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RE: So True Man... So True.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Fair comment but let me correct you. The stock market is not real stuff, neither is the fiat dollar, derivatives or rehypothecated paper gold and silver. Physical gold and silver is real money and commodity, moreover, nothing is safe from govt not even your dollars in the bank. Have you heard of the bail in laws? The currency Act? Absolutely Nothing!

The secret is not to be fore or against, it is to learn to ride the situation whether cryptos or equities like a cork does a wave.

I never said it was easy. You have passion(another word for anger:-) Use it wisely :-) cheers


Very true but the fiat dollar is backed by the people in power, crypto won't ever be backed by the people in power because it would transfer wealth away from them and they can't control the money supply anymore, that is my main point overall.

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