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RE: New World Currency - May 16, 2018?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

This was an incredible article. Your level of knowledge in these matters put you on my "most wanted" list for esoteric topics. Well done.

I was about to write about the same topic on the same day as you did but decided otherwise. The greatness of your research makes me feel it was a good idea.

The fact that nothing really happened doesn't surprise me as Taurus has the generational effect on us rather than somthing immediate. This will all unfold during this year and the next one after uranus re-enters Taurus after its retrograde phase starting on August 9th.

Please eleborate on a few things from your article:

After all, this is a Master 11 year (i.e. 2018=2+0+1+8) and they love passing through those 2 columns under the arch on top. So 9-11 and 11-11-11 (i.e. Nov. 11, 2018) could be interesting.

How does 9-11 fit into that?

What significance do you see in Uranus going retrograde and entering back into Aries November 7, 2018 where it remains for the rest of 2018. That's four days before the 11-11-11.


Hi @flauwy. Thanks for the positive feedback and the great questions. I love being driven by excellent (red pill) questions... :)

On your first question, 9-11 is really 11 in numerology (9+11=11) and 11-9-11 would be 13, which really means "TRANSITION". So that has a big possibility for something significant to happen.

September 11 is the 254th (2+5+4=11) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. We all know what happened on that day nearly 17 years ago. Ground was broken for construction of The Pentagon on September 11, 1941. It was the same date 11 years before when Daddy Bush announced the New World Order officially in 1990. on Sept. 11, 813 A.D., Charles the Great crowns Louis I Emperor. That was the First Reich. On the same date, 1185 Isaac II Angelus kills Stephanus Hagiochristophorites and then appeals to the people, resulting in the revolt that deposes Andronicus I Comnenus and places Isaac on the throne of the Byzantine Empire. Those are just a few of several long list of events that have happened on Sept. 11th. I could easily do a post just on that.

On the second question about

"...Uranus going retrograde and entering back into Aries November 7, 2018..."

I find that one interesting too, given only 4 days separate the 2 dates from 11-7-11 (which is 11) until 11-11-11. My strength is numerology and esoteric. I'm more a novice in Astrology, but very good researcher. Then it moves back into Taurus on until 6th March 2019. I see one Astrologer says

"it will generate circumstances where life heads in a new direction, but not entirely because there will be the need to go back and deal with something from the past before being able to move on."

That may suggest those 5 or 6 months to be very interesting.

Also in that period Jupiter is positioned in Scorpio until Nov. 8th (11-8-11 = 10 or 1 new beginning), when Jupiter will move into Sagittarius, it's own sign, where it will remain until the 3rd December 2019. It will certainly be comfortable, being in a Zodiac Sign that it rules. This will enable Jupiter to become its optimistic self but also produce restlessness. This will supposedly have more influence on the year 2019.

Fantastic answers. Thank you very much. The 9-11 historic events are pretty interesting particularly the creation of the First Reich.

I that really interesting too. Also going back two cycles when Uranus was in Taurus, it runs into the end of the end of the second Reich too. Interestingly, that was when there was a huge wave of German migration into the states, sometimes called the 48ers and the 2000 census in the states showed more people claim German ancestry in the US than any other nation on earth, most of which supposedly because of the 48er migration. That was something I didn't know until researching this. Not to imply any negative connotation to Germans, as I have found the hospitality in Germany better than 33 other nations I've had the opportunity of visiting. Of course that was during and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The interesting thing is the last time when Uranus was moving into Taurus (or about to), in early 1933, Hitler was rose and began to consolidate political power, which sent ripples across the Atlantic into the states and within 2 weeks the run on the banks caused Michigan to close their banks. That dominoed across all the states by the time FDR became president within a month or two, which caused him to take immediate action with a few days of taking power, which essentially bankrupt the US.

I also found it interesting the groundbreaking for the Pentagon around the end of the last period that Uranus was in Taurus only a few months before Peal Harbor when the US entered WWII. The deeper one dives, the more interesting it all gets. Who needs to watch film and tv media dramas when we can explore stuff like this. :)

I am German myself and I was born and raised in West Berlin during allied occupation. I was nine when the wall came down and I still remember the night as my mother took me to go to the wall and celebrate with the thousands. My dad is British and I didn't grow up with him but always had a great relationship with him. That night he was visiting Berlin and snuck through a new hole in the wall to the East Side and celebrated over there. And eventually he ran into me which was also crazy.

I live now in Costa Rica because Germany is too controlled and manipulated for my taste and spirituality is kept incredibly low over there. It feels like the whole CIA test state which was installed after the WWII succeeded and created nice blocks of non-thinkers. Costa Rica is very different and here magic still is alive and strong.

Check out my best article so far where I write about my journey coming to Costa Rica, following the four blood moons of 2014/2015 of which the first two fell on my sisters birthday and the second on my own and where I went to Iquitos, Peru with my dad to drink Ayahuasca.

And I agree, there is magic and mystery unfolding in front of our eyes and the great spectacle of light and darkness fighting for human consciousness is at play. Great time to be alive and strong in the heart to be ready for whatever is about to come. I have the feeling that 2018 in particular as well as the following few years will be of great significance for mankind.

How awesome, @flauwy! Oh wow, Costa Rica. That's one place I really want to visit. I too was in Berlin when the wall was being torn down. What an awesome euphoric party that was - probably the best of my life. I think it was like the whole world was on LSD then, without even needing to take it... LOL I used to have a piece of the wall, but I think someone stole it. Not a problem though, because I still have the memory and maybe it will help others to find a glimpse of true "FREEDOM" from it too.

I think most of the world is now too controlled and manipulated for my taste, as well, and spirituality is kept incredibly low (held down) so as to manipulate. It's much like the Matrix trilogy film series, where most people prefer the blue pill and go on living the illusion of lies and more and more of us are waking up enough to take the red pill and dive down the rabbit hole to find and put all the pieces together.

That's so well said when you said,

And I agree, there is magic and mystery unfolding in front of our eyes and the great spectacle of light and darkness fighting for human consciousness is at play. Great time to be alive and strong in the heart to be ready for whatever is about to come. I have the feeling that 2018 in particular as well as the following few years will be of great significance for mankind.

I used to live and study native traditions and spiritual visions with Shamans, but Ayahuasca is about the only thing I haven't tried in my life. :) I really want to find one of the locations near me where it is legal to do sometime this summer for a shamanic vision quest. I was struck deeply that moved me back in that direction when the indigenous shaman from Peru, Olivia Arévalo Lomas, was killed a month ago. I really do feel it is really time for those of us waking up to play our part in this current turning in the Procession of the Equinox (26,000 year cycle) back towards another golden age of enlightenment and age of Aquarius. In one very profound sense, the darker it "seems" to get, the brighter the stars will begin to shine. I have this feeling you really know what I mean, @flauwy!

I'll go check out your post too. :)

I am sure you will have an absolute marvelous experience with Ayahuasca. It has always been incredible and full of light for me.

I am sure too... without doubt, mainly because for me it will be taken very seriously with a very serious ritualistic (Heart and Soul) purpose.

hi @flauwy

wow. you shared so much information about yourself in public. very brave :)

I noticed that many people are complaining about living in germany. Myself in polish but i moved out from europe long time ago so Im not sure how is it there right now.


I wouldn't want to live in any Western country right now. There is just way too much control and manipulation going on for my taste.

little off topic @positivesynergy

Have you heard about media protocol project?

I figured that this may interest you. i just discovered it yesterday and im still researching

Hi Piotr, Yeah, I've had my eye on them for several weeks now, but am hesitant thus far, because:

  1. they are in Gibraltar, where several very big bankers have moved into the crypto space and have ripped people off (like Wirex ripped us off the last year).
  2. they are a for-profit limited liability corp. and most important,
  3. because their system is loading so slow. It takes 3-5 minutes to load their homepage alone, which is the slowest I believe I've seen the internet used to be since back in the 90's. I'm really surprised to see the CMO, EMEA of GoDaddy as an adviser. The whole idea of a "content distribution platform" is about as opposite to what they are at least presenting themselves to be as anyone could ever imagine. So while the idea is brilliant and I do have my eye on their development, I am very VERY distrusting of them.

I'm not sure you know, but there has been a wave of big corporate companies filing patents recently on a lot of the open source blockchain technology that many have been using and developing already. Jeff Bezos (Amazon), for one, filed a patent for Data Stream to combine data from various sources to "identify" cryptocurrency users for law enforcement subscribers. This is simple tech that many law enforcement agencies already use around the world. So in essence Jeff Bezos is stealing from already existing tech support to law enforcement in order to monopolize the open source market, just as he has done to the entire retail industry around the globe.

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