All my Crypto is now pure profit!
I'm excited today. My first Bitcoin withdrawal which I initiated last week finally deposited to my bank account. I have only ever added to Bitcoin. Never withdrawn from any cryptocurrencies but I felt the time had come to take out my initial investment. I have no withrawn all the money I put in to Crypto and I'm left with 5 times what I initially invested. It's such a nice feeling now knowing that win or lose all that money is not out of my pocket. If it goes up or down I can still sleep at night.
Anyone else do the same thing? Obviously, I wished that I did this in December when I first started talking about it but better late than never.

No one got broke taking profits, good job. Keep holding the rest.
I will be holding the rest until I'm either forced to sell or I'm a millionaire haha.
Great to hear, keep investing
Hey @haushinka, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)