China's Ban On Bitcoin is nothing but a bunch of FAKE NEWS

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)
據鳳凰財經9月28日報導,一名火幣網的相關工作人員表示,日常業務正常進行著,員工該幹什麼還在幹什麼,因為目前用戶的提幣量激增,負荷量大增了,需要臨時調派人手來處理。According to the Phoenix Finance reported on September 28, a staff from one of the exchange said that the business is usual, employees are doing what they have been doing, but they need to add temporary staff to deal with tsunami of customer enquiries.

OKCoin幣行網新搬進了海淀區上地群英科技園,現在的辦公區比之前的大了一倍以上,有將近4000多平方米,僅辦公場地租金,每月費用在人民幣54萬-64.8萬元。OKCoin has recently moved to Science and Technology Park in Haidian District. The new office space is more than doubled the previous one, nearly 4,000 square meters, monthly rent costs 54 - 64.8 Million Yuan.

火幣網27日最新發布了招聘需求,涉及技術、運維、客服等多個崗位。在該網的前台,一天有數十人登記前來面試。 has just announced to recruit IT, operation and maintenance, customer service and other positions. Everyday there were dozens of people came for the job interviews...

I live in Japan but decided to open an account in China because I wanted to run a test. Here is my account with Last week I tried to transfer my ether out of Jubi to in order to avoid the "shut down". Although I couldn't do that but they allowed me to transfer my ether to a new platform [Coinegg] without charging me a cent. So I still have my ether and hasn't be confiscated!!

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Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 5.39.59 PM.png

So once again the MSM talking heads and even some free media contrarians or out of the box thinker including Roger Ver got this one wrong again.

China is doing a good thing by cleaning up the industry, getting rid of hundreds of fake coins because there were too much speculations. China is making sure that the crypto exchanges hold the equal amount of coins that they claim they have for the customers, they don't want their people to play the western style paper derivatives games.

After seeing so many fake news about China for so many decades... I had to assume that they would be wrong on China again, and it only took 2 weeks to proof that. Again, in order to understand China, you need to learn Taichi. :-)


It would result in new highs if these exchanges can continue to do business going in 2017 and 2018. Hope you are right.

Yeap keep calm and keep buying. :)

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