I bought my first Bitcoin

in #bitcoin8 years ago

That wast the latest headline coming out of CNBC yesterday.

It is not referring to me as I bought my first bitcoin a little while back, however, it is referring to one of my favorite financial analysts. 

I referred to another one of my favorites a little while back, Tom Lee, and his prediction about Bitcoin possibly getting to $55k by 2022.

It can be seen here:


However, the latest crypto convert comes from truly my all time favorite:

Josh Brown.

Josh Brown is a regular contributor to the Halftime Report on CNBC. A must watch show for all you stock traders out there. He runs a financial blog and does very well primarily trading and investing in US stocks. To top it all off, he is as funny as he is skilled, which is saying something because he is quite skilled.

Back to the important stuff...

Josh Brown announced via twitter that he had purchased his first Bitcoin yesterday.

It can be seen here:

Again, just like the Tom Lee announcement a few weeks back, it signals that major wall street players are not only starting to pay attention and take Bitcoin seriously, but they are starting to buy in. 

Which is exactly what you want to see from an adoption standpoint.

Heil Josh Brown!

After Josh Brown's twitter announcement of his Bitcoin buy started to go viral across social media, and his rational for  buying it was published along with it, this picture was attached...

A perfect example of his sense of humor. To be honest, he does kind of look like Hitler there...

Why did he buy Bitcoin?

According to Josh:

"I think at this stage in the game, it’s important to be open-minded and not afraid to lose money or look foolish. I’ve invested into way dumber things in my life. And as far as what the future holds – if the disruption hippies turn out to be right, and the 21 million BTC that will eventually be the limit are out there in public hands, it’s hard to imagine them not appreciating in price. Especially if they become more institutionalized and embedded into enterprise scale transactions – which is what the banking industry seems to be leaning toward from what I read and hear. I like the idea of scarcity and owning something that is finite by design."

He has bought into "way dumber things in his life..." and "the disruption hippies..." haha thanks Josh.

More of his rational behind his purchase of Bitcoin can be read here:


Check it out, it's a great and entertaining read. 

In summation:

Josh feels exactly how I feel ever since I bought into crypto.

Before I bought into Crypto and after:

Like a boss.

"The Dude abides"

Stay informed my friends!




Image Sources:



Follow me: @jrcornel


Ha, my accountant still thinks that Bitcoin is a physical asset. Photos like that guy holding up a physical " Bitcoin" just confuse people.

Hehe, those investors look happy that they bough it! It does feel great to have bitcoin ;). Great article as always @jrcornel !

I think $55,000 in 2022 is an extremely LOW estimate.

Haha, disruption hippies are doing a dance. The Dude abides on Wall Street.

Haha yes he does. I hope those disruption hippies are right...

We'll all be doing a dance then....

well at least he bought ;)
better late than never
oh .. it's not really late yet ..

Funny, lol Do you think the HF, Soft form whatever its called is going to happend Aug 1st? I have 0 .45btc from my kitchen faucet am I rich?!?!?

I've always wonderad if there's some conspiracy trying to make people believe that bitcoins are physical coins and that you must buy a whole bitcoin, LOL.

Very interesting. Hope he is right.

Nice to see people spreading the word!

This picture is priceless. Thank you!

I think it's cool that they made such a big deal out of this guy buying a bitcoin. Also it's cool that they actually gave him one of they physical models of the bitcoin, not everybody gets those when they buy bitcoins. Not sure they're worth anything in dollars, but still a cool keep sake item to have in addition to your cryptocurrency. Interesting post!

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