The Philosophy of Decentralisation, Gen Y, Z and the Future.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Please don't mistake the epic title for hubris or arrogance. And I'm sure what I'm about to say has been said many a time before and a whole lot more eloquently.

Like the many of whom are part of the crypto movement I've been fascinated with the social aspects of these borderless, decentralised, algorithmically trusted platforms that have the potential to liberate swathes of the worlds unbanked.

Might just be in a good mood but thinking in the broader context, I'm quite positive about humanity's future. Not in the like of some kind of rainbows and unicorns utopia but something grounded in logic and common sense.

Now, I consider myself a gen X'er, so definitely not in the young boat that's for sure. Old enough to remember significant events in my life around Gulf War 1, 911, Palestinians/Israel conflicts, Afghanistan, WMDs, Libya, Syria, GFC, ISIS attacks in Boston, Paris, Istanbul, Germany etc etc

And interested enough in the variables and factors influencing the decisions behind the world wars and what that left us in their wake.

Long story short, saying I'm definitely not impressed with key aspects of governance of some of the worlds leading nations over the past almost 100yrs is a massive understatement.

I'd like to think now the young gen Y and Z'ers are striking - with their innovation and creativity - straight through the phoney ideals presented by many a government. Yes there's money involved, but also greatly improved chance at a fairer more equatable global society with the proliferation of these borderless, trustless decentralised systems.

I'm getting lost down one rabbit hole after another in the world of crypto and it's just so exciting and fascinating - hats off to gen Y and gen Z.