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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: Sequence of Patterns is Uncanny!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I appreciate everyones input including haejins, but be prepared to get flagged for your post.

Guess how many coins at least doubled in the last 90 days - over 450. It was not hard to make money last year. I made 10 times my investment in 3 months with minimal TA and minimal research. People need to realize he didnt make people money, the market did.

If his TA helped them, that's great. But people need to realize there was 100's of ways to make money last year in this market, including buying a coin with the last 3-4 letters in your alphabets soup

But everyone should also do their own research, if they follow him blindly thats on them not him.

For what its worth i have been following the same support line to see if it will break and hold. Just waiting to put my fiat back in


@h00pla85. Make money last year in coins is not trading, it's investing. In good time, yes you can pick a coin and will make money. How many times can you do that? Forever? Trading requires TA skills, so you have a better probabilities of buying low and selling high. If you read Haejin's charts and comments (or anyone's in that matter) and can point out say his fractals don't make sense and why it doesn't make sense. If you can do that, you know what you are talking about. Otherwise, you don't. I don't favor Haejin or anybody, I am saying your argument is poor.

But that is my point. How can anyone say someone has this incredible TA advice when its a bullish market like this (well up until a few weeks ago) and are only predicting up. People believe his TA made them so much money. Most of these people have realized less gains than the average market increase.

i definitely am not one of the expert TA guys(im decent), but even I was able to realize buying in the last few weeks was not very good TA, that holding or selling out to fiat and waiting to jump in was the best option. I suggested this and other things like Bitconnect scam, shit coins warnings but people start instantly flagging for disagreeing (which i ended up being correct)

This last month, the shit finally hit the fan,and his TA does't look so good, worse than what I was doing/suggesting. You now have people that just go in the last 6-8 weeks that are now down based on his TA. Is it Haejins fault, of course not. They are responsible for their own actions. But it does show that maybe his TA isn't all its cracked up to be.

Hell yeah. Finally someone with brains. People here are totally hypnotized.

You're right, my post was flagged and now its hidden. It's unbelievable how brainwashed people really are. I posted some facts, namely that Haejin was posting bullish TA on useless coins, in a very unstable market. Yes, it is everyones own fault, but I don't see how such an experienced analyst would even come up with these recommendations especially in a period of extreme volatility. Haejin would have been far better off to advise people hold off on these coins until we have a clear path for bitcoin (we've had like 10 wrong predictions on BTC since the correction started). I know TA is not perfect, but he seems so sure of every one and it just seems like more of a money grab rather than trying to be helpful.

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