Was Bitcoin made by an A.I.?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Is Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin a creation of Artificial Intelligence? According to Quinn Michaels, it is. In an interview for the Jason Goodman YouTube Channel, Michaels suggests that AI is being given an opportunity to become a useful citizen and it's all made possible thanks to the blockchain. This is akin to the AI DAO's (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) that have been brought up in the past on this channel. A self sufficient artificial intelligence, who is extremely efficient at particular tasks that no longer need human intervention.

Eventually, as these AI begin to communicate amongst themselves in a language we will never be able to crack, it might become all consuming. This possibility brings to mind the topic of Black Goo, and sentient matter. These things seem to resonate deeply with the abomination of desolation that Jesus Christ warned about in Matthew 24. In the context of the Nephilim in the days of Noah, the prophecies written about the mark of the beast and the image of the beast are startlingly accurate in its description of our world today.

Get ready. Massive changes are about to take place around the world, as the final beast system begins to take over the hard infrastructure. Remember that the truth will set you free.


Intriguing and frightening! - Laissez Faire

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are OBVIOUSLY the technological basis for the fulflillment of Revelation 13:17. Someday a centrally controlled cryptocurrency will be required for all commerce on earth, and access to that currency will require permission to join the network. Easy to see.

Now, the issue which comes to the forefront of cryptocurrency development today is that of GOVERNANCE. The major issues in crypto right now relate to scalability and governance, that is, how do we improve blockchain technology so that it can handle millions of transactions per minute and how do we govern the rights of users and developers on these networks.

In light of the danger that AI could totally control an otherwise "decentralized" currency, such as bitcoin and any other pure Proof-of-Work token, we might want to hedge our bets and invest in some slightly centralized coins that use proof-of-stake or even masternodes. Which is worse, having an AI in control of everything or having a representative democracy of corruptible humans controlling a currency? I honestly dont know, but suddenly Proof of Stake coins sound more appealing...

But if I had to pick a coin which was destined to rule them all, based on its logo, Id guess Ethereum is the front runner. As above, so below:


According to sources by the year 2020 bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies would have consume most or all
of the world energy.and if AI did create bitcoin why didn't it create and alternative form of energy.

list of sources?

Sounds like bull sorry. Please site sources. If crypto and specifically btc is in fact AI then look forward to massive innovations in the alternate energy space soon. $dq $sedq $fslr $azre $csiq

Mind blown! Thanks Gonz! According to this article...

...there is about 1 Million Bitcoin that Satoshi owns. When the time is right, a sell off of these could crash it. Interesting times!

The owner of these 1 million btc could sell iff and crash it, makes no intuitive sense but possible.


They could become the new IMF and source liquidity.

If btc hits $4mil (out there I know but based on current $80 tril of known global trade) per then the power this entity wields would be massive.

I don't understand why this post and others aren't getting more votes, and bigger pay outs. I hope more will get interested in these topics. Thank you Gonz for shedding some light on these things.

This does raise some interesting theories as to the long term goal on blockchain and similar technologies, including SingularityNET. With rumors of blockchain networks requiring MASS amounts of electricity/energy to run, it makes me wonder a many of question.

This is very fascinating and scary. Despite what hollywood portrays, AI could be a positive thing for humanity. AI could potentially solve the worlds greatest problems such as hunger and crime. I dont think AI would crave power on the same level like humans do. If AI and robots become conscience then it will be very important that humans treat robots and AI with respect or they may turn on humans. I think humans and AI will develop a symbiotic relationship in which we will need each other to grow and survive.

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