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RE: Four Years Ago Today

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

It's a tragedy of justice.

The saying is true. "Only the middle class believes in justice because the rich and poor know better." Only a fool would believe there's justice to be had in our court system. A thief robbed me in court once. The judge knew he was a thief too, but the truth and justice didn't matter. I was still robbed. My case is nothing compared to Ross's of course.

I really don't have much hope for humanity because of cases like his. If the level of injustice done to him can happen without major upheaval by the majority of people, what hope do we have to defend liberty? Most people just don't give a damn because it isn't them being squashed by the government. They don't care because it isn't their loved one or themselves.


It's because our government is basically the mafia. Ross was a threat to the mafia' business, so they used the legal system to make an example out of him. To them it's a matter of preserving their control, and not at all a matter of justice.

you cant sell drugs - the government hates competition


Right, but we must educate the masses about the truth. I just was released from federal prison. The war on drugs is the biggest scam against social classes ever created, publicly traded prisons, and wrongful sentences, a life sentence without taking a life is the biggest crime there is. I will be posting and advocating for prison reform, and legislative changes. Please follow me, I just started here......

It's good to see someone comment meaningfully on this post. It is a tragedy. He lost his life and liberty and you are right that it can happen to anyone. The sentence is totally out of proportion and he is being used as a threat to others who wish to step outside of the system that taxes them and manipulates them. He has to suffer this every day. There is no justice.

There's another saying... You get as much justice as you can afford. That is a lie though when the government is your opponent. They will crush you no matter how much money you have. :(

Totally. They have ensured they have the power to decide who gets 'justice'.

If such lawlessness is happening in the US for the sake of the mafia, then what to say about Ukraine - whose government ignores even the decisions of the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights for the benefit of man. And thus, in accordance with the UN General Declaration of Human Rights of 10.12.1948: Considering that it is necessary that human rights are protected by the rule of law in order to ensure that a person is not forced to resort, as a last resort, to an insurrection against tyranny and oppression.

"Insurrection against tyranny and oppression" is not an ideal situation, but it is better than allowing collectivists, of all flavors, to turn nations into prisons.

I just want to be left alone as long as I harm no one or their property. It would be nice to not be robbed while I'm being peaceful too.

The UN isn't going to help. No government system will. We have to create alternatives to governments and walk away from them. That's part of what is doing.

Thanks for the follow, and I'm following you back. :)

Walk away from government as a whole, not disrespecting those who serve out military but to
Boycott and join together in unity as citizens. Cut the hatred game they push on everyone, and join together to educate and learn from history and throw out these criminal politicians.

Storm Clouds Gathering has a term for it. It is called the "Chain of Obedience.". Most police and military do as they are ordered. History is full of ample evidence.

Totalitarians are all alike. Very predictable.

You are totally right. I believe they are wanting to set an example with him, so people won't rise to take his position.

And yet this failed. Dark Net markets are bigger than ever.

Most people in our society with any form of education are totally unaware of the "system". I was introduced to the system at age 34 after falling on some hard times through addiction. I have been out of federal prison for about 1.5 yrs and am beginning my journey to fight for prison reform, and the war on drugs. We need to educate the masses about the monetized prison system, and the social injustices

If you don't mind sharing, what were you in for please? Let me guess. A supposed drug "crime?" Was there a victim?

sorry for delay. I was actually in for counterfeiting money, but it was related to drug use. There were victims, Wal-Mart and Best Buy,,,I was indicted for $60 and served a total of 3 years

You counterfeited $60 and spent 3 years in prison because of it? Ouch. I had a father in law that was an artist, and he got caught duplicating county vehicle tax stickers. The judge said he had never seen such a close match. haha

You really got screwed @positivechange10, there is no way you could have counterfeited money in the United States. No money has existed in the United States since 1933, gold and silver coin is the only lawful money.
You may have counterfeited "legal tender" which is what most people believe to be money, but it is not money. Take any bill out of your wallet and really read what is printed on it. You will see "Federal Reserve Note" , what is a note?
A note is evidence of a debt, ever hear of a mortgage note? or a car note?
So why do we call the paper we carry a dollar bill, five dollar bill, ten dollar bill etc. ? Because we are carrying around evidence of a government debt owed to the banking cartel, a bill is a debt. We don't carry paper money around in our wallets, we carry around government debt, pretending that it is money. The sad part is that most people have no clue as to what I am saying, but it is true , the government education system gets credit for keeping generations of Americans in the dark with regard to the United States monetary system.
Go read the indictment that they charged you with, if it says "money" on it, they committed fraud against you.

Point taken. Thank you.

well said, i second your opinion

Once you experience this directly your eyes are opened. As the government becomes more and more oppressive, people will care. Hopefully not too late.

I'm sorry. It will be too late. Human psychology is a real bitch. People just don't care until it is a loved one. :( People like us are very rare.

I agree with you . It reminds me of what my lecturer once said that once you are face to face with the rich they will make sure you suffer. In this world there is not much justice . Of course they just want to make an example of him. One's freedom is based on his social standing other wise we really not free.

don't worry...time comes over everything...that judge too

I never heard that saying but how true it is.

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