Fiat Currencies

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Classical libertarians/anarchists, social activists who suggest government-mandated reparations for the most-oppressed, and Bernie Sanders fans who talk about using #taxationistheft to transfer wealth from the 1% to the 99"%, all have one thing in common: They want more.

Depending on who we talk about, they may want more personal wealth, they may want more access to healthcare and institutional education, and they may feel like they've gotten "shafted" by a corrupt government and politicians for many generations. Their money, opportunity, and health has gotten stolen by corrupt bureaucrats and they want it back. They live on a tax farm as a slave and they want to get let free and given their '40 acres and a mule'.

Fortunately, "wealth transfer," doesn't have to get forced. We don't have to use government guns to squeeze taxes and reparations from people. We can get our "more" without continuing the institutions that have caused us to have "less."

We can spend some time observing, learning, watching, analysing the financial system, and we can then determine wise methods to stimulate organic, genuine, voluntary wealth transfer rather than demanding the government do it with force.

If a guy has a lot of money that he got via crony capitalism, corruption, using government guns to oppress the poor, et cetera. And his money and other fiat-dependent assets go down in value because the currency collapses. Well, it just so happened that you did your research and made some smart decisions. You were poised to profit from the collapse, and the things you hold value in (i.e. not government fiat) raised in value. This exists as an organic wealth transfer. One but gets into place to receive it.

Sitting on the sidelines with only a cursory understanding of how government currency works, with all your savings in a Chase Bank USD savings account with 0.01% interest fighting against 8% yearly cost of living increase, living in the middle of a city, the worst place during a crisis, while demanding that those institutions that oppress us, take money from another and give it to us.... seems not a place to exist. No organic wealth transfer will occur. Not in form of a violent wealth transfer either, regardless of how hard some vote for Bernie, because this "1%" has enough money to pay off politicians who control guns, police, army, and we will not attain more than them. If one gets lucky they'll get to starve to death in front of a government grain warehouse in 10 or 15 years, like we've seen over and over again around the world. Oh, but it wouldn't happen "here," wherever "here" gets considered. Yep.

Having done a lot of research led to certain conclusions.

=>>The debt-based, government-controlled fiat currency system trmains unsustainable and gets bound to collapse. No fiat currency has survived the test of time. Read world economic news and you'll always see various fiats going into hyperinflation or otherwise being devalued by their governments - right now in Venezuela, Argentina, India, etc. If you hold your savings in the U.S. dollar, Euro, or some other government fiat's clock tickc. It seems nearly impossible, without some serious mental gymnastics, to study and learn functions of central banks and the monetary mechanics behind fiat currencies, and not come to a conclusion about its unsustainablity over a long run.

=>>Physical gold and silver exist as long-term hedges against currency collapse, but due to a combination of physical and paper contract markets, bankers can artificially suppress spot prices by throwing endless fake paper contracts into markets and selling them. This means that we will experience no significant short-term gains from purchasing gold and silver - although It still gets recommend that one purchase some, because there will come a time when these markets will get forced to separate. One can order a gram bar of gold for around $50-$60 and an ounce coin of silver for around $20.

=>>The systems of electricity, water, sanitation, and food distribution that most rely on in our dayly lives, depend on fossil fuels and fiat currencies mostly. When an economic crisis occurs, shortages and failures in these systems will occur rampantly. Those FEMA camps exist there for a reason. Many studies have gotten done on the probable results of various types of economic and political crises. No exaggeration or "conspiracy theory" exists here. But confirmation bias, if such a thing has not happened to you in our lifetime. It sure seems distant and unlikely if we've but read about it in books or articles.

=>>Homesteading seems an effective preparation against this certain eventual collapse of our U.S. dollar and other fiats. Very minimal preparations, starting with having a seed collection and a few pots in a window, leading up to having a huge garden and fruit orchard, and varing places in between, seems allot better than not. Starting a garden when food in grocery stores runs out seems a not so wise time to do so. Also having an ablity to defend ourself and our family from those who would invade our home or loot it, etc.

=>>Cryptocurrencies do not have the same vulnerability that gold and silver markets have with their counterfeit paper contracts, so these actually do provide a short-term monetary gains to counter year over year inflation that steals our fiat savings. Bankers have, so far, not had a ablity to artificially suppress prices in crypto currency markets, though they have tried darned hard.

=>>Official inflation rates get always hedonistically adjusted (i.e. manipulated to appear lower based on desires of politicians.) This, an historical fact. Using Nixon-era calculations and a standard basket of goods, inflation in the U.S. has stood at 8-9% for some time now. That exists as an astounding loss. Cryptocurrencies allow us to offset these losses and then some.

So that brings us to "Peter's Doomsday Portfolio" ----
Cryptocurrency, gold, silver, guns, and a well-protected and productive homestead with a vegetable garden, fruit orchard, and other elements necessary for survival without "the grid".
If you cant get those things, at least start with one or two and work your way up.

Going back to this "organic wealth transfer" theme; predicting that having those things in our "portfolio" puts us in a position to get repaid what governments have stolen from us and our ancestors, when their system proves to no longer desired and valued by markets.



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Good article

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