in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

THANK YOU!! I know many have made MASSIVE profits and LEARNED much about Technical Analysis of Cryptos from my analysis. The aim of my blog is to help and do no harm and I see no better way to help than show, teach and mentor everyday Steemians on HOW to analyze, HOW to buy, HOW to SELL and HOW to PROFIT!! I can either teach you to FISH on your own or spoon feed analysis.....I know that ALL prefer the FIRST!!

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Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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Have you noticed how your post is still visible at ~$1.00?

That's because responsible people can differentiate between disagreement on reward and censorship.

I know you may have been victim of censorship first but it's not a reason to retaliate with more.

What a milestone. Congrats to haejin.

But i have to add that even hidden comments can still be seen. So to me real censorship is not possible on steemit.

The Flagbutton doesnt show me if it gets hidden or not.

People can still help "invisible" with upvoting. But they tend to do not.
They are focused on idol.

@transisto maybe @newsflash will do. But this looks more like a tutorial for new people here.

@transisto i downvote too much selfupvote because everybody thinks he is the best.
But i am tired of explaining this everytime. I also reveal a concept of voteing. I just dont know if all are ready.

You are right but a large flag that is without hate (unless used to counter spam) should not get close to 0$.

@haejin post may not be worth 300$ to some people but they're clearly worth more than 1$ for a few people.

Flags that takes away most or all of the reward should be accompanied with an explanation, and here is mine.

To be able to see the result of a flag you can use the Steemit MoreInfo addon for chrome/firefox

That's boss. Getting that immediately.

Yeah i also did. ;-)

I understand your disagreement. I spammed the BC. Thank you for being rational.

My sentiments exactly. I can't see how you can have a motto such as "Do no harm" yet perpetrate so much harm on a daily basis. I would have expected him to take the high road. Then again, money is a great incentive to act in such a manner. A whale's gotta eat too, I guess. Stay safe out there, minnows and all other lesser creatures of the Steemit sea.

What harm has he done exactly?

https://steemworld.org/@haejin, scroll down past the first section, filter on out. Look at the past few days. Red arrows pointing right = a flag from him. Expand the posts he has flagged and investigate whether or not you believe they should have been flagged. I can see some good reason for him flagging some of them, but not most of them. But I could be wrong. Take a gander yourself. Let me know what you think.

This isn't a haejin problem though, it's a steem problem. Look at my replies dude.. I have tried to defend haejin and bernie/randowhale downvotes everything I've ever posted.

The flags I am seeing from haejin are mostly randowhale and berniesanders sheep. You guys don't see that Bernie is the one causing problems.

I have made good profit since learning technical analysis. If you see no value in his posts, then I can see why you would think is flags are malicious.

The dude deserves way more credit than he gets. I still haven't seen any valid "harm" that he has done.

Bernie downvoting you for defending haejin or expressing an opinion is not right. If it's not right when bernie does it, then it's not right when haejin does it. Bernie's motto is not "Do no harm". Downvoting a single post is one thing. Downvoting all posts for a user is another altogether (without a specific reason for each post). I know Bernie has done this. What many of you and haejin don't seem to understand is that we are not aligned. We are not sheep. I have 0 allegiance to Bernie. He has no allegiance with me. The same can be said for @themarkymark.

A post about a 100 Steem give away for charity has nothing to do with this. Downvoting such a post does harm.

As I said before, this is a problem with the steem platform. We will run in circles if we just say the problem is bernie or the problem is haejin.

I think steem would be better if there was no flagging whatsoever. It would be even better than that if rewards were based upon the quality of content rather than the spamming of bots.

That being said, Haejin is not here to harm the steem community. He is helping a great deal of people and I personally think he provides fantastic content. I am confident he would not need steem to promote himself, nor does he need the money from steem. Look at his donation addresses, he has plenty of money.

If steem will forever be dominated by whales, I hope more like haejin show up. While you see him as malicious, I see him as the best content creator on the platform. He is also building a community of people learning from him. I see no greater gift he could give me than the gift of knowledge I have received.

He may not be here to harm, but he is causing great harm. His content may be helpful to many of you, but it isn't very helpful to the Steemit community in general. Now, could that change? Yes. But based on his recent actions and stated plans, I doubt it very much. He is just as malicious as Bernie, if not more so.

The knowledge he gives is fine to give to his customers. However most of the steemit community does not want to buy his product. To retaliate against someone for not buying your product is wrong. That is what he does when he wipes out a person's earnings for downvoting one of his $1000/day posts for -.02. It is harmful. I can attest.

====Posting the rest of conversation here so people won't have to click through=====

studgriffin (15) · 2 hours ago
Why is it not helpful to the steem community? Anyone can learn technical analysis, Haejin is just a very good teacher and a very good predictor.
I don't really see what his product is also, he is not forcing me to upvote or donate to him.

I agree with you that whales ability to wipe out earnings is wrong. That being said, as long as the flag is there it will be abused by anyone who has the money to abuse it. Bernie is definitely the worst though.

Meh, they are really about the same right now. Both pretty bad in terms of downvotes.

The flag is necessary to judge the value of the content. I agree that his product (teaching and analysis) has potential to be useful to everyone, but not everyone wants to make use of that potential. I doubt most people would bat an eye at your upvote. This whole thing started from a single user with a +300 upvote on every one of his posts. Now, while the system allows such power over the reward pool, it does allow the steemit community a method of recourse. That recourse is the downvote. Now, it got a bit too overzealous and blanked out one or two of his posts, but that was it. While he doesn't force your vote, using his considerable influence over the reward pool would force the reward pool to pay him if the community members didn't have the ability to downvote him.

I get your guys' point though. The flag really does have a negative connotation everywhere, but it doesn't quite mean the same thing here. It really should be two different things. The flags on haejin's stuff should stop at around $120 or whatever similar post types dictate. I'm not even that upset with 200, but if they were unchecked, they would be $1000 per post, and I don't feel like that is an accurate representation of the value of that post to the community.

For example, I sell a product here on Steemit that costs 20 Steem. Now, if I accepted upvotes as payment for that product, I would be wrong. Here's why: it cost the community, not the upvoter. The funds belong to steemit and the community is given the responsibility to spend it. If they do not have the ability to counter the whims of a whale, the system will continue to be scammed.

@moeknows You got downvoted by @haejin in one of your posts above. I believe you aimed it at @berniesanders but the message was unclear exactly whom you were addressing. So much confusion and inevitably friendly fire.

Edit: Maybe I'm the only one confused.

Nah, I'm sure he meant to give me a full 100% downvote. He has learned well from Bernie. I kind of called him out on the fact that his motto is "Do no harm" yet harm he does. Oh well, such is life. You can read the conversation below...or above...I always get mixed up where these posts end up once the flags and upvotes start getting thrown around.

Anyway feel free to join the conversation. Be careful though, there be hungry whales in the water.

What lie, libel or fabrication existed in the charity give away post?

If I could provide a middle ground opinion I think what you bring to Steem is people not content. Steem users are use to payouts being content based with a few whales getting payouts due to investments. You @heajjin are getting paid due to outside fame(unless you care to argue that each article you post is worth thousands of USD in its own right).

This new aspect of Steem is confusing to people and the fact that you exist outside of the general Steem community is scary to some. How about you checkout some of our other content, and try to spread a bit of love? I’m sorry you got such a rude welcome but I don’t think returning the favor will help anyone. What hobbies do you have? Maybe I could suggest people to follow.

Edit: I’m reposting this due to initially responded to a fake @haejin

Your mother suck Japanese dick! Keep it up! Toss another flag you coward! You are harming my friends. Get the sand and Vaseline out of your buttcrack. Keep going... I dare you to come to STEEM speak cuntmouth!

I agree

Aaahhhh sweet, the little retards friends are being harmed. So politically incorrect. They obviously have serious mental issues so by rights you should just be nice to them no matter what they do.

Flags are given for mostly no reason. You're just new to a platform you don't understand the rules of. I am sure once you catch on and stop fighting the entire network except those who followed you here you'll do just fine. I'd even be willing to bet if you upvoted some content other than your supporters you'd gain some respect. As it stands now, you are fighting a losing battle as you haven't even started to be flagged by the big accounts yet.

@haejin remember you carry a huge stick. With that comes responsibility. I say the same to @berniesanders
I'm speaking in protest to huge debilitating flagging. Flag at a couple percent for crying out loud. Accounts shouldn't get cratered because you disagree.

It's amazing how blind you stupid, little sheep are.
Only cowards need leaders.

The mistake this little shit-coin salesman made is: attempting to make innocent people pay for his political Steemit-crap.

None of these poker-players had a fucking thing to do with this and he made THEM pay for HIS greed. He didn't just fuck with some guy who flagged his over-valued post.... He fucked with an entire community of 600 people and they're the last people in the world you want to fuck with.

Well said. Maybe with insulting words, but content seems to be true. 600 is just a guess right?

No - it's not a guess. On last count, which was last night... there were just-under 600 members and probably more by now.

What happened to free market principles? I thought if you have something valuable to say people ought to reward such speech.

I guess the flaggers are exercising their right to dissent. It doesn't seem like the typical "vote with your dollars" approach. It's more like rob a little to compensate for other people's generosity.

Flagging and upvoting are actually both using free market principles. You are not paying someone with your upvote and you are not robbing people with your downvote you are helping to decide how much of the reward pool they get. When you upvote, you say that they should get more, when you downvote (flag), you are saying that they should get less of the reward pool and more should go to other people. The more steem power you have, the more weight your vote has. At the end of the seven days the post is paid out with whatever the community decided it should be paid.

In this current "war" we have a whale that decided that they wanted to vote to give a large portion of the reward pool to @haejin. He has every right to do this. We then had another whale @berniesanders who decided that they wanted less of the reward pool to go to @haejin and more to be paid to everyone else. He also has every right to do this. Where this gets unethical (or abusing flagging power) is when a post is voted to $0 or when @haejin retaliates by downvoting posts out of spite.

People are tending to feel entitled to their potential rewards. Then when they get flagged they feel like it is a personal attack. We all need to be more comfortable with the downvote. It is a critical part of the steem ecosystem and needs to be used by everyone but not abused as it has been by people on both sides of this "war"

Nicely said.

Nope. This is just like all the dummies running around America asking for handouts and telling rich people to fuck off and die. They have no idea how hard it is to build an empire, so they just try to tear it down and steal from the leftovers. If you make money, you're bad. Unless you're part of the government like Mr Slanders

I live in Argentina, a country built by doing what you just described @scarlet7. Look at the results. Actually... this way of thinking has lead to pretty bad things throughout history people... juts read a bit... or at least watch some John Green videos on YouTube

That's a very level-headed look at what's happening. Upped and resteemed.

Thanks! I appreciate that!

I remind you of my post. https://steemit.com/steemit/@tuvokhl/why-steemit-is-genius-and-will-beat-the-dunning-kruger-effect
They have to get a lesson. Following wrong idol to much can hurt.

Who made you everybody's parent? People learn from their failures. Let them fail.
You can make an effort to educate without being a flagging ninny. Thanks for the flag by the way, I've decided to give myself a 100% vote to offset it.

Edit: There's a good kernel of an idea in your article but it doesn't account for smug people suffering from DKE throwing their weight around to silence dissenters. Anyway I take it you didn't like me saying that posts from @haejin are valuable. Value is in the eye of the beholder. That's why markets exist so that no one person or group dictates the rate of exchange. Hate coffee? Good, don't buy any ever. That and don't begrudge the value other people put in it.

I know its getting emotional here. Only like this you can make a bigger point.
I just spread the WORD and the VOTE.

Edit: if somebody or a group puts to much value in a coffee i would just try to produce this coffee a little bit cheaper. But with posts i can not ignore it that people just follow it because of fakevalue. And i think the free market of votes decides the value of a post.

@bernie and his bots and spam accounts taking huge returns in comparison to haejin is not abuse. Do yourself a favour and click on his top accounts and see what they are making for continuously posting things like 'SBD' nothing else in the post. That is what is and will destroy steemit not haegin. I personally have made a fortune from learning from haejin and although you may disagree with his posts, they are informative for those who follow him. Every post has tutorials linked to it and those that include video have a tutorial segment 9 times out of 10. Haejin didnt hand me a fish and say come back tomorrow for some more. He taught me how to fish and I now look after myself.

We're cool. Glad to have the conversation.

I know. Glad too.

such sad pathetic little things you all are. keep on flagging @bernie and crew, I for one dont care. Show your pathetic followers where you actually use your voting power that they pay you for

such sad pathetic little things you all are. keep on flagging @bernie and crew, I for one dont care. Show your pathetic followers where you actually use your voting power that they pay you for

Bernie Sanders programs do not accept input.

Bernie Sanders programs do not accept unverified input.

@haejin, I have to disagree with you this time. Your content is not a good content, but an EXCELLENT one. I was lucky to find you 6 months ago here and had benefited so much from your posts. I remember you said last year that your goal was to reach 1K followers by end of year 2017, but your've achieved 10X instead. That's a vertical impulsive move (or extended wave 3 or 5) in term of charting. :P That's a phenomenal achievement. I am very happy for you. Please accept my sincere congratulations!!!


Your content is amazing! I've learned so much about how you conduct your analysis and it's definitely made me a better investor. 2018 is going to be a great year for us all!

@haejin I'm a new follower and I'm willing to support your work. However I'm not a fan of the flagging adventures you've embarked upon. In short: love your work don't love the flag war.

Could you please rise above and stop flagging the SPL? Also Tuck? He seems like a decent enough guy going way back.

It's self defense. @berniesanders has been waging an attack campaign using fabricated evidenc. I said no to backing down and being a doorbell mat.

Can you link to fabricated evidence and provide your own? I appreciate your response.

There has been soo many posts on the subject and I dont remember all of the writes, but @pawsdog has written several articles on this whole "war" and the fires shot from both sides. So you can get a pretty good idea of what has happend from reading his articles. He is very objective in his research, and his posts are well written and worth reading.. Good discussion in the comment sections as well :)

There is a rewards pool that is paid out every day. The way that it is decided is by people upvoting and downvoting posts. When you upvote a post you are saying that you think that it deserves more of the rewards pool. When you downvote a post you are saying that it deserves less. Your vote is weighted by how much steem power you have. Everyone has the right to vote how they choose to help us distribute the rewards pool as fairly as possible.

This power can also be abused. People upvote things that shouldn't be upvoted and downvote things that shouldn't be downvoted. You have a whale that is voting on all of your posts giving you a large share of the rewards pool. He has every right to do this but everyone else gets to decide if your posts are worth it. Many people don't think that your posts are worth such a large portion of the rewards pool and more of it should be given to the rest of the community. These people have every right to downvote your posts to spread that potential payout to the rest of the community.

@berniesanders has every right to flag your content for disagreeing with rewards. I think he goes overboard a lot of the time by flagging posts to $0 but everyone has the right to upvote or downvote to decide the value of posts.

No one in entitled to their potential payout. That amount will go up and down depending on when people upvote or downvote your posts. It is not a personal attack if someone disagrees with how much you are getting from the rewards pool.

I think it is abusing voting power when people do what berniesanders is doing by voting posts down to $0 when they are valuable posts like yours. But I think it is also abusing power when people retaliate by downvoting posts out of spite without looking at the content. Downvotes are not punishments to be handed out to our enemies. They are a tool for us to help to spread the reward pool to the best posts.

If you accept your whale upvote, you have to expect some whale downvotes to come with it. Usually it is not because they hate you or think you are a scammer, it is usually just because they are trying to protect the reward pool from all going to a few people. I personally do not agree with berniesanders' tactics, and I don't really know much about him honestly but the principle of protecting the rewards pool is in everyone's best interest.

Just remember, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Just use your upvotes and downvotes for things you think are valuable and don't try to use them as a weapon. The community doesn't like that. Just look at how many people hate berniesanders. If you do the same things he does to "fight back" you are just as bad in most people's eyes.

Sorry for the long post, I just feel like a lot of people don't understand this and it creates a lot of confusion, anger and hurt on this platform.

Good luck!

Isn't that guy creating a ton of alt accounts just to flag an account down to zero?

Yes. But that doesn't mean that haejin should stoop to his level by abusing his downvotes too.

You are already winning! Spare the little mindless crowd that blindly cheers for Bernie. This way you shall rise to higher highs! Think long term as you always do.

I agree with @rocannon -- we've got your back. Keep creating content, I'll use my prior skills to make a script which will do some good.

I agree that it doesn't look great, but there are all kinds of threats going on off chain, and ultimatums given to us to stop all content, or rewards, or whatever they want us to do over here in our own blogs. I know Haejin, and if he is flagging something, it is strictly to counteract what has tried to tear down everything he has built here. The corruption runs deep here. People fear BS. We refuse to kneel to their demands, and will protect ourselves and followers.

There are denial-of-service attacks happening off-chain, which law enforcement is looking into as well.

What to you mean by "off-chain DoS" attacks?

Artboard 3.png

Thats what the point is all about. Nobody of them can trade on his own. @haejin and his followers are all involved in something that is called pump and dump. at least in low marketcapcoins. thats my view to this.
@hajin giveing buy orders to his followers (orderfollowers) and they all buy (pump). the worst of this all is that they dont get it.
but okay we got the blockchain and all graphs. it should be easy to analyse.

such sad pathetic little things you all are. keep on flagging @bernie and crew, I for one dont care. Show your pathetic followers where you actually use your voting power that they pay you for

@tuvokhl You are clearly a clueless idiot, say no more.

You're a riot! LMAO!

Congratulations with your + 10,000 folower.

And @haejin Here's something I've learned during the way: "When booking succes there will always be people who'll hate you for it, even people you thought were friends. So the more people are gonna hate you to more succes you have................it almost works like all of your charts. Yesterday I posted prove of your statement: ".............most of the time I don't even know what the coins are about" with this link: https://uetoken.com

Today I'm gonna prove my statement is right with the following quots from some twitter account:

"You and Haejin r usually claiming the same while doing TAs. You are my two most reliable sources.Or would you assume he's not a good source?
10:22 - 2 jan. 2018

With the answer:

"He’s starting to piss me off - and you won’t like it when I’m pissed...because il go on a rampage ...soon...I’m calling him out ....KABOOOOOOOMMM!!!!"

............and it continues:

"Saying kaboom and pumping every single coin in a raging bull market so eventually one of them is bound to go up whilst drawing randomn lines isn’t TA - hence ...soon ....I’m calling him out...."
10:43 - 2 jan. 2018


Just to not get us into some other stupid war I'll just leave the guys name out.

Love and Peace,

You are right. If @haejin would tell this people to buy uetoken they would do it. Its called pump. But all this followers dont get it. I hope they will understand that its not normal marketmovement if you just buy up a small marketcapcoin with huge followers.

such sad pathetic little things you all are. keep on flagging @bernie and crew, I for one dont care. Show your pathetic followers where you actually use your voting power that they pay you for

plz try to calm down. on how many shitcoins are you sitting?
actually i dont want to know this. you have to know it for yourself.

You are right, there might be a pump, no one knows for sure. But if you have watched the buy and sell laddering tutorials (and all the others) and followed the methods by @haejin, you know how to:

  • Estimate the best time to buy the coin to get it at the cheapest possible price
  • Set-up your sell target i.e. estimate the length of wave 1 , 3 and 5.
  • Set-up sell orders, to sell near the high before the corrections.
  • Set-up stop loss orders, to minimize your losses if the coin dumps.

AND, then you will still make MASSIVE PROFITS in the pump, and get out before the dump.

Soo, your comments really show that you have no idea what @haejin and crypto trading is all about.

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