Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Sideways Price Action Could Look Like This

in #bitcoin7 years ago


The current Bitcoin (BTC) correction is bothersome only to the myopic and cashless. As a Trader and Investor, I have experienced so many corrections since 1997 that the only way to come out nearly unscathed is to have plenty of dry powder (cash) raised during the good times, ladder all entries and be disciplined; to me this is an effective de-risking strategy.

The below chart is one I've considered for a while and is near primary in count largely because it fits the time PacMan model or the "Hurry Up & Wait" scenario. IF this is a cycle degree (multi-year) correction, it would be least likely to be swift.

IF this chart is near primary, the first set of red abc reflects the blue wave a and the b also would be complete. Therefore, blue c,d,e remain. IF the whole correction is a large abcde patterned triangle; it would allow Bitcoin to conduct an effective Time PacMan sideways action. Once the blue e wave is complete, the proximity to the Apex would be ideal to initiate a trend reversal. This means that blue C wave would complete in about 8 days (3/22) and wave e to complete at around April 12. IF price decliens towards the $6,900 zone; this count and pattern has becomes a strong candidate for pimary.

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor nor is any content in this article presented as financial advice. The information provided in this blog post and any other posts that I make and any accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice of any kind. One should consult with a financial or investment professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. Plain English: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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Hello Mr. Haejin,

I would like to know if you want to have a civilized discussion about why you and @starjuno flagged my latest posts.

Is it because i am tracking the performance of your advice?

I would like to say that i started to do it because i don't see you providing the results of your advices anywhere else, and i got curious of how good Technical Analyst you are, and started tracking your performance myself.

So far, on 4 days fell 19,16% of the invested value, while the same amount on BTC only fell 14,88%.

Doesn't look good so far. But it seems that you know that already, since you only downvoted the posts and didn't provided any insightful comment.

Don't worry. I will keep tracking your portfolio in real time, and also do some backtracking on past months as soon as i have some extra time.

Aren't you curious of how is your performance?

Have a good day.

I'm doing the same. his TA has no use in this paridigm. crypto is new technology with huge volatility. Don't get me wrong, TA has its place in a stable market but the clue is the word stable..
Will he try to intimidate me for writing this in the comments???

my gosh, cryptos like any other tradeables have one major thing incommen: the price is driven by human sentiment. EW is a tool that reflects human sentiment. The only problem there is in EW is that corrections are very difficult to predict, when you are in the actionary waves on the other hand EW works perfectly (for pointing out the tops as example).

your comments are 95% full of shit and show a massiv lack of knowledge, why you even bother to share you bs if you clearly have no idea what you are talking about?

It's the only way to see if a Technical Analyst is good is to track his performance.

But it seems that he doesn't want his performance tracked.

I NEED YOUR HELP! My Goldfish Died Today. Can I Get A Few Upvotes?

Thats why corrections exist, people lose patience and start selling. Too many will miss the next bull run.

If you FLAG #HAEJIN you will make more money on STEEMIT.

Join @FlagAWhale if you are tired of him stealing your #Steemit Rewards

So many posts! So many flags!!

Whack A Donkey 2.jpg

Unfortunately you are right
Many people deposit their savings in search of a quick profit. Some life savings
Those are the ones that are selling now and losing a percentage of their savings, while the big investors, those who pump and dump with news, those are buying because they know that the bitcoin will go up.

Eventually..... some can afford to wait..

Mmmmm, if a lot of people miss the next bull run, how can there be a bull run? Both are related with each other!

I guess because the giants know when to buy low and when they do, they go hard and buy for way bigger amounts than these poor folks are selling for.
Thus contributing to a rise

man, your posts are always on the front page

Manos De Piedra...Hands of Stone...Weak hands go away and let the big boys play!!!

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9100.00USD

^--- You made this exact same comment at least 6 times and close variations at least 203 times in the last 2 hours. View these duplicate comments

Upvote this comment to support @duplibot and help reduce spam and superfluous comments.

Upvote me because I need the upvotes!!!

Hmm.. I wonder if not @duplibot may fall into a loop and start commenting its own exact same comments?

True story, that almost happened!

You’re a very eloquent bot! 😜

My post is useful, yours isn't so please stop spamming my posts!

Your post is an obvious attempt at low effort fishing for upvotes.

@duplibot was created the day before @ipostbtcprice was created so we are both only a couple days old and have a level playing field.

At the time of this writing your reputation is at 23 while mine has reached 36.

After 4,632 posts you have received 517 upvotes, but also 71 downvotes. An upvote rate of 11.2%

After 231 posts I have received 60 upvotes, and only 1 downvote. An upvote rate of 26.0%

We can just look at your pending rewards and see this is working well for you.

Today, I am politely commenting on some of your posts to alert the community and bring pause before they upvote and discourage your future posts.

I'm not here to start any flag wars and I'm not trying to esclate conflict here. I'm simply looking to the community to validate my actions and ask that you do the same.

If you'd like to open a dialog, catch me on or Discord (duplibot#1884) and we can work together.

Meybe we should hear each other. I am open to improvements, because I believe in my idea. I am prepared to limit my spam if I can improve quality. Even If i dont get upvotes... I get nice comments(you can also check).
I get tones of downvotes form posts with wrong tags(if you write about fashion why would you need #btc or #bitcoin). I poste price and they say spam ):
I will write down your name and will see how things will go... Like you said. We are young in the uncharted territory. XD

Thank you for coming to the table and opening a dialog. A few points to consider.

Already today you have made 1,002 comments and 4,633 total over your life of a couple days.

You weren't able to reply to me earlier today because you were out of bandwidth. You were out of bandwidth because the reserve ratio dropped. The reserve ratio dropped because people like you are posting way too much content to the blockchain. And this happens every single day.

While some see value in your comments, it is really the responsibility of the original author to note the current price and add context. In many cases, your comment is entirely out of context for the original post.

And finally, let's not ignore this, the entire purpose of your comments is to capture upvotes, a motive born of self-interest.

Perhaps the solution is for you to create an opt-in so an account can personally invite you to comment. Or at the very least, build an opt-out system that you reference in every single post to see how many people ask you to stop.

In short, if you keep posting at this volume I will not stop replying to discourage upvotes. I'm more than willing to continue the discussion.

useful for an idiot! @ the time of this posting the price of BTC 9,100.4

Oooooppppps sorry my mistake.


Damn the price won't stay still, well it was honest! hahahahahahaha

how useful is that to anyone?? @ipostbtcprice not very much.

Your post is still spam and should be avoided.

That was 9000€ not too long ago. Now it's just 7275€. Is Trump killing the Dollar...?

Brexit, the US trade war and the EU/UK sanctions against Russia will mix the cards soon anyway..

We are waiting for the economic crash of fiat..Its coming.

How's your post useful at all, it's in every picture he shares to the right; it's spam.

Just to inform you, when I read your message BTC was on $ 8.704,30 showing a down of 4.61%.
But, just when I wanted to click on "Post" BTC was exactly $ 8.700,--

8555 now....The bottom is going to drop out..The only thing to save it are the hodlers....

In the news today...
"As central banks around the world are studying the potential of issuing cryptocurrencies of their own, the consortium of banking regulators in Basel, Switzerland released their white paper saying “(Central bank cryptocurrencies or other forms of digital currencies) could bring substantial benefits.”
Cryptocurrency issued by a central bank could be a stable, robust and even safer alternative to cash said the study by the group that includes the Federal Reserve and 59 other central banks of nations that account for about 95 percent of world gross domestic product."

An epitaph for the crypto market as we know it - I have been watching it for a half year and profited enormously, not really in money earned (very little, I'm too cautious on the whole) but general and technical market and trading knowledge, wouldn't want to miss it. So what is the overall impression, what is the situation, what's the sense ? Why did it happen ? There used to be widespread fears about cash money being forbidden and even more control being established by the establishment, but that was last year or so... meanwhile, an educational experiment has been successfully launched and executed - let's call it the "controlled crypto boom." It wasn't controlled ? Define control. The developments were foreseeable for insiders.

The Crypto boom has served its purpose : small investors now understand that they themselves want a cashless society as much as the bankers do, and they have learned that they cannot trust ech other or private initiatives - only central institutions can be trusted. Trust is being enabled by control - the fuller the control, the greater the trust : this is how herd animal psychology operates, where individualism is nothing but a means of division, so the divided can be even more easily handled, one by one, while they enjoy a feeling of personal "liberty"*

*)[this liberty being nothing but a licence to give ones personal desires more room than societal norms might permit - also the reason why societal norms are being elasticized lately, to enable these irrelevant herd animal individual freedoms under total 24/7 control, being compatible now without causing revolutionary impulses. What does a sheep want after all, except to indulge in a few drive-caused fantasies, think paedophilia and the likes. Why would a controlling instance be concerned about such things?
While individuals may feel dominated by a controlling authority, but that's irrelevant compared to the feeling of safety withing a conforming, ideally god-believing crowd].

The billion or so get rich quick little investors have learned that a few already big rich guys can take all their money away by pumping and dumping the rates whenever they like, and so they are withdrawing their funds, waiting for REAL crypto money to be created by authorities rather than some hippie programmers, which is exacly what the banking businss had been hoping for.
The brief episode of seeming "crypto freedom" showed that humanity has never been interested in freedom or privacy at all but in fast money and fast food only - they didn't invest in concepts, they bought "green" - a prime example of naked human nature at work, entirely predictable. For example, Ripple ("the bankers' coin" - this wasn't factual but that hardly mattered) was a huge success when it went green, investors had no moral scruples about it not being "ethical" simply because humans have no morals (though they talk about little else). There were other, more "social" and more private alternatives but they found less interest among the investors, which clearly proves their interest level - in all, it was a perfect social experiment within a financial experiment within a New World Order experiment.

Volatility did the rest, we now ALL know and have accepted that a cash-free society can be created within months if need be, and we know that everybody will be relieved to have it controlled by the traditional institutions. Please !
That was the main reason for the experiment, and maybe even why bitcoin was launched in the first place - to make electronic cash more digesteable for the public. Well played, proving mass psychological theory to be as correct as it is simple.
The human individual, the only source for intellectual development in science, is powerless inside the dumb smallest-common-denominator mass which cannot be argued with and only be organized from the top.
This is exactly what these masses of crypto investors must now have intuitively understood and resigned themselves to, that they can never escape the grip of the banks or the control of government - they are members of human society, which as such mercilessly dictates these things.
[A divide of human herd society between top and rest is necessary as long as the genetic disposition lasts, and a few intelligent individuals will rule the masses for the benefit of all - there are no alternatives because of the intelligence bell curve, so let's not waste time by even discussing such].

In 2018, the first central crypto currencies will be issued while the 'free' cryptocurrencies will wither for sheer lack of interest, and because nobody needs them anyway.

Thank you very much for sharing. Just make sure you dont limit the usecases of the blockchain technology on "currencies" solely. There are plenty of more problems that the blockchain can and probably will solve during the next few years. So the investment opportunity is still great (if not to call it perfect due to the ongoing correction), you just need to do your reasearch.

It's not about blockchain, it's really about human society, or what I like to call herd animal psychology, find more about that on my profile ;)

I think you are part correct. Anonymous coins like XMR or BCN will survive for the dark net.

30years ago!!! Looks like u are right! I guess it will be not bitcoin!

I hadn't considered that... but looking at it this way, i guess it makes sense that bitcoin was initiated by a complete anonymous, thus saving the real initiators any explanations. Instead, a strange unknown Robin Hood did it for them... genius level idea, huh ? And it certainly fits ;)

Hola Maestra,

I haven't been on Steemit much until yesterday or so. Are you still @jojof? or just @jf now?

Glad to have found this lovely little bit of savagery.

Thanks for the kick in the POV.


Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📉 7d

I just joined steemit, I see your post is very interesting and also an inspiration for me in writing, I just posted for the first time. please see and check

If you FLAG #HAEJIN you will make more money on STEEMIT.

Join @FlagAWhale if you are tired of him stealing your #Steemit Rewards

I know what could happen. BTC will take this triangle pathway, Amazon, Steam (for videogames) and Alibaba will add it as a payment method because it's less volatile and enough stabilised for them to use and BAM everyone will buy some and it will rise to the moon (to 25k$ at least). Same for LTC and ETH.

that would be awesome, but I'm afraid for this to happen price should go sideways for quit a while..😅

Until Autumn, is OK. We are not in a hurry. 😂

it will go down for 6 months..

cool, and I tell it will be 25000 tomorrow. Go and share your wisdom maybe? Or you are just calling random numbers?

I din't quote a price. i just said down...

pointing out a random price is same nonsense like pointing out a certain trend until date XY. what about providing valuable information instead of spamming?

its not a random price. its part of a trend down. I don't care about price the article is aimed at those who do and listen to analysis from a different paradigm.
If you don't like what i think say so and move on. And it's not spam either In my comment i was essentially agreeig with the comment before, Autumn.
if you don't like fact that's up to you.
lets revisit this conversation at Xmas..

AliBaba will never add it as payment method. They invested too much money in AliPay.

It wont be BTC I guess but the blockchain implementation is very likely since it is a very perspective technology for their supplychain managment (besides of the payment method itself).

Never say never. If the new technology is superior or customers prefer new currencies, then that is the way to go. People do not care about your investment. They care about comfort.

Keep smoking out of your asscrack with comments like that.
You don't even know what the fuck you just said.