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RE: Monday Morning, 9 A.M.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Mas o menos al otro lado si estas en la costa oeste o izquierda ;)
The LEFT coast ? Yeah I guess one could call it that... don't tell me it's Seattle, about 80% of the people I ever knew in the US were from Seattle.
I'm German, roughly Hannoverian like the British Royals, he-he. Been living in Tarifa (that's down south, close to Algeciras) for several years and later in Portugal, bought a little house with terrain there.

As I said, the btc totally surprised me. I also tend to keep watching it for while. I just had been looking for some good trade but I'm really not into it today... just couldn't refuse this one.
DIdn't earn me much though, and it was hard to get out again, had to enter the sell order about twenty times - server overload. Ugh.

Too frustrating when so many people are in a frenzy. I'll actually quit for today, got some splines to connect, quiet needed, nada del frenesí.
Entonces, muy buenas noches - y los sueños, sueños son ;)


Tarifa looks like my kind of place! I fell in love with bodysurfing when I moved to California in the late 80's.

I lived in Southern California then, spent a few years in NorCal then moved back to SoCal a few years ago. Oxnard is a small city on the coast just outside the LA urban sprawl.

I've seen the server overload down GDAX and I laugh because one of my trading rules is 'don't react'. My sadistic imagination shows me views of people pounding keyboards and throwing their laptops out the window when the market is moving fast.

What a difference a day makes.

Was a little pessimistic what this week would look like yesterday, now cautiously optimistic. I'll leave my 2x limit order in at 13012 but I'm contemplating a 1x buy stop at 16512 even though I'm already pretty heavy in BTC. Still building my position. I'd rather buy and hodl if the market will let me.

Ciao for now,

So Socal it is... not so damn cold in winter, might as well invest the cost of heating in crypto.

I've got a few shots from Tarifa on my profile (I think they call it "blog" here), though it's mostly just sunsets so far, it was a test post.
Well I had trouble purchasing Bitcoin today (only wanted it to exchange for Stellar, have to on Kraken), so there seems to be huge demand... they finally gave me two thirds of my order, that was cool - they put the rest into a limited order, which was nifty but I cancelled that one.
Stellar is still shooting.
I'm holding some ETH, about time we see it going past $900 don't you think ? Impatience has always been my worst fault.
Once the Stellar stops pumping I'll change that to Bitcoin and I'm also guessing I might stay with it as the market IS adapting and slowly rising...
Some more slowly than others (LTC, Dash) and Bitcoin in the middle - cheers ;)


I'm feeling a little embarrassed. Just stumbled across your g+ profile and tried to send you a private message but all that I could send was "hello". I don't do anything on g+ and I'm not impressed with the way it functions (google should be ashamed at such a lame attempt to copy fb. I expect better from google.)

I hope I don't seem like a c-stalker (because I think I might appear so). I do very little social media and don't know any protocols.

Just impressed by your wit first and now by your photography and writing.

I'm loving the ETH price action recently. I had placed buy stops at 777, 877, and 902 USD recently and seeing them fill allows me to pretend I know what I'm doing.


Well they did fuck up the interface in their attempt to make it entirely mobile-compatible, and us computer users took about half a year getting used to it... it had been way better and much functionality is gone or hidden because everything must be tap-tappable but then, computers are also gone from the minds of upcoming generations... and Google is to a large part Android now.

Still, to the initiated it's one of the most useful networks of them all, for many reasons. I wouldn't dream of giving it up for facebook, or this... but you have to know what you're doing. To send a private message, you simply create a post and share it with the person you want to share it with, and nobody else, or three or four of them. You can pretty much customize G+.

Gracias, maestra.

I'm going to try that and see if I learned something.


There's of course no pressing need to get into G+ - when I joined it, it was either Twitter, Facebook or Google - so I went to Google because my initial motivation was SEO.
That has all changed since 2012...