Crypto Investors??? What a JOKE.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

So it’s just me, Greg, giving my 2 Cents Worth, which would actually be worth less, if it were in Crypto!!!
I’m here tonight, to talk about Verge, and it’s most recent play to introduce Cryptocurrency to the general population. Recently Verge made an announcement that they were going to partner up with a company that would forever change, and move forward the Cryptocurrency Market. In the days and weeks leading up to their announcement of their partnership, there was much upward movement in the perceived value of Verge. All the speculative aspirations were that Verge would partner up with a Huge Internet based company that would forever change the Cryptocurrency Market, and Pave the way for others to follow. There was speculation that they might land Amazon Pay, PayPal, Microsoft, or a Host Of Other, Fat Cat Companies, to finally accept Cryptocurrency as an alternative to Fiat. The whole of crypto Bed Wetters, were on High Alert, to join in Full Force, with tongues hanging out, to embrace such an unobtainable feat. The Cryptocurrency Non- Believers, which comprises about 80% of The investors, currently, we’re all waiting with Baited Breath, to finally embrace a Fully Government Regulated, Fully Government Sanctioned, Fully Government Controlled, Corporate Entity, that Could, Should, Ans Surely, WOULD, do anything, and Everything, that the Government, Or Corporate Weasel-Fucks, told them to do.
What they weren’t ready for, was Verge to Partner up with , was the Biggest Porn Site on the Globe. Verge is the only Cryptocurrency, Brave enough, and Determined enough, to Do Whatever it Takes, to Lead the Way To Crypto Freedom. So to all of the FUDDERS, To All Of The Haters, To All Of The Crypto- Cunts: All I have to say is this; If you can’t embrace a bold move to introduce Cryptocurrency adoption to 100,000,000 people a day, that use Porn-Hub, what will you embrace?? In my humble opinion, I believe it that Cryptocurrency has not been widely accepted up to this point, not because it isn’t valid, or not because it isn’t relevant, it’s because of you. You find a way to Kill it at every turn. You find a reason to downplay its usefulness and purpose because you are uncommitted, and you will destroy it, if given the opportunity, because you can’t handle the success, that it would afford you. It’s all about Ignorance. So, on what side of this Ignorance Line, are you going to fall???? Stupid Fucking Bastards. Couldn’t Wipe their Own asses, if they had to. image

Image Courtesy of Facebook. A Meme that somebody placed. It’s Megan Kelley. I claim no rights to it. It’s just a meme that I found. Perhaps it’ll end up on Porn-Hub some day. Who Knows??? LMFAO

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