HELP @haejin from these SNEAKY DownVoters!! Steem Power UP & UPVOTE!!
The below listed users are actively DOWNVOTING your UPVOTES AWAY!! Your PRECIOUS UPVOTES which you gave to @haejin, these users are furtively; SNEAKILY going to the 6 day blogs before payout and DOWNVOTING them to zero!! HOW SNEAKY!! HOW MACLICIOUS!!
IF THIS CONTINUES, I AM CONSIDERING TO LEAVE STEEMIT and GO PRIVATE!! More to COME on this DECISION to LEAVE STEEMIT!!! Going PRIVATE will allow FULL AUTONOMY but more importantly, keep these VIPERS powerless! Details of this possible direction will be announced in early January. It's amazing how SILENT the COMMUNITY is OVERALL!! Fear drives this type of SILENCE. Fear of repercussion from the likes of @berniesanders!! It's a sad state to see bloggers being driven out by the likes of @berniesanders who's uncouth and tyranical behavior runs unbridled.
WHY STAY AT a STEEMIT COMMUNITY THAT IS SO HURTFUL, ATTACKING, JEALOUS of OTHERS' BLOGGING SUCCESS and PAYOUTS? It's TWISTED to see the RECEIVER of UpVotes get ATTACKED with unprovoked vulgarities, false accusations of bot usage, false accusations of multiple accounts usage; etc. just because @haejin was rewarded by UpVoters who gave per their whims!! How does the accountability of that lie on the receiver?? IS THIS HOW THE STEEMIT COMMUNITY IS BETTERED? IS THIS WHAT DAN LARIMER, founder of Steemit, would ADVOCATE? No, DAN Could NOT have seen this as the true STEEMIT community!!
I joined Steemit in June and my primary objective was to help and do no harm by sharing my Technical Analysis and market calls and forecasts. However, I'm seeing more and more that Steemit, as it is now, is not yet conducive of a community but more of a bully ridden schoolyard racket where these bullys are uncontrolled and are not held accountable.
All the UpVotes you've awarded are being pissed away by the downvoters listed below. They are DOWN VOTING and don't want to be seen so they try and kill your UpVotes on @haejin's blogs that are 5,6,7 days old!!
Know this: What goes around...comes around!
@randowhale is leading the charge....he's spending the SBD sent by innocent Steemians who think their SBDs are being used to UpVote them; but no, @randowhale is using those SBDs to DOWNVOTE @haejin.
THESE USERS are Actively Selecting the Just about to be PAID OUT Blogs on day 5,6,7 to DownVote @haejin:
The back and fort along with this latest campaign to dump rewards at the last minute is just too much for me. Before finding @haejin on Steemit, I was only an investor in Steemit and not a participant. I've learned so much about trading and Elliot Waves from Haejin that I'll forever be grateful. Now days, I look at the charts and then confirm my analysis against his posts. If he leaves, my number one reason for logging into Steemit every day goes away. @dan @ned @steemit, there has to be something that can be done to protect valuable contributors to the platform from bullies. We need active moderators or unbiased representatives that can provide support in cases like this where those with power abuse their "early adopter" status to lord over the rest of us. It's especially galling when people like berniesanders complain and spout obscenities against us while stirring up drama with posts attacking content creators and their supporters. How is it not "raping the rewards pool" to post a rally post attacking one user while collecting thousands of rewards and essentially doing the same thing as the target of your attacks.
There should be some kind of Steem court instead of this Hang'em first, ask questions later business.
i feel exactly the same way...
I think we need to think outside the box here and go outside Steemit to alert people as to what is actually going on - Writing about this on Steemit is ineffective for multiple reasons...I will investigate this today, and I urge other @haejin supporters to do the same(come back with suggested solutions).
This is a battle of dark v light which is actually intensifying all over the planet but so obvious here on @haejins blog... Dont worry @haejin , the love for you will win.
YOYOW uses the same tech as steemit and many of the team had worked on Bitshares. There is also upcoming TRON. Keep an eye on them. Also SMTs might even be able help. Until then, upvote, upvote, upvote. That's how we counter the flags.
The b e r n i e s a n d e r s mafia is stalking me, downvoting my posts, and everyone who has downvoted- look at their wallets- $25,000- no blogs, no posts, being funded by whales. Steemit is totally gamed at this point.
yes its true- and I see that you have figured out if you spell it correctly , you will attract them like flies!
Very observant, Oliver. I may be old, but this isnt my first rodeo. They crave the abuse, thats why they have employed a new lackey, who is repeatedly attempting to antagonize me. I remain unfazed, I thought this shit had blown over.
PS I just confirmed that this post written by k r y s e c yesterday is in fact, written by one of the mafia... Steem is 100% gamed. PLEASE RETWEET and this one too- @haejin and others, can you please bring attention to retweeting my tweets please, if you agree?
Your idea of "going outside Steemit to alert people" must have resonated in my subconscious, as I wrote the following today before coming back to this post to see additional activity.
Specifically, this comment, in which I mention creating e.g. in order to put content there which cannot be modded to invisibility.
They know that if they can make something invisible, then future stumblers are far less likely to read it, due to the extra click required and ominous text "hidden due to low ratings."
Do you know that your comment is COMPLETELY INVISIBLE TO ME unless I go through my own feed of replies to my comments (then it mysteriously appears!)?and there is no text saying"hidden due to low ratings, just gone ! Anyway this is very informative to know what key words in a script will have certain actions- Actions that bernie is clearly using with his bot army (so why shouldnt we try to beat him at his own game?)! Well, I would like to know how you linked your comment, because I would like to bring your attention to this new blog post (I actually recognize the name of the poster, but cant place it??? is this a hint?): ...I have commented there and had to upvote myself to move it to the top...but I cant link it here for you because I dont know how... The post puts Randowhale in a positive light, rating him 5/5??? (hmmm... I recognize the name of the blogger from somewhere, but I only stay on @haejin s posts! ), which gets me thinking... ANywho, I have gotten many views and a few engagements on my tweets so I hope it has helped in some way(although some people just dont get it and the tweets could use more support).
edited out a comment that I am not sure about..
AGAIN Everything under my reply ending in "the love for you will win" is invisible, including now my latest reply to you! It goes completely invisible after I post it! The only way I can access it is to go through my own account feed of replies! Is this normal, how is this happening exactly?? (there is nothing to say, "this post is not visible because it has been flagged" , or something like that..just everything gone up until some messages down below..So no one can even see our conversation? (not sure , but it appears to be so). it appears as normal- not sure what happened with posts disappearing like that..
Addendum: CONFIRMED! The post I linked above is actually written by a Bsanders bot ( r y sec )
Have you checked "" (similar to Steemit without the down votes)?
@haejin, heard your a guy that like math.. read this..
Perhaps not all as it was made out to be, and perhaps an image was altered to incite hatred toward you. But you will have to read the article to find out.
Also I poke fun at everyone equally...:) I'm not biased by any means in my articles and they reflect that as you peruse my blog..
I'm actually a member of the club now as I have been downvote attacked for the article mentioned above..
Take care, I still think your rewards are excessive, but that is the system we have here. You used it to your advantage and I applaud you for that...
Have you noticed that STEEM/USD and STEEM/BTC could need a correction on the charts. Chart and prices (mirror of sentiment) before events and news. Haejin leaves, more than 5k leaves and maybe sell Steem, the price goes down in a (healthy ???) correction. Just a theory, could also continue rallying, in that case I hope haejin will stay :-)
You are amazing!!!
Have you checked "" (similar to Steemit without the down votes)?
I made a Steemit account to upvote Haejin. I bought steem to upvote Haejin. I will sure as the sky is blue be gone from Steemit forever if he should leave.
Couldn't have said it any better decay....cheers friend
Maybe they should bold and italicize the little "beta" under the Steemit logo?
hey bro i have had the same problem whith litleboy i hate him he downvote al my blogs what can we do against this problem
Can't we all just get a long?
move to discord
PLEASE RETWEET these in support of @Haejin if you agree- Calling on Steem supporters to bring attention to the bullying that is going on here..
@heajin I can fully understand your frustration, yet I would encourage you to stick with steemit for the time being.
Obviously, there is a very suspicious powergame going on, that's a big problem for the whole platform. It would really be sad to see the unreasonable bullies win, and let them have their say.
I believe that the steemit ecosystem should be strong enough to handle cases like this, as the argument seems to be clearly on your side. (In case it can't at least we know that there is something crucial to be fixed.)
I think the best thing to do is to document the organized downvote campaign carefully, and seek the attention of the wider steemit community. If a successful content-creator is targeted by specific wealthy users, for dubious reasons, this is a massive problem for everyone trying to use the platfrom properly.
I believe there are enough virtuos whales that simply aren't aware of the problem (@ned, @dan, @steemit...). If they became aware of your case, they would be highly incentivized to support you, as this is about the success of the entire platform in the long run.
Everyone reading this should feel compelled to spread the word in some way. The whales of course, can do alot by voting themselfs or delegating SP to others.
So @heajin I encourage you to be patient for a little. There is something shady happening on steemit, and it may be a great win for everyone if this can be exposed.
Of course this is merely an encouragement and you can do whatever you like. :)
Finally, please be ensured that you have many many supporters, that will do their best to help where they can! We are way more in numbers, than those attacking you.
Guys what if we can turn the table around and flag all those downvoters??? What if we retaliate???
The way to retaliate is to gift @haejin with litecoin or bitcoin----- and quit buying steem power! Pay the man directly- anytime there is a middleman involved- the true recipient gets screwed over.
PLEASE RETWEET these in support of @Haejin if you agree- Calling on Steem supporters to bring attention to the bullying that is going on here..
I'm surprised that there hasn't been any official post about this so far.
Simple solution really, in two steps:
By the way, for those who think Haejin's payouts are too high, check out the posts he made for months all receiving single digit payouts at best. If he is getting more now, it is a payoff for the early efforts that were unrewarded.
In my view, as a Steemit user for about 8 months, Haejin is the only reason to return. The site offers nothing that can't be found elsewhere, other than Haejin and the community of his followers/
@cannonball6 Precisely. You summed it up to the letter--the content on this site is nothing that couldn't be found a dozen different ways elsewhere online. The UI and UX on Steemit are rubbish, and the power of the voting system is obviously broken. So why would I buy 'steem power', in affect putting more money into the platform? Nooooo thanks. I see no value in propping up a broken system.
The moment Haejin goes elsewhere, I'm leaving Steemit and never looking back at this mess.
Ditto that, happytank Heres haejins site------>
NAILED IT! I think we should all gift @haejin with bitcoin or litecoin--- and STOP purchasing steem power. This will defeat berniesanders and his minions and teach the steem managment a lesson!
I hope you do leave haejin. This platform is beyond stupid. Who makes these payouts? Steem? Perhaps these accounts that are voting you down are by the same people who are supposed to pay you? Perhaps it is more cost effective to vote you down than to pay you out?
If you go private I would GLADLY pay $5.00 per month subscription fee for every crypto I wanted to see your analysis.
You could put all of your content in front of the pay wall but make it 2 or 3 days behind. Paying subscribers could see your analysis in real time.
I admire and respect what you are trying to do here but like they say "No good deed goes unpunished"
I don't know for sure what is the motivation for this nonsense but it is just that, NONSENSE!
If you do open a pay as you go site please post the details on STEEM as I have no intention of getting involved in any other blogs on STEEM. If this is how it works, NO THANK YOU!
You don't understand Steem payouts. The pool for any period is constant. If Haejin gets paid more, others get paid less. Haejin getting more upvotes doesn't lead to "them" paying out more in total.
@haejin works for his posts. why should he be penalized for those who do no work? They are digital shoplifters, plain and simple.
everyone who posts works for their posts as well. that is why it is a community reward pool
everyone who posts and gets upvoted is in effect mining STEEM and is just as entitled as anyone else to a fair (not necessarily large) return.
All it takes is for one person to shit himself in the "Community pool"-- and everyone jumps out- for sanitation reasons. You can swim in it as long as you please, just remember- thats a turd, not a baby ruth candybar your munching on.
LOL!! Ill never swim in a community pool again!
some day you may make some sense but today isn't it.
You'll note I never said anything regarding Haejin, I just corrected misinformation in the comment I replied to. As such, your comment seems out of place, as if you're replying to the wrong person, or a strawman.
Im replying to a nitwit with a hollowed out watermelon rind on a cats head.
I really don't care how it works. The entire premise is stupid. Haejin could make far more with a subscription service instead of wasting his time fighting these astholes.
This place has become a big pile of steem.
See, that is the problem right there. Haejin and his followers acts like they dont care about community. Dont expect the rest of the community to like this.
I see someone is triggered with something here...
To @kwaman:
Steem comes from a philosophy that I agree with which is basically rewarding people by the content they make, directly, without relying in advertisement and such methods.
This comes with its problems, has some people, like @haejin are experiencing right now. People have always to mess with other's wellbeing and have a way to prevent other's success in any platform or website, etc.
As being @haejin able to make more money with a paywall or other monetizing method, I agree that he would probaly make some more bucks with a paywall short term, but I think he would be missing an opportunity to build an audience and to be paid directly by it.
To @haejin:
I hope you don't leave, I think you add value to Steem and its community and I also think that this is still very new, with relatively few users and that if you think long term you will see this being quite rewarding, not only financially.
With this said, you do whatever you feel you should do.
Problem is, it is WAAYY too complicated. Make a vote count as a vote, no need for multiple tokens, just stick with STEEM. Steem Power would be irrelevant if you could not power up, and there would be no need to do so if a vote was worth a vote. Steem Dollars are not an effective pegged asset. Get rid of both of those, and you have a huge improvement. <------ Steemit needs @haejin. @haejin DOESNT need steemit. Im going here now, to hell with this wailing over upvotes. Please inform others.
I mean, spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, and then saying you don't care how things actually works is how you get there.
You'll note I also said nothing of the Bernie-Haejin fight, and just corrected you spreading misinformation.
Again, I guess I don't care enough about this nonsense to seek out the details. Life it too short.
Again, I guess I don't care enough about this nonsense to seek out the details. Life it too short.
I joined just so I could up vote haejin because he said it was important to him.
Now, I will not up vote anything on this platform. I don't like the way it pits people against each other and I find it to be non productive.
I check it from time to time just for train wreck curiosity.
As far as getting paid in Steem. I could not care less. It means nothing to me. So you all can down vote me all you want if it makes you feel better.
Like I said, I won't be voting on any posts anymore. Not even haejin's because I don't like the premise of this platform and I will not support it or those that exploit it.
I am going to follow suit, Kwaman, and gift haejin in litecoin or bitcoin. For a few months, I felt I had finally escaped the melodrama of facebook, only to have this ordeal rear its ugly head. Is there a place where rational adults can gather and be freed from this counterproductive nonsense?
PLEASE RETWEET these in support of @Haejin if you agree- Calling on Steem supporters to bring attention to the bullying that is going on here..
I hope you don't leave @haejin! I have been following you and upvoting you for months, your wisdom has helped me so much.
Please power up yourself too and let's all fight this. You have a real community of loyal followers around you who will not back down, and together we have quite a lot of Steem Power, and you are gaining more followers every day.
If you keep growing at the same speed you have been, very soon nothing will be able to stop you.
Together we can make a difference. Someone has to stand up to this, we've been given a kind of freedom by the Steem blockchain that doesn't exist anywhere else, we can't just let the haters win!
But if you have to leave, then wherever you go I will follow you!
true that!

This is how you really make money in crypto!
yeah , i haven't lost a penny on his calls . He saves us from coins that are prepumped and are about to fall .
How much Steem Power must i get, so that there is an effect of my UPVOTE ?
I think we need to think outside the box here and go outside Steemit to alert people as to what is actually going on - I will investigate this today.
This is a battle of dark v light which is actually intensifying all over the planet but so obvious here on @haejins blog... Dont worry @haejin , the love for you will win.
Hi Haejin. I believe I speak for so many that we hope you do not leave. Not only have you provided us vast insights, but you have taught us a great deal. Many individuals have sought great profits due to your generous work. Although you may think it is being taken for granted, I can assure you that many of us are with you against these haters.
Once you become a leader and successful ..haters will always appear from under the rocks. Please do not leave and let them win.
Together we can get rid of these malicious users
STEEMIT really need to get this sorted. Is there no one you can contact?
Welcome to decentralized anarchy
Decentralized anarchy will prove to be a real problem in platforms like these, good point.
This reminds me of being in public school, in the 3rd grade during a food fight at the cafeteria.
Don't leave Steem @haejin . Just take the damage for 1 more month . I think you will get 15k-20k followers in a month .
If this rate continues , one day you will become one of top 10 Steem member .
So don't leave , we will try to give you as much upvotes as we can .