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RE: The Cryptotarian Experiment = Government's Trial Balloon = More Loss of Liberty

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Technology = Raising Cain's generation = Comes on like The Flood over the whole world = Many swept away in IT (information technology) = 0/1 duality underlies ALL codes & digital systems, including cryptocurrencies = Duality is the Devil = Cain driven to murder brother Abel = Abel cared for sheep in the hills (meta-physics) while Cain laboured using technology to till lowlands (physics) = same story with busy Martha angry with meditative Mary = Yeshua said that Mary had the better part = Physical materialists always angry with meta-physicians whose works are NOT visible, but spiritual = Yeshua killed as Abel was by worldly, physical materialists = technology is human-produced, physical tools as in Cain's generation = IT ALL ends in The Flood = Many swept away by flood of technology, information, & now crypto-craze!
Life does NOT need technological crutches and is better off without IT!
IT is dualistic hardware & software.
Burn out hardware - by solar flare, polar flip or EMP weapon - and software becomes strings of 0/1 gibberish!
Duality is the Devil.
"Hear oh Israel, the Lord thy God is one."
One God is not a number in a series of many, but one-all-inclusive as Infinity includes ALL finite forms & Eternity includes ALL temporal forms.
Life, God, is within living humans.
Cain's generation labours by its own hands, its human technology, to survive physically. Cain gets angry with Abel who lives at ease in the hills (meta-physics) with his flocks. So too today, those pushing technology & now cryptos & blockchain get angry with those who have no need for it. They try to get everyone swept away in their systems, chained, linked, connected to Hell!
Cain's generation ends in The Flood.
Noah is descended from Seth who replaced Abel.
Infinite One replaces ALL killed unjustly, ALL whom are chosen from the beginning.
Cain is raised, not by God, but by humans bent on depending on their own hands & efforts for survival. Technology is NOT the Way of God!
ALL die in this physical, material fallen world. Technology does NOT save humans from this fate. IT may lead to prolonged horrors as humans become entangled in their own devices. Technology may appear to have advantages, but ultimately IT leads to death, as with Cain's generation which is separated from Truth, Life, God!
Life does not need human technology.
Throw away your crutches & walk in the Way naturally provided by God.
No crypto codes are gonna get any human to heaven!
Life will be denied those who try, insist & depend on human technology crutches. This is The Lie sweeping the world right now. This is The Lie that will overwhelm many with its deception. They are being led astray into the depths of Hell, which is separation from God, from Truth, from Life Eternal.
The lost go sell their souls for cryptic tokens, bits, pieces, coin offerings which are productions out of Hell, out of the Devil's mind which is Duality, split 0/1 codes of electronic systems which can flip faster than an eye blink!
What a set-up we have going here for many to lose their souls in Hell!
Cryptos, blockchains, links, connections, systems for prisoners to be bound, entangled in as they see their dreamed-up crypto riches disappear into the place they were dreamed up from. 0/1 codes produced by Cain's generation, raised by human minds, not raised by God who sends that generation to perish in its own flood of information & chaos.


I think there are always 2 ways to look at things. Im holding onto Matt 25 :14-30. Why not use something to multiply your talents to further your riches for the glory of God?

Hi busboy, The Parable of the Talents you refer to is not meant to teach us to further our worldly riches... Matt. 19:23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
The story of Yeshua clearly teaches that he didn't seek worldly riches or position.
Human minds, as you say, may "think there are always 2 ways to look at things."
However, the Way of God is one, not of two minds, but of one mind.
I equate double-mindedness, being in two minds, or looking two ways with duality which is an impersonal word meaning the same personal Devil.
The Devil operates in all human minds. This is the struggle we all have with our "selves" which is a circular self-referential false duality. Humans seemingly have a physical material side and a mental spiritual side. However, the physical worldly side is a passing shadow, while the mental spiritual side is dualistic.
Human spirit split from "Our father who art in heaven" (Infinite/Eternal) and fell into separation or sin or the big lie of our father the Devil (bondage in finite space and time), false duality of things.
All true riches are from God and are spiritual. The talents symbolise this. Our abilities are to be used to return all glory to God whence they came. We are not to hide our light under a worldly bushel, meaning we are not to block God's Light from shining through us. These are NOT our human talents to possess selfishly. All talents, all riches are from God and return to God.
Worldly, two-minded humans may wrongly think they are furthering their worldly riches and working to further God's work both at the same time. That's a false prosperity gospel propagated by many so-called "christians" whose churches have been gutted by Satan from their beginnings - Read the first few chapters of Revelations, messages to the 7 churches. Especially the message to the last church in Laodicea. I visited all 7 church sites. Laodicea is the only site where no church or settlement exists. And that is a prophecy for our "christian churches" today! They've all succombed to Devilish distortions that block us from Truth, from God, from Eternal Life.
We are not here for worldly gains, but rather to overcome the world and such false teachings. For God is Spirit and we worship in Spirit and Truth. Two-mindedness allows the Devil the benefit of our doubts, and from such dark doubting and denials of Truth spring up false, erronous thoughts that lead us astray away from The Way.

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