Bitcoin: Are You Forking Kidding Me?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

December has been a wild month for Bitcoin with massive price gains, and it's only going to get even crazier.

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Several new hard forks are due to be implemented throughout the next few weeks.

Is it out of pure greed, or are these proposed forks truly trying to solve Bitcoin's woes?

Bitcoin Platinum (BTP)

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The codebase for Bitcoin Platinum is on Github and plans to fork at Block 498533.

BTP is GPU and CPU-friendly, allowing anyone to mine with their existing hardware.

It will also adhere to the Segwit2x protocol.

There is no pre-mine, and block time is decreased from 10 mins to 2.5 minutes.

Check out their Github for more info!

Super Bitcoin (SBTC)


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Super Bitcoin will follow closely behind Bitcoin Platinum, forking at block 498888.

Futures for SBTC are already trading around .13 BTC, which moves it way ahead of Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

So far, most exchanges and wallets have remained quiet regarding SBTC and whether or not they will support it.

Total supply will be 21.21 million - 210k are pre-mined and will be managed by the Super BTC Foundation and are mainly used to encourage early developers, invest in the super BTC ecosystem and ensure the operation of the Super BTC Foundation."

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC)

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Proposed and developed by European team Lightning, LBTC will fork at block 499999.

This will be the very first Bitcoin-forked coin to adopt the delegated Proof-of-Stake scheme.

Lightning Bitcoin is picking up major traction from various exchanges and will be officially supported by Ledger.

So, make sure you stash your Bitcoin on your nano-ledger if you own one!

Bitcoin God (GOD)

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Bitcoin God symbolically forks on Christmas Day, just a few short weeks away.

The founder of GOD and angel investor Chandler Guo remarks that he is ”bitcoin Santa designated by God” to distribute free “candies” to bitcoin holders.

There will be 21 million coins in total, with no-premine.

Bitcoin Cash Plus (BCP)

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January 2, 2018 will bring yet another Bitcoin fork - Bitcoin Cash Plus (BCP).

According to their website, anyone holding Bitcoin at the time of the fork (block 501407) will also become a proud owner of BCP.

BCP will use the Equihash mining algorithm, which allows ordinary users to participate in mining them as well.

Bitcoin Uranium (BUM)

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Uranium-infused Bitcoin will fork sometime in December (no block or date has been mentioned as of yet).

BUM will feature GPU and CPU mining capability, and will not support a pre-mine.

Currently, the Bitcoin Uranium team is working on their online presence (website and Github). As more info becomes available, I will update this post.

Bitcoin Silver (BTSI)

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Yet another upcoming fork, BTSI is expected for fork sometime in December. However, no official block or date has been set as of yet.

Bitcoin Silver changes Bitcoin's POW algorithm from SHA256 to Equihash, once again allowing everyday users to mine without being bullied by the ASICs.

Make sure you store your Bitcoin somewhere that gives you access to your private keys - BTSI is crediting owners of BTC at the time of the fork on a 1:1 basis.

Bitcoin X

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There's not a ton of news out regarding Bitcoin X at the moment, but we do know that it's worth keeping an eye on.

Total supply will be 210 BILLION coins, which is absolutely insane.

Owners of BTC at the time of the fork (whenever they figure that out) will be credited on a 10000:1 ratio (if you own 1 Bitcoin, you'll receive 10000 Bitcoin X).

Do you know of any other Bitcoin forks? Do you think all of these new forks will devalue Bitcoin, or will it do the opposite? Drop a comment and let me know!


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Damn retards. Why o why do you wanne fork now. Fork when it drops bananas

Hey, Panda-man ... you write a pretty mean article when you finally limp out of the hospital and prop yourself up in front of your laptop! Glad to see you back in action and posting again!! You always have something interesting to say ... and we're happy to help you show it off!

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Haha, thank you! It's good to be back - although I need to get back into the groove of things with Discord still ;)

Thanks for featuring my stuff in the latest curation post! :D

I will definitely check out your new series and show some love - I hit some of your stuff with full votes last night from the group account :)

Chat soon!

I saw! TYVM. And bless you! Stay safe! Keep writing. And posting.

Thanks for such a well-done highlight of the upcoming hard forks, @fatpandadesign! I love how you just gave a short and sweet synopsis, and a link for more information instead of putting it all in your article.

Is it out of pure greed, or are these proposed forks truly trying to solve Bitcoin's woes?

A very valid question! I'm asking the same thing.

I have upvoted and resteemed this post, and am following you now, too. I found the link to this article on #unmentionables.


Oof I had no idea that they were going to be doing this many forks - this seems a little overkill :|

I'm just gonna be over here with my LTC k thx. haha

Do you think that any of these are actually going to be worth it?

Also, smart move on LTC - I'm long on that one too. It's seeing some really great gains right now!

hell yeah! I bought my first 10 LTC at $46 - I really hope it goes sky high :D

Right?! And who knows how many more are coming in 2018.

I'm sure a few of these will stick, but at some point the cryptosphere will open their eyes and see these forks for what they really are - just another way to scrape up more cash.

This is nuts, what is going on with all these forks? They are certainly using some creativity with these faux ventures. With the bitcoin hype, they'll do very well considering the amount of crypto-ignorance among all of the new speculators. Bitcoin X? Bitcoin Cash Plus? At some point everyone will realize these are actually knock-offs. @ironshield

Absolutely BONKERS! I guess it's time to move the good ol' BTC to the private wallets again!

waw are you sreious or is this a joke?

These are really happening. It's complete madness - it's pretty much the equivalent of quantitative easing.

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I have moved into alts. I guess I will be missing out on trying to separate bitcoins into all of these forks. I guess I'll be sorry for the big gains that will undoubtedly come like with Bitcoin Cash.

how many of these are just scam coins? seems like they're forking bitcoin just for their own greed, its hard to tell which are actually legit and trying to help the bitcoin community

My exact thoughts. They're basically printing money.

I think these forked coins are just preparing for the coming bitcoin crash. When the bubble burts all the money from bitcoin is gonna come pouring into these coins creating a massive pump. These coins are like their safety net. Its a bit unethical

Shame on them

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