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RE: BITCOIN (BTC) Mid-Day Update #2: BOTTOM Could Be NEAR!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

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You win with SMARTS!!


Love you Haejin. My favorite Ellitionician. You've got my witness vote and I'll keep upvoting :) I love your dtube videos keep those coming

Great idea!! ! Thanks for everything!!! HODL BTFD👨‍🚀

At this point I'm hoping the bottom's more or less been reached, running out of fiat ammos!!!

same here.. breach doesn't seem to be very impulsive for the moment.....


YOU’VE LITERALLY BEEN SAYING THE BOTTOM IS NEAR FOR A FUCKING MONTH. If anyone thinks this guy is a good TA analyst theyre a fucking idiot. If i just consistently keep calling a market to go up or down guess what, IT WILL EVENTUALLY.

Haejin is literally so crap. All he does is change his predictions every time he gets completely debunked. Look back months ago. He was saying cast your buy ladders THIS IS THE BOTTOM! when it was 15k. Look at his alt predictions. Totally invalidated. If you look objectively and dont be blinded by his claims of awareness and that he’s some sort of guru you’ll see that his actual numbers and predictions are worse than the average punter.

Haejin your a cool guy and i love your analysis but you keep moving the wedge. The only people that can save Bitcoin are the banks and wall street and they are watching on the side lines laughing at the mess they created.

Yeah I also noticed that moving wedge. Haeijin is a sneaky follow. Judging by his latest update, it looks like he's finally given up on that "bullish wick" hypothesis. It's clear that Haejin shifts his predictions based on the prevailing winds. Just go back a few weeks and look at some of his outlandish alt predictions which never came close to materializing. Of course, newbies, who want an "expert" to confirm their biases fall for it every time.

i am a new follower to your page. its good to see that through all the abuse you are still putting out work.
keep doing what you do best.

this is a community and we need to pull together.

A few hours ago I did this analysis with possible support points and I think that in the climb you can make a shoulder head inverted shoulder.

Captura de pantalla 2018-02-05 a las 6.54.58 p.m..png

I await your comments. Thanks

Overnight price should show us the next steps.

Thanks again, these updates keep the calm.
Have been trying to learn how the read the MACD, for an additional method as well as EW, do you see an indication in the MACD of a reversal? Perhaps I am using the wrong MACD chart, as I cant see it...been using

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