A Letter To The IRS: Go Fuck Yourselves You Bunch Of Criminals

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Many people will tell you that the IRS and income tax in the US are unconstitutional.

That is totally true… but the CONstitution is also a scam to enslave people while telling them they are free… so who cares.

In any case, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies pose the biggest threat to central banks and governments in their entire, evil history.

“Taxes”, which is just another word for extortion, are not voluntary and the only way to “collect” them is to use violence or threats of violence.

This worked fairly well for many decades as most transactions were not easy to conceal and governments could easily waltz in and take whatever they like out of your bank account by threatening violence against the bank.

Enter bitcoin.

Now it is quite easy to conceal most transactions AND it is impossible for any government to seize your funds.

This is a big problem for their worldwide extortion racket and they know it.

On top of that, less than 80,000 people work for the IRS. That means that there is only one communist extortionist for every 4,000 tax slaves.

Of course, there are also the repugnant order following policemen who dole out violence against anyone who does not bow down to the extortion racket, but they are a tiny minority as well.

This video shows how ludicrous the whole operation is… and if enough people woke up to it, the entire extortion racket would disappear overnight and any valuable services it did offer would be quickly offered by competing entrepreneurial enterprises for much cheaper and with a far superior quality of service.

Because the extortionists have such a tiny minority, they have to use lies, propaganda, threats of violence and violence in order to try to scare tax slaves into being extorted.

We saw that again today when the IRS announced that, under threat of violence, Coinbase has submitted to giving the extortion racket information on 14,000 of its accounts.

This is all to put fear into the tax slaves to give the IRS information and actually, voluntarily (but under duress) give the IRS money it has no right to.

They need to do this because, between 2013-2015 less than two thousand people voluntarily told the IRS about their gains on bitcoin.

Those two thousand people, by the way, are spineless, pathetic zombies who are helping to destroy the world and should be ashamed of themselves.

The IRS hopes that by making it look like their few thousand agents are scouring through Coinbase’s records that they can scare people to voluntarily file their capital gains and send money to them. It’s a bigger scam than any Nigerian prince email… it actually nets trillions of dollars from suckers every year!

I would never voluntarily submit my information to any criminal organization! Never provide extortion rackets and terrorist agencies like the IRS with ANY information it does not already have. Doing so is like inviting the vampire into your own home. By voluntarily giving them information they don’t have, you are actually, on a spiritual level, consenting to their aggression.

Instead, I would never file anything with them. If, by chance, you are one of a few people who gets targeted, and they do look through some transaction records and can show that you bought bitcoin at lower levels and want to force you to pay them, here is what I would do.

Transfer that bitcoin from one account to another account and then tell them you lost your bitcoin due to theft. And then tell them you’d like to file a Capital Loss for the year.

And then tell them to fuck off and get a real job.


"fuck off and get a real job." I don't think they even know what a real job are, they do not even understand that they are involved in extortion!

I never expected coinbase to agree to their request may be we should call it a threat. Anyway this might lead users to find an alternative to coinbase and it will subsequently incur losses. What a waste !!

tax is theft2.jpeg

The whole IRS thing is about to get a lot messier.


Yes I'm link bombing, but I think this is information that needs to be shared.

Coinbase considers transfers of crypto off the platform as a sale for later reporting to the IRS.

Please Resteem..


The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

Gonna play devil's advocate here and propose a scenario where many people stopped paying taxes. . And the question is, would the economic backlash be worth it? Imagine over a 5 year period we had 10% of people not filing, then 20%, then 30%, then say. . 50%. . If we had 50% of the US population not filing wouldn't the economic blow-back be pretty devastating as the citizens are essentially financing and paying the interest owed by the nation? Just a question. . Appreciate your work. Thanks!

well maybe just maybe we could stop spending the vast majority of the taxes coming in on the military machine... it isn't like the majority of your tax dollar is going to anything except for making the major military contractors richer and killing people around the globe. Shoot, individual citizens could very easily pay NOTHING and if corporations were taxed at a fair rate according to their profit, there would still be plenty of money to cover debt service and domestic spending. I feel guilty all the time as a tax payer, knowing that my money has been used to pay for bombs that we drop at an alarming rate. It makes me sick to my stomach

Your response makes very complicated issues seem so simple, in reality it is not. Just eliminate income tax, stop military spending, and then tax companies at a higher rate is a very simple answer to something that would not have simplistic reaction. Any hint of the tax burden of US citizens being transferred to corporate America would result in a depression as it would crash the market. There is no easy solution as much as people would like to believe.

Economic blow-back?

There would be an economic revolution of prosperity.
Small businesses would thrive. So would large ones.
The thieving bastards that run the tax extortion rackets would have to resort to pure inflation to keep their ponzi scheme going.
Their fiat currencies would then collapse, leaving Crypto as King.

It's beginning to happen anyway. Honest money will win this battle.

You think it’s a good idea for fiat to crash when maybe if we’re lucky 2% of the population owns crypto and it’s not available for use at almost all gas stations, grocery stores, retail centers. Let me ask you this, if fiat crashes to zero and 98% of people only own fiat, then what happens to their wealth? Please don’t talk like the USD crashing is good for anyone. You’re wrong.

Where we can't use digital, metals would be king

You're missing the big picture. . Not sure you realize what the US dollar means in terms of global survival. Hyperinflation like seen in post WWI Germany is a good example, but the problem with that example is the D-mark wasn't the world reserve currency. Any rapid decline in the value of the dollar leaves everyone screwed. Imagine you wake up tomorrow and go to the gas station and 1 gallon is $30, a 24 pack of beer is $60, the purchasing power of your paycheck is worth 20% what it was the day before. There are no winners in that scenario.

I guess for those unprepared it would be a very bad day. Unfortunately, we might find out in the not so distant future. Good post

Also, it isn't to say that this couldn't bring about God's things. When people actually feel the change it might be the catalyst we need to make a brighter future

Whether or not you or I think it's a good idea, fiat is going to crash. It's already happening. It is the inevitable result of the practices and the policies of the puppet masters who manipulate and inflate it. The wheels are already in motion, and nothing will stop the inevitable fall of the fiat house of cards. What I do think is a good idea is for people to wake up, realize what is happening, stop paying tribute to the purveyors of evil, and move their wealth out of their reach and into private, distributed, open-ledger currencies.

So what level of inflation defines a fiat crash?

I am the happy now because I have learned more information about bitcoin from your post .Thanks for giving us valuable content.I am waiting your next post.

muzakirpb upvote, posting is perfect

100% theft and modern slavery going on here.

Who would pay the interest on all the sweet money beeing printed and lended into existance if not the taxpayers!

We slave for a small fraction of what is beeing created but we pay all of its interest. If there by chanse is any tax money left over the military complex gladly takes care of it, who needs infrastructure.

The fed and the irs 😂 give me a break . They are the biggest criminals of our time . And oh yeah the fed has share holders ! If you know anything about economics then you know it’s nothing but a racket and it’s fraudulent

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