If the trend continues, the next post halving dip should be to $100k...
Let that sink in a little bit...
If bitcoin continues to follow the trend it's been on since it was created you can expect it to have a major dip after it's next halving...
The interesting thing is that this dip will be to about $100k or so.
Check out the trend:
(Source: https://twitter.com/CrypToomas/status/1513811759974465537/photo/1)
Bitcoin has never broken the prior high of the halving cycle, which was $20k prior to the current cycle.
Hard to imagine.
Weird to think it's going that high.
We can't even hold 39k
price just goes lower and lower
seems hard to believe
If the price can't go up here, why up later.
think things get boring for a long time now
think the bear is here
likely to push down towards $30k I think
probably lower