by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of Introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming platform,, the site primarily focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of eSports competitions, in addition to creative content, "real life" streams, and more recently, music broadcasts. Content on the site can either be viewed live or via video on demand."

On top of that, as of Q3 2017, Twitch still remains the leading live streaming video service for video games in the US.

Not bad, but check this out:


Do you see what I see?

*Hint: Look who Twitch is owned by...

Why is this potentially significant?

As you probably noticed from my hint above, Twitch is owned by Amazon.

Which means, if Twitch is accepting bitcoin as a means of payment and is owned by Amazon, it probably isn't that far of a reach to think that perhaps Amazon may soon be following suit and accepting bitcoin as well!

A great step in the right direction in terms of bringing cryptocurrencies to the masses.

As more and more legitimate businesses start integrating bitcoin and cryptocurrencies into their payment options, the faster it will gain traction among the masses.

Stay informed my friends.

Follow me: @jrcornel


BTC is out of gas. Time to cash out and move on.

That's the great news. Steam has stopped accepting bitcoin.

They mentioned the large fees were an issue, so perhaps they will accept a coin with smaller fees, perhaps something like a bch, heck or maybe even little ol steem. ;)

I think Bitcoin Lightning makes way more sense than a cheaper coin, but because Lightning didn't have a ICO that got pumped nobody is talking about it. But I think the smartest people around will choose it finally.

Yes, Bitcoin is more of a store of value at the moment.

Why use Steem for daily transactions? STEEM is social media. Do you ever see a day when you take all your Facebook likes into SBUX and try to trade for a coffee? NOPE. Why not. Social media is not the same as daily transactions.

STEEMIT can cause mass delusions. People start to think that their 40 words are worth $12.

It is an illusion, you will wake up soon.

steem will be hot

transaction fees are like 20-30$ now for btc, so for now i do not see it being used. Litecoin and all other crypto would have been better option. I think with this move twitch just wants some attention (look at us, we are accepting crypto). Just my opinion.

I vote for LTC.

looks like LITECOIN may be moving up a notch or two???

True, fees is indeed and issue. Moreover it is slow as well.

Amazon hasn't announced anything related to its relation with cryptocurrencies. Based on a report on October 31st Amazon bought,, and

Companies buy lots of domain's. Doesn't mean they will use them.

So? If they don't buy them some squatters will do it and they will try to sell them for millions.

True, but so did Windows and they recently started accepting it again so it may happen on Steam also...

Microsoft also stopped supporting bitcoin, the lightning network really has to come about before offchain transactions take hold.

good sore kawan

That's a great news for crypto!

It's a bit late for everyone to start accepting bitcoin. They may as well start accepting Western Union. Bitcoin fees are higher.

Good point, though if they "start" accepting one, perhaps they will soon branch into other coins as well ;)

Good to know! Another reason to avoid Twitch...

Are there people in the world who take Info Wars seriously?

Get todays news 10 years ago!

You can make fun of Info Wars - but they are proven right, time and time again.

Anyone saying their information is inaccurate, I'd kindly ask for a few examples as they'll be hard pressed to come up with any.


I'm still confused if this is some American meme or there are really people who believe what this guy has to say. Seeing how there are Americans who actually think vaccination causes autism and their who their current present is I really hope this is some joke like The Onion. If not... I feel sorry for those poor souls.

Like I respectfully asked...

Please tell tell me what InfoWars said, claimed or put out there that was inaccurate.

Even Amazon can't stay away from the future of payment. While there are so many options better than Bitcoin, nonetheless, step in the right direction.

I agree. There are so many options that are better than Bitcoin. I hope some of these companies take a look at Bitshares, which has a very low transaction fee and fast transfer times, or Steem with No Transactions Fees and fast transfer times.

I think someone reported after asking to the customer service of Amazon about Bitcoin, they answered it will come in the next months with Litecoin ?
Also I think Ethereum could be something amazing for them on deliveries for insurance and smart contract, the big thing of Amazon is the delivery, only the future will tell us :)

The news is great for visibility of bitcoin but who is going to spend their coins on goods at this point. We are still years out. Remember the multimillion dollar pizza delivery. I think the demand to transact in bitcoin will be low if amazon adds it.

Bring it on Amazon! 👍

If amazon took BTC, would you even use it?

I wasted a lot of BTC in the early days and that has taught me to not sell it. Holding!

Not necessarily, but the more big legit companies that accept it; the better for all Cryptos.

What do twitch offer that you would want to use bitcoin for? Fees are so high I can’t imagine sending less than several hundred dollars worth in one go!

Is Amazon next?

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