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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: This Correction Too Shall Pass....!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

the last BTC update contradicts his alt suggestions. why would he suggest people buy into an alt when BTC is dragging everything down. Everyone should have sold out or stand pat while BTC was falling, not dropping money into alts.

There are two possible scenarios

  1. he doesnt have a clue what he is doing so he is posting and honestly thinks he is helping out
  2. he does know what he is doing, but continues to post to make money

I think he is smart, and his TA is great, but when he contradicts himself, you start to wonder his true intentions. anyone with half a brain would not be buying in the last week.


I've been following haejin and philakone (who also do TA) for a while now. People need to know that TA doesn't project time line, and perhaps Haejin need to emphasize that in all his TA. All his altcoin's TA has a high possibility of coming true, but nobody, including himself, will be able to tell us WHEN it will come true.

Besides, he has also been clear of his "alternate" counts on BTC, and we cannot fault him when the market decided to take the secondary path/count instead of his primary. With this, he teaches us that there are many possibility and ranked them in probability of each happening by citing which is primary, secondary, etc. While he does this for BTC, do you expect him to to do the same in-depth analysis for ALL the altcoins which he has covered, giving all the different counts and pathways? If you do, then you are not here to learn from his generous lessons and teachings but merely expects him to give you the fish (and blame him when the fish escape).

Granted, many here just want to be given targets and numbers - but if you follow blindly, don't fault the teacher when their predictions doesn't come true the next few day you bought in. Again, TA does NOT cover timeline, just like he always emphasize in his BTC TA, the targets have high possibility of reaching BUT the paths they take will vary. Everyone know BTC is the main driver for all altcoins, and everyone who has been following actively should then know that BTC has high chances of further correction - so can't you relate these two yourself AND expect that altcoin will also be volatile?? Did Haejin ever put a timeline on his altcoin projections?

His TA doesnt project time, but timing is everything. He also uses words in his headline that suggest something will happen soon. When someone says explosion is imminent, how does that not reflect time? or the bottom is most likely in? well the bottom is good right? so suggesting its the bottom = buy in.

I do not expect updates for all the alt coins, but why continue to post alt suggestions when his primary BTC was wrong and it was likely to follow his alternate count. You do not need to do any TA at all to know alts would drop if BTC would drop hard(following his alt count), just dont post anything other than BTC updates.

I have only used him(and other good posters on here) to back up research i have already done. i am not saying he is a bad poster (he is quite good), I am saying that his posting of TA when he knows damn well its useless right now is taking advantage of people. Those that don't know better are losing badly, but he is making a killing off them

I do not follow him blindly and i was out as soon as the news broke out a few days ago which has paid off.

He isnt stupid, he knows if he posts alt suggestions people are going to immediately go and buy some, and with BTC in turmoil all his alt TA is useless.

I totaly agree and tried to warn everybody around here to KEEP AN EYE ON THE BITCOIN. When Bitcoin moves everything moves. And speculating stockmarkets all has to do with time. Otherwise both parts always are right. I say it's going down, he says it's going up. Seven months after the fall it went up again. Both persons were right!

Yeah but timing is everything :p

I think it will go back up, some of the alts he suggested have good teams, good whitepaper, and i think will easily recover 3 or 4 times over but some are literally shit coins. But that isnt taken into consideration, he just does TA

I agree, any analysis on altcoins while bitcoin is dropping is bullshit. Yet he posts this crap every day and people believe him unconditionally. I guess the only way people learn is through financial loss

To his credit he's mentioned an 8k Bitcoin bottom possibility MANY TIMES and I kept that in mind, but I agree the headlines for newbs suggest "EXPLOSION" within seconds, etc.

But that is my point, his primary count was wrong and his secondary showed BTC to 8k, so why still continue to post alt TA when the BTC would make it useless. he should have suggested taking out profit and holding fiat until we correct

great insight

Same as yours just a lot more to the point.

Yeah because its amazing for someone to advise people to buy some crypto at the worst possible time and profit from it.

If people took my advice that i posted in his blogs they would have saved themselves a ton of money.
I upvoted him when he gave sound advice, but now that i disagree with his suggestions its no longer valid?

But your right, me saving someone 30-40% in a couple days equals waah!... waah! in insight.

sheep following a sheppard off a cliff

Worry about yourself. Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. And, anyone who can't make their own decisions shouldn't be trading anything. Haejin paints a great map for what is likely to happen. How people use that is their problem.

so then what is the point of having a platform for people to blog and reply? might as well just have no comments then.

except for its a bad map, and people obviously do not know what they are doing or they wouldnt be upvoting

I agree, and I also enjoy the posts. I'm a relative newbie; I've invested in cryptocurrency as a whole; I'm not a day trader, although once in awhile I play around just for fun.

I don't think this form of analysis has much practical predicative value over the long term. I've watched five hyped predictions, and none of them have come true yet.

I agree that the posts have a sense of urgency that is not reflected by a good investment or trading strategy. The first post and analysis I saw, I blindly leapt on board. Now I've been watching, and I have observed that a more common sense approach to day trading would have yielded much better profits.

Timing IS the key.

I do find it all interesting.

People that aren't ready to adjust their TA, or the BLIND FOLLOWING OF SOMEONE ELSE'S TA FOR THAT MATTER, at an instance, should just get the fuck back to their dayjob as this is no playground for them.

Oh i agree, they are sheep and are the enablers. but bad advice is bad advice, so i dont really have an issue with it getting downvoted. i upvote him when i agree with him and thats it


consider reading the post thoroughly and you will see that he recommends laddering in. he never gives a BUY target because he wants you to ladder in over time...please do not be negative without looking for the positive.

I do read the whole thing. I am saying to suggest buying into alts when BTC is falling (even his own TA suggested it) does not make any sense, laddering or not

Actually the btc pairs will profit from the dip. In the end you will be able to sell them for more btc and have some nice btc stash after the dip.

So? The better suggestion would have been to hold fiat and wait for a dip, not take the slightly lesser of two brutal blows

This is where he has made most of his money from my conversations with's the hardest thing to do when there is blood, but if you ladder correctly on the way down taking little bites (as he would say) eventually your bags will be filled and ready for the next push whenever that might be...i also have a few very successful investor friends that have done it the same goes against all logic, but this is the way the wealthy do it

That my friend is the upmost difficult thing to do. Make one mistake and you're busted. These coins fall back with 10 - 20 - 30% very easy. Points are making themselves very clear afterwards. Not at the front of their being.

I understand that. But when you have a bunch of negative news coming out, your primary count is wrong, and your alternative count spells out doom, why would you suggest to people to buy into alts?

I have family members that have asked for the past couple weeks for me to put money in. I bought a little for them at the beginning but the last week i told them i wasnt comfortable putting any money in. If he actually cared and wasnt doing this for money he would have done the same

That's exacly what I was thinking: "Would you tell your best friend to get into coins now?" Then why stay in it yourself?

A good TA should more importantly be able to identify tops and when to get out of a market. Not just continually predict higher highs in a bull market

But that is what sells, so that is what he does.

He doesnt need to sell, he has someone upvoting him for hundreds of dollars. Even if he is dead wrong

I haven't been paying as much attention because I am in stand pat mode, but I haven't noticed any "immenent" or "explosion" talk of late.

Projections in last 3 weeks of coins hitting all time highs have all gone the opposite way and invalidated his elliott counts. Look at XVG, STEEM, QTUM.

give it time and some patience and you will see....

several predictions just in the last few days of crazy returns. terms like

IGNITING, MASSIVE, BOTTOM IS IN, GROUND FLOOR, KABOOM were all used in the headlines

almost all of which are down big.

Even suggested swapping fiat for coins (AST) and thats down what like 30%