
Now Haejin is a saint, in sentenber he will be a witch for most of the people... people are people..

Indeed, I’m glad I’m not in the spotlight. People love to love their idols and they love to hate them.

I have been a Haejin's follower since November last year, and I never have been negative about the way he looks at the market. He doesn't have a crystal bowl, and there are other TA analyst out there predicting other pathways. I can't believe people that can't see that investments are their own choices and responsibilities, regardless of what a person, you follow, thinks is going to happen. Also, they are not able to read between the lines. Haeijn will always be bullish, as he believes this correction will pass, no matter how low it will go, long term it will rise more and more, and that is the be all and end all of it. But it was only him that really predicted the steep rise at this particular point in time. Not on the day, as that isn't possible, but certainly different than anybody else. Many people shorted and are now bitching at the bearish analyst, again, own choice.
I look forward to Haeijn's TA's every day, and I am glad he is doing this, despite the hatred and the shit poured at him.

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they will keep praising him until he made 1 single mistake.

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