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in #bitcoin7 years ago

I think what you don't realize is the fact anyone who knows how to trade cryptocurrencies can use Steemit to help others and make money too. But they either are not bothering, haven't taken the time to build a following or they are not providing a good value to their followers.

The majority of us that follow @haejin are making money (off steemit). I have seen my crypto portfolio value triple in 2 months and it is 100% because of @haejin.

To make it worse, the original person that started attacking @haejin was showing an image that reported showed @haejin was earnings come ridiculous percentage of the entire reward pool. Once it was found that the image was wrong (not saying it was fake, only that the website it came from has admitted it was wrong) and we started sharing that info, trying to stop all of this, the attacks picked up and became even worse.

If @haejin was writing posts daily about something other than Crypto and the followers were upvoting him for it, would you still be as upset?

Any topic that becomes HOT and a person is providing good solid information for their followers could become a regular in the trending category.

Not a single person has suggested @haejin is using bots to increase his earnings. No one has said he is running multiple accounts transferring his earnings to them so he can feed a team of bots to increase his earnings. In other words, his earnings are coming from the people he is helping.

But how many of the people that are downing him are doing these exact things. Running bots, upvoting themselves and so much more.

Steemit and all the little people are the ones getting hurt here. I lost 4 people that were thinking about joining, all because of this attacking. It is time for it to end.


I would have to agree, If someone does not like what is on the "Trending Channel" CHANGE THE DAMN channel. The content is real, the content is valid and the theory is sound.

Haejin is not a photographer so his post wont be about pictures
He is not an Architect so it wont be about building design. Haejin is not a Doctor or nutritionist so his post wont be about food or health. Haejin is not a programmer so his post won't be about writing code. Haejin is not a poet so don't think your'e going to find him writing stuff that shows up in the Poetry Channel. Haejin is not Caesar The Dog Whisperer so his post are not going to be about pee pad trianing your new puppy.

Haejin only post about what he knows. Elliot Wave Theory. The fact Haejin's post shows up in the Trending channel means one thing. Enough steemians think it is worth upvoting and reading to push it there.

STEEMIT IS BETA. Don't like the way it works take it up with the developers and stop verbally abusing the users and down voting the ones that find value in someone elses post. What steemit is lacking is civility. I have forwarded my notes to @NED.

This post will be down voted in ......5.....4.....3......2..........

I am finding it amazing that a person who spends hours every day helping others and many of his followers are being downvoted and talked about like we are less than garbage, while the people at the top who started this are using bots to try to prevent the people who are being helped from saying anything.

At some point, common sense has to prevail. Self proclaimed whatever police rarely if ever solve any problems, it is almost like their real purpose to to stir up hatred and anger. Is it time to start a system that uses all the good parts of Steemit and throws out the bad? If I knew how, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Its not the bots fault. They just do what a human tells them to do.

You know, you are correct. Let's start a campaign to end bot abuse!

in all fairness, you right. Smart people will use @Haejin knowledge to own advantage.
One word of advice, don't share your portfolio in open channels with strangers.
My portfolio also grew because i did took in consideration @Haejin posts.
Not saying follow blindly but take it as checkpoint in your own strategy.

Here is my portfolio. And I am no where near a professional trader. Looking at your numbers and without sharing mine, My growth (percent) was actually more than 3x more than yours.

I am very happy for you. That does not discount that mine went up on the advice of Haejin. Your attempt to make a correlation does not work here.

So your point is????? Are you trying to convince us to drop everything and follow you or something?

Just look at his page ... it will all make sense ..

Well, not sure what good that will do since I have been following him for two months. I have his page on my bookmarks bar, and I look at it about every hour or so every day, waiting for his next words of wisdom. I am a newbie. I fully admit it. In 2 months of following his advice, my portfolio triples, when the 4 months before that it had only gone up about 20%. Are you really trying to convince me I didn't learn anything from him? Maybe your way it better for you. Maybe you had a lot more money to start with. Maybe you are luckier than me. I am sure there are hundreds of other maybes, but if you think you are going to convince me he hasn't helped me my a LOT of money that I could not have done myself, sorry to say you are barking up the wrong tree.

He found a niche, newbies to cryptocurrency, as is filling it better than ANYONE has ever done before. Since you feel your method is better than his, by all means, start writing about it. Start helping others. You and everyone else are free to do exactly the same thing.

But punishing people who are doing a good job and helping thousands of people is ludicrous.

Punishing people, the majority of which are still newbies here, simply because they are using their little pennies to upvote someone that is helping them, is ludicrous.

Whales divvying out their power to numerous bots, so they can upvote themselves or send bot attacks to wipe out earnings is ludicrous.

Don't you realize if YOU become very successful here, you could be the next target?

Most people simply do not want to put in the effort to build the way he has and now they are jealous.

please make sense, this is coming from someone that has been for a year, this is plain abuse, actually refer to my long comments, I'm glad you expressed your opinions, but I highly disagree haejin deserves what he has, it's hype and it's biased and it's not "from the people" if it was he would be making half or even a quarter and that would still be good, this basically scrolls back time to when there was hyper inflation, just for haejin, because 10 posts a day and 50kUSD a day, do you think, just riddle me this

Claim rewards
407.360 SBD 125.462 SP
1 hour ago

Claim rewards
852.787 SBD 268.145 SP
9 hours ago

i'm no jelly :D but this isn't right from my perspective, sure he's a unique individual, but there are many technical analysts, and almost none of them are getting 50k a day (currently it's half that for a week)

Talk with icomment

My opinion on this, a long read

Link to my two best blogs

  1. Whale wars(of old),
  2. ?Why do you post
    sorry for linking you to links, I just used the links :D

So yeah, maybe he's honest, doesn't collude, maybe there is no in-crowd splitting the spoils, maybe it's all organic, maybe it's all from people's kind hearts, (15% said the data, that's pretty good yes, great engagement of 25k followers)

I would think the percentage of the listed cases above is probably the same, so it's highly likely there is abuse and highly likely that this isn't fair to you, still compared to financial corruption, this is negligible, but a bad showcase I'd say.

so yeah gratz on supporting this,

your upvotes made this possible and this content clearly deserves to be trending...... good for everyone....... but whatever, trash will be trash, if you are serious to think one person deserves 1% of the reward pool so that he can have fun on the internet and make a few thousands of dollars in the process, while yeah actually disregard the world at large, think of the little fish here not able to upvote their stuff at 0.01 cents anymore, because bid bots ... long story nevermind, wasting my time typing bullshit, if this was earning me 25K a week :D naah still doing TA isn't worth it :D so yeah he's ok but he doesn't deserve it and he's not really doing good with it, buuut time will tell what will happen and why..

please get a life @j3dy! Commenting on 2 month old posts makes you look like you either don't have anything worthwhile to do with your time or you are simply trying to stir up trouble. Both are personal problems and not worthy of reading.

your screenshot doesn't have a scale bro....

@berniesanders new account @iflagtrash. Talk about raping the reward pool. Check out the single post in the blog and the thousands of dollars in rewards for comments like 'Test', 'Uh Hu'. Great well thought out content. Deserves every cent. Definitely what Steem is all about. Followers of @berniesanders, its good to see you lining this Conartist, Bullys pockets.

I totally agree with you. This is like trying to change the rules of the Game because someone wins alot. Instead of being creative and providing content that people want to see. They spend their time going around as some self assumed steemit police force. Like some gorrilas in police uniforms beating their chest.

It's worse than that they are only doing it because it hurt their reputation racketing business .

Dude has great success on his blog so he get paid = bad
Whale peddling influence to get money with usury boting system = good

This is an upside down world.

When you support randomwhale or bernie you are basicaly saying that when you get success you shall not receive good reward which is the all point of steemit, madness !!!

Self appointed Brown Shirt Nazi wannbes are what they are! Crying like the entitled all deserving self centered losers whinning around the country like poor little babies!
It Ain't your fricking rewards pool crybabies. And you will be beaten because your LOSERS! The loudest fools crying about their rights ARE the ones trampling all over others in their blind temper tantrum and need a lesson and maybe a spanking too!

Haijin predicted that crypto-currencies would rise in value. While EVERY crypto was rising in value and capable people (cough cough Bloomberg and the FT) were predicting it too. He basically copied them.

Hmm, "EVERY crypto was rising in value". Oh so all the charting companies and all the people who charge for trading advice are ripping people off? Damn, sounds like we are trying to stop the wrong people.

Hmm, "Oh so all the charting companies and all the people who charge for trading advice are ripping people off?" Oh so the only things you can trade in the world are crypto's. Sounds like you need to go look at Forex/FTSE/just about everything else.

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