Gold has Limitations that Bitcoin Helps Fix.

in #bitcoin8 years ago


"Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I'm not surprised to see that happening." By Jim Rickards

Since I found my way to Bitcoin via the path of Gold and Silver I have to 100% agree with Jim Rickards here. I used to work daily with people who were trying to move assets to Panama and other countries. Trying to move Gold and Silver was the most difficult asset to move. Now thanks to Bitcoin moving wealth is no longer difficult.

Jim Rickards Talking About Bitcoin on Kitco News with Daniela Cambone.

Image Source Bitnational.


Bitcoin all day and used to be a big gold bug...I still like it is a hedge bet, but not as much. Gold will be the only currency that will be acceptable if the zombie apocalypse started lol.

The only currency that will be accepted at that point is food, ammo and water.

The only reason gold is this low is because of paper contracts in the futures market. also GLD does not have all the gold it says it has its FRACTIONAL BANKING MODEL

Bitcoin will rule the world in the future.

It will not. The Blockchain will not bitcoin is the MySpace of a Facebook to come

The liquidity of Bitcoin and litecoin definitely gives them a superior attribute compared to gold and silver.

What exactly is the gold effect on bitcoin master @hilarski..Whether there is a big influence?

I don't think it correlates at all. The parallels are that they are both safe haven assets.

O yes master ,,,,, who knows maybe there is a side effect, because I am a forex trader, but I use tehknical analysis, not fundamental analysis, so we do not know the influence of a currency or commodity against currency or other commodities, ,, thank you master @hilarski for your attention to my comment.

BITCION is gold with wings! Gold market is $7,000,000,000,000 presently. So lets say that money decides to allocate 10% to crypto that another $700,000,000,000!!!! Into a market cap presently at $100,000,000,000.....this whole crypto thing 2.0

Wishful thinking with no facts to back that up.

Bitcoin system is way to young to make that assumption.

Bitcoin: The end of money as we know it...

BITCOIN: end of government suppression through money printing. Bitcoin will unlock the shackles of fiat money printing!

And Super-bitcoin, the thing that will replace bitcoin
will break the digital-physical barrier.
Probably with some kind of smart-coin, that is basically a coin shaped, ambient electricity powered, digital bitcoin wallet / LCD readout.

Bitcoin can complement Gold and other metals. It does not have to be in competition! It shares some properties (hedge against fiat/ stocks etc) but is very different in other areas (far more volatile BUT easier to exchange). I think both are needed in a balanced portfolio.

Bitcoin vs. Fiat

fat guy finishes young girl - Imgur.gif

Bitcoin is a fiat ponzi scheme.... the 2 are one in the same just pushed by different entities.... i can make a supercoin and say its worth x amount and then a bunch of ppl will want it... its no differnt.... gold and silver will always be gods money!

How difficult is it to buy and actually hold the gold yourself? I have no knowledge of this area but my understanding is you're given a ledge, basically stating that some bank holds your gold right? Is this considered more secure than buying a safe and storing the gold at home?

I've always wanted to own some gold, just to hold it I guess. But thats basically what bitcoin and ethereum are for me. I've got these USBs and pieces of paper hidden away and stored securely which I know have a decent worth.

Collecting things is fun, mostly I do it in virtual currencies but I'd love to be able to see a small pile of gold growing over the years in my cupboard

I buy physical Metals and have exchanged gold/silver for cash from the very same companies I bought the Metals from. I buy from Provident, and I sell Metals back to Provident Metals when I need some cash. It usually takes 5 to 7 days from the day I call them to get my money directly deposited.

Lmfao you got USBs and paper.... well thats the main issue.... youre holding forms of fiat.... the pleasure you get from holding real physical gold can never compare to holding a usb.... i find it funny ppl going from one fiat to another and failing to realize what real money is (gold and silver).

It is easy to buy gold yourself.

Jmbullion is a great company

Nice article sir.. good information.. thank you so much for sharing..

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